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<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $Locations[$].length > 0>> <<set _char = $Characters[$Locations[$][0]]>> <<ShowNpcIcon _char>> <<if $player.getRelationship( >= 90>> <<set _charLust = _char.stats.lust.value>> <<if _charLust <= 10>> <<set _maxSexCount = 1>> <<elseif _charLust > 10 && _charLust <= 20>> <<set _maxSexCount = 2>> <<elseif _charLust > 20 && _charLust <= 35>> <<set _maxSexCount = 3>> <<elseif _charLust > 35 && _charLust <= 50>> <<set _maxSexCount = 4>> <<elseif _charLust > 50 && _charLust <= 75>> <<set _maxSexCount = 4>> <<elseif _charLust > 75 && _charLust <= 90>> <<set _maxSexCount = 5>> <<elseif _charLust > 90>> <<set _maxSexCount = 6>> <</if>> <<if _char.dailyEvents.getOrRegisterEvent(, "Sex", 0) < _maxSexCount && _char.stats.potency.value > _char.stats.potency.min>> <<Chat _char "Having fun? Can I join you?">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Yes" "ChooseSexType">> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_char)>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "No" "Jerk_off">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <<else>> <<Chat _char "I would gladly join you, but I am very tired.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Ok" "Jerk_off">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</if>> <<else>> <<run _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(-1.0, -5.0, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player _char _relUpgrd>> <<Chat _char "Ugh, you can't do this alone?">> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $jerkType == "Jerk Off">> <<unset $jerkType>> <<goto "Jerk_off">> <<elseif $jerkType == "Dildo">> <<unset $jerkType>> <<goto "DildoType">> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<switch $player.gender()>> <<case "Male">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\JerkOff\\Male\\' + Random(0, 6, false) + '.mp4'>> <<case "Female">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\JerkOff\\Female\\' + Random(0, 8, false) + '.mp4'>> <<case "Shemale">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\JerkOff\\Shemale\\' + Random(0, 1, false) + '.mp4'>> <</switch>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage "You're jerking off.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Cum" "Jerk_off_Cum">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set $player.stats.potency.decrease(1)>> <<set $player.status.horny.value = $player.status.horny.min>> <<switch $player.gender()>> <<case "Male">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\JerkOff\\Male\\Cum\\' + Random(0, 2, false) + '.mp4'>> <<case "Female">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\JerkOff\\Female\\Cum\\' + Random(0, 2, false) + '.mp4'>> <<case "Shemale">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\JerkOff\\Shemale\\Cum\\' + Random(0, 2, false) + '.mp4'>> <</switch>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage "You're cumming.">> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $player.stats.potency.value == $player.stats.potency.min>> <<ChatMessage "Lack of sexual stamina">> <div class="padding-top"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> </div> <<else>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Dildo(Anal)" "DildoAction">><<set $trainType = "Anal">><</button>></div> <<if $player.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <div class="btn"><<button "Dildo(Vag)" "DildoAction">><<set $trainType = "Vag">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Dildo(Oral)" "DildoAction">><<set $trainType = "Oral">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<switch $trainType>> <<case "Anal">> <<switch $player.gender()>> <<case "Female">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\Dildo\\' + $player.gender() + '\\Anal\\' + Random(0, 8, false) + '.mp4'>> <<case "Male">> <<run $player.status.horny.increase(Random(5, 20))>> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\Dildo\\' + $player.gender() + '\\' + Random(0, 9, false) + '.mp4'>> <<case "Shemale">> <<run $player.status.horny.increase(Random(5, 20))>> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\Dildo\\' + $player.gender() + '\\' + Random(0, 9, false) + '.mp4'>> <</switch>> <<run $player.body.anusSize.increase(Random(0.3, 0.8, true))>> <<case "Vag">> <<run $player.body.vaginaSize.increase(Random(0.3, 0.8, true))>> <<run $player.status.horny.increase(Random(5, 20))>> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\Dildo\\' + $player.gender() + '\\' + Random(0, 11, false) + '.mp4'>> <<case "Oral">> <<switch $player.gender()>> <<case "Female">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\Dildo\\' + $player.gender() + '\\Oral\\' + Random(0, 1, false) + '.mp4'>> <<case "Male">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\Dildo\\' + $player.gender() + '\\Oral\\' + Random(0, 2, false) + '.mp4'>> <<case "Shemale">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\Dildo\\Female\\Oral\\' + Random(0, 1, false) + '.mp4'>> <</switch>> <<case "Cum">> <<set $player.stats.potency.decrease(1)>> <<set $player.status.horny.value = $player.status.horny.min>> <<switch $player.gender()>> <<case "Female">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\Dildo\\' + $player.gender() + '\\Cum\\' + Random(0, 1, false) + '.mp4'>> <<case "Male">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\Dildo\\' + $player.gender() + '\\Cum\\' + Random(0, 5, false) + '.mp4'>> <<case "Shemale">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\Dildo\\' + $player.gender() + '\\Cum\\' + Random(0, 5, false) + '.mp4'>> <</switch>> <</switch>> <<Video _pick>> <<if $player.status.horny.value >= $player.status.horny.max && $trainType != "Oral">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Cum" "DildoAction">><<set $trainType = "Cum">> <<set $player.status.horny.value = $player.status.horny.min>><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "DildoType">><<unset $trainType>><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Insult" "AggresiveType">><<set $agressiveAction = "Insult">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Interaction" "Interaction">><<set $interactionType = "Aggressive">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Coerce" "Persuade">><<set $persuadeType = "Coerce">><</button>></div> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">><<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<SpendEnergy $player 10>> <hr> <<if $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.value >= 50>> <<set _domChek = true>> <<ChatMessage '$\'s dominance is too high.'>> <<else>> <<set _domChek = false>> <</if>> <<if $player.stats.dominance.value >= 50>> <<set _playerDomChek = true>> <<else>> <<set _playerDomChek = false>> <<ChatMessage 'Your dominance is too low.'>> <<set $player.stats.dominance.decrease(Random(1.0, 3.0))>> <</if>> <<if _playerDomChek == false>> <<run _msg = "Fear envelops you and there is nothing you can do. This experience only reinforces your indecisiveness.">> <<else>> <<switch $agressiveAction>> <<case "Insult">> <<if _domChek == true>> <<run _msg = $ + " got angry and attacked you">> <<else>> <<run _msg = $ + " looks at you fearfully and steps back.">> <<set $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.decrease(Random(3.0, 5.0))>> <<set $player.stats.dominance.increase(Random(1.0, 3.0))>> <<run $player.getRelationship($, 10, true))>> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC)>> <</if>> <</switch>> <</if>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<if _domChek == true && _playerDomChek == true>> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(-5.0, -10.0)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">><<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> </div> <</if>> <<unset $agressiveAction>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "FightPhrases">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">><<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>><</button>></div> <<if $ == "Pimp">> <div class="btn"><<button "Surrender" "EndOfBattle_Pimp">><<set $LoseBattle = true>><<unset $interactionNpc $fightPhrasesNpcWon $fightPhrasesPlayerWon>> <</button>></div> <<elseif $"Aggressive")>> <div class="btn"><<button "Surrender" "AggrisiveWin">><<set $surrenderFight = true>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Surrender" "GiveUpFight">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage 'You gave up, and your dominance has decreased.'>> <<set $player.stats.dominance.decrease(Random(3, 5, true))>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $fightPhrasesNpcWon $fightPhrasesPlayerWon>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<include "CheckSexPref">> <<if _sexPrefResult == true && $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Penis" && $interactionNpc.stats.potency.value != $interactionNpc.stats.potency.min>> <<if $surrenderFight == true>> <<set _msg = "After your surrendered, " + $ + " approaches you with a smirk and begins to strip off your clothes">> <<else>> <<set _msg = "After your surrendered, " + $ + " approaches you with a smirk and begins to strip off your clothes">> <</if>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "PassiveSex">><<set $sexType = "hoockerWork">><<set $aggresiveFuck = true>><</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $gameSettings.contentFilter.PlayerFeminization == true>> <<run $player.body.face.increase(Random(0.05, 0.5, true))>> <<run $player.body.breastSize.increase(Random(0.05, 0.5, true))>> <<run $player.body.buttSize.increase(Random(0.05, 0.5, true))>> <<set _pron = $interactionNpc.pronoun().toLowerCase()>> <<if $surrenderFight == true>> <<set _msg = "After your surrendered, " + _pron + " takes out pink pills from " + $interactionNpc.pronounHisHer() + " pocket and makes you swallow them. Due to these pills, you feel a burning sensation throughout your body.">> <<else>> <<set _msg = "After " + $ + " defeats you, " + _pron + " takes out pink pills from " + $interactionNpc.pronounHisHer() + " pocket and makes you swallow them. Due to these pills, you feel a burning sensation throughout your body.">> <</if>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $fightPhrasesNpcWon $fightPhrasesPlayerWon>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> </div> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'The player feminization content is blocked, as the \'Forced Player Feminization\' option is disabled in the content filter'>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $fightPhrasesNpcWon $fightPhrasesPlayerWon>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> </div> <</if>> <<unset $surrenderFight>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<ChanceButton "Casual conversation" "Casual_Conversation_Talk" $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 50, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' "Casual Conversation" '<<set $fromPhone = true>>'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Where are you?" "WhereAreYou">><</button>></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Come to me' 'ComeToMe_Phone' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 70, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'ComeToMe'>> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "Phone">><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<set _loc = $>> <<switch _loc>> <<case "DormRoom">> <<set _msg = "I'm in my room.">> <<case "DormCorridor">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the dormitory corridor">> <<case "CollegeHall">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the college hall">> <<case "Auditorium">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the auditorium">> <<case "WomensRestroom">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the college restroom">> <<case "MensRestroom">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the college restroom">> <<case "Campus">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the campus">> <<case "Mall">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the mall">> <<case "RedLightDistrict">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the red-light district">> <<case "GiftShop">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the gift shop">> <<case "Pharmacy">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the pharmacy">> <<case "Grocery">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the grocery">> <<case "FitnessClub">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the gym">> <<case "Park">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the park">> <<case "ParkRestrooms">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the park restroom.">> <<case "ClothingStore">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the park clothing store">> <<case "SexShop">> <<set _msg = "I'm in the park sex shop">> <<default>> <<set _msg = "I'm walking around the city.">> <</switch>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _msg>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CallToCharacter">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'ComeToMe_Phone_Succes' 'ComeToMe_Phone_Failed' 'ComeToMe_Phone_Failed_Twice' 'CallToCharacter' 'ComeToMe' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $ == "DormRoom">> <<set _lockRelocate = "DormCorridor">> <<else>> <<set _lockRelocate = $>> <</if>> <<set _phrase = [ "Alright, I’ll head over in a bit!", "Sure thing! I’ll be there soon.", "Sounds good. I’ll be on my way!", "Yeah, I can come by. See you soon!", "Alright, I’m coming! Just give me a few minutes.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($Characters.indexOf($interactionNpc), _lockRelocate)>> <<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Sorry, I can’t make it right now.", "I don’t think I can come by today.", "Thanks for the invite, but I’m not able to.", "Nah, I’m just gonna stay in tonight.", "I’d love to, but I can’t right now.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CallToCharacter">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "I already said I’m not coming, so drop it.", "Seriously, I can’t come over. Stop pushing.", "Look, I told you no. Let’s leave it there.", "How many times do I have to say I’m not coming?", "Enough already. I’m not coming over, end of story.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CallToCharacter">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _canTakeClothOff = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<include "Appearance">> <hr> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "knows you") == false>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Introduce yourself" "GetAcquainted">><</button>></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" $>><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<goto "CharacterInteractions">> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="chat-container" style="padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;"> <p>$ $ $ <<print $interactionNpc.gender()>>. With a <<if $interactionNpc.clothes.hasClothingType(1) == false && $interactionNpc.clothes.hasClothingType(2) == false>> __<<link $interactionNpc.getBreastText()>> <<script>> Dialog.setup(SugarCube.State.variables.interactionNpc.getBreastText());;; <</script>> <</link>>__ <<else>> <span style="color: #fff;"><<print $interactionNpc.getBreastText()>></span> under clothing <</if>> and <<if $interactionNpc.clothes.hasClothingType(0) == false && $interactionNpc.clothes.hasClothingType(3) == false>> __<<link $interactionNpc.getButtText()>> <<script>> Dialog.setup(SugarCube.State.variables.interactionNpc.getButtText());;; <</script>> <</link>>__ <<else>> <span style="color: #fff;"><<print $interactionNpc.getButtText()>></span> under clothing. <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.clothes.clothingItems.size > 0>> <<set _isHasCloth = false>> <br><<print $interactionNpc.pronoun()>> is wearing: <<for _i = 0; _i <= 8; _i++>> <<capture _i>> <<if $interactionNpc.clothes.hasClothingType(_i)>> <<if (_i == 0 && $interactionNpc.clothes.hasClothingType(3)) || (_i == 1 && $interactionNpc.clothes.hasClothingType(2))>> <<continue>> <</if>> <<if _isHasCloth == true>> , <</if>> <<set _isHasCloth = true>> __<<link $interactionNpc.clothes.getFirstClothingItemByType(_i).name>> <<run Dialog.setup($interactionNpc.clothes.getFirstClothingItemByType(_i).name)>> <<run$interactionNpc.clothes.getFirstClothingItemByType(_i).getImg())>> <<run;>> <</link>>__ <<capture _i>> <<if _canTakeClothOff == true>> __<<link " (take off)" "TakeOff_clothes">> <<set $clothID = _i>> <</link>>__ <</if>> <</capture>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.clothes.hasClothingType(0) == false && $interactionNpc.clothes.hasClothingType(3) == false>> <<if $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Penis">> . <<print $interactionNpc.pronoun()>> have a <<print Math.trunc($interactionNpc.body.penisSize.value)>>-centimeter penis. <<else>> . <<print $interactionNpc.pronoun()>> have a vagina. <</if>> <</if>> </p> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _canTakeClothOff = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $ "Pimp's whore">> <<goto "Whore_Of_Pimp">> <<elseif $ == "Martial Arts Instructor">> <<goto "FightTrainer">> <<elseif $ == "Fitness Trainer">> <<goto "FitnesTrainer">> <<elseif $ == "Brothel Security">> <<goto "PimpSecurity_Pimp">> <<elseif $ == "Pimp" && $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Is a pimp's whore")>> <<goto "Pimp_PimpsWhoreEvent">> <<elseif $interactionNpc.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "IsSurgeonPimp")>> <<goto "PimpSurgeon_Pimp">> <</if>> <<if Random(0,100) > 86 && $gameSettings.contentFilter.NPC_Activity == true && $ != "Hooker" && $player.getRelationship($ < 50 && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "EventChatBegin") == false>> <<set $FromInteraction = true>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "EventChatBegin", 1)>> <<include "EventChoose">> <</if>> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<ShowRelationsBar $player $interactionNpc "Both">> <<include "Appearance">> <hr> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>> <<if $ < 15>> <<ChatMessage "You're too tired.">> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $ >= 15>> <<include "GetJobCheck">> <<if $dateTime.hours >= 8 && $dateTime.hours <=20>> <<if $ == "Gift seller">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy gifts" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Gift">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ == "Pharmacist">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy medicine" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Drug">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ == "Grocer">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy food" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Food">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ == "Clothing Seller">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy clothes" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Clothing">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ == "Sex Shop Worker">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy Toys" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "SexToy">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ "Photographer" && $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Buy a photo studio") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Photo shoot" "Photographer">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ == "Porn director">> <div class="btn"><<button "Porn shoot" "PornShooting">><</button>></div> <</if>> /*finish */ <<if ($ == "Pharmacist" || $ == "Gift seller" || $ == "Grocer" || $ == "Fitness Trainer" || $ == "Martial Arts Instructor" || $ == "Clothing Seller" || $ == "Sex Shop Worker") && $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Penis" && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "SuckForDiscount") == false>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "SuckForDiscount") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Get a discount for a blowjob" "DiscountFirst">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Get a discount for a blowjob" "DiscontForBlowjob">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $ == "Plastic Surgeon">> <div class="btn"><<button "Plastic surgery" "PlasticSurgery">><<set $isPlayer = true>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Drug testing" "DrugTesting">><<set $isPlayer = true>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "SuckForDiscount") == false>> <<set _finalCost = 100>> <<else>> <<set _discount = (100 * 20) / 100>> <<set _finalCost = 100 - _discount>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $ == "Gift seller">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy gifts" "NPCWorker_NoTime">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ == "Pharmacist">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy medicine" "NPCWorker_NoTime">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ == "Grocer">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy food" "NPCWorker_NoTime">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ == "Clothing Seller">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy clothes" "NPCWorker_NoTime">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ == "Sex Shop Worker">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy Toys" "NPCWorker_NoTime">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ == "Photographer" && $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Buy a photo studio") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Photo shoot" "NPCWorker_NoTime">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ == "Porn director">> <div class="btn"><<button "Porn shoot" "PornShooting">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ == "Plastic Surgeon">> <div class="btn"><<button "Plastic surgery" "NPCWorker_NoTime">><<set $isPlayer = true>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "SuckForDiscount") == false>> <<set _finalCost = 100>> <<else>> <<set _discount = (100 * 20) / 100>> <<set _finalCost = 100 - _discount>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $ == "Hooker">> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Hooker management" "HookerTalk">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Sexual services (500$)" "AskSexServices">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Training" "SexTrainer_Hooker">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $ == "Pimp">> <div class="btn"><<button "Ask questions" "AskQuestions_Pimp">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Ask" "KnowsBetter">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Talk About" "TalkAboutSome">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Romance" "Romance">><</button>></div> <<if ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Pimp") || $ != "Pimp">> <div class="btn"><<button "Persuade" "Persuade">><<set $persuadeType = "Persuade">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Give Item" "GiveItems">><<set $filterType = "All">><<unset $source>><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Aggressive" "AggressiveActions">><</button>></div> <<if $ == "None" || $ == "Student" >> <<if $playerFollowers.length == 0 && $playerFollowers.includes($ == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Follow me" "TryNPCFollow">> <</button>></div> <<elseif $playerFollowers.includes($ == false>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Follow me">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $playerFollowers.includes($>> <div class="btn"><<button "Stop following me" $>> <<set $playerFollowers.splice($playerFollowers.indexOf($>> <<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <</button>></div> <</if>> /*finish */ <<if $ >= 150 && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "InviteToBar") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Invite to a bar ($150)" "InviteToBar">><<set $playerFollowers = []>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Invite to a bar ($150)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Stats" "DrawCharacterStats">><<set $fromInteractions = true>><<set $isPlayer = false>><</button>></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "NudeCheck">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Sorry, I'm not working at this time. Please come during working hours.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<set _jobTitle = ($ == "None" ? "Citizen" : $>> <<set _msg = "Hi. I'm " + $ + ".">> <<Chat $interactionNpc _msg>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "knows you", 1)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc 5>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<if $interactionNpc.clothes.isNude(($ == "men")) == true>> <<if $interactionNpc.stats.lust.value > 70 || $ == "Hooker">> <<unset $interactionNpc>> <<goto $>> <<else>> <<run _pronoun = $interactionNpc.pronounHisHer().toLowerCase()>> <<if $ != "DormRoom">> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC, "DormRoom")>> <<set _msg = $ + " blushes and runs off to her room to put on " + _pronoun + " clothes.">> <<else>> <<set _msg = $ + " is going to " + _pronoun + " wardrobe and putting on new clothes.">> <</if>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<BackButton "<<run $interactionNpc.wearMaximumClothing()>> <<run $interactionNpc.AddCloth(false, true)>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <</if>> <<else>> <<unset $interactionNpc>> <<goto $>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Daddy, have you decided to test my skills?">> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Madam, have you decided to test my skills?">> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex" "Sex">><<set $sexType = "hoocker">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ < 500>> <<ChatMessage "You don't have enough money.">> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <<elseif $ >= 10>> <<run $ -= 500>> <<if $player.calculateFemininity() > 5>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Sure, beauty. Let's find somewhere more secluded.">> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Sure, handsome. Let's find somewhere more secluded.">> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex" "Sex">><<set $sexType = "hoocker">><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<ChatMessage "You're too tired for this.">> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<TalkAbout $player $interactionNpc "music" "TalkAdoutMusic">> <<TalkAbout $player $interactionNpc "politics" "TalkAdoutPolitics">> <<TalkAbout $player $interactionNpc "films" "TalkAdoutFilms">> <<TalkAbout $player $interactionNpc "traveling" "TalkAdoutTraveling">> <<TalkAbout $player $interactionNpc "books" "TalkAdoutBooks">> <<TalkAbout $player $interactionNpc "study" "TalkAdoutStudy">> <<TalkAbout $player $interactionNpc "work" "TalkAdoutWork">> <<TalkAbout $player $interactionNpc "family" "TalkAdoutFamily">> <<TalkAbout $player $interactionNpc "games" "TalkAdoutGames">> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $fromPhone == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CallToCharacter">><<unset $fromPhone>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Chat" "AskAnything">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "What is your preferred partner gender?" "KnowsBetter_Ask">><<set $ask = "prefGender">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "What is your preferred sex role?" "KnowsBetter_Ask">><<set $ask = "sexRole">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "How dominant are you?" "KnowsBetter_Ask">><<set $ask = "dom">><</button>></div> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Have a phone number") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Ask for a phone number" "AskPhoneNumber">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Tell me about yourself" "DailyConversation">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<if $player.getRelationship($ < 60>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I don't trust you enough yet.">> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Of course, here's my number.">> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Have a phone number", 1)>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Have a phone number", 1)>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "KnowsBetter">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<if $ask == "prefGender">> <<set _role = $>> <<switch _role>> <<case "Manly">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I prefer manly partners.">> <<case "Feminine">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I prefer feminine partners.">> <<case "Bi">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I don't have a preference in a partner.">> <</switch>> <<elseif $ask == "sexRole">> <<set _role = $>> <<switch _role>> <<case "Active">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I prefer to be active.">> <<case "Passive">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I prefer to be passive.">> <<case "Versatile">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I don't have a particular preference.">> <</switch>> <<elseif $ask == "dom">> <<set _dom = $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.value>> <<if _dom <10>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I'm not very dominant at all. I tend to be more passive and prefer others to take the lead.">> <<elseif _dom >= 10 && _dom < 50>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I can be somewhat dominant when needed, but generally, I'm comfortable sharing control or letting others lead.">> <<elseif _dom >= 50 && _dom < 75>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I often find myself taking a dominant role, especially in situations that require leadership or decision-making.">> <<elseif _dom > 75>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I am very dominant in most aspects of my life. I naturally take charge and prefer to lead and make decisions.">> <</if>> <</if>> <<SpendTime 5>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "KnowsBetter">><<unset $ask>><</button>></div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "WorldInfoPhrases">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<set _phrase = _TalkPhrases[Math.floor(Math.random() * _TalkPhrases.length)]>> <<Chat $player _phrase>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<unset _TalkPhrases>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<set _pref = $[$askAbout].value>> <hr> <<switch _pref>> <<case 1>> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(-1.0, -4.0)}>> <<set _answer = $ + " looks angry while talking about " + $askAbout + ".">> <<case 2>> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(-1.0, -2.0)}>> <<set _answer = $ + " looks bored while talking about " + $askAbout + ".">> <<case 3>> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(2.0, 4.0)}>> <<set _answer = $ + " looks interested while talking about " + $askAbout + ".">> <<case 4>> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(4.0, 8.0)}>> <<set _answer = $ + " actively keeps the conversation going.">> <</switch>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <<ChatMessage _answer>> <<SpendTime 5>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "TalkAboutSome">><<unset $askAbout>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Chat") == false>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "Chat", 1)>> <<set $theme = ["music", "politics", "films", "traveling", "books", "study", "work", "games"].random()>> <<set _pref = $[$theme].value>> <<run $[$theme] = true>> <<switch _pref>> <<case 1>> <<set _answer = "I hate " + $theme + ".">> <<case 2>> <<set _answer = "I'm not really interested in " + $theme + ".">> <<case 3>> <<set _answer = "I like " + $theme + ".">> <<case 4>> <<set _answer = "I adore " + $theme + ".">> <</switch>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _answer>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Enough talk for today.">> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "KnowsBetter">> <<unset $askAbout>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _sexPrefResult = false>> <<switch $>> <<case "Feminine">> <<if $player.calculateFemininity() > 5>> <<set _sexPrefResult = true>> <</if>> <<case "Manly">> <<if $player.calculateFemininity() <= 5>> <<set _sexPrefResult = true>> <</if>> <<case "Bi">> <<set _sexPrefResult = true>> <</switch>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "CheckSexPref">> <<if _sexPrefResult == false>> <<goto "DiscountNotPref">> <<elseif $ < 10>> <<goto "Discount_NotEnoughEnergy">> <</if>> <<SetOralPick $interactionNpc.gender() $player.gender()>> <<set _youIcon = $player.getPhotoImage()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Alright, let's go to the storeroom. I think we can work out that discount.">> <<set _msg = "You and " + $ + " enter the storeroom. Then, you kneel down in front of " + $>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<set _msg = $ + " pulls out " + $interactionNpc.pronounHisHer() + " cock, and you start sucking it.">> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<run _textDialog = getSexDialog(true, "Oral", "Like")>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _textDialog>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Discount_Cum">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "CheckSexPref">> <<if _sexPrefResult == false>> <<goto "DiscountNotPref">> <</if>> <<set _youIcon = $player.getPhotoImage()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Hello! Can I help you?">> <<Chat $player "I was wondering, could you offer me a discount?">> <<set _msg = $ + " looks around, then back at you. " + $interactionNpc.pronoun() + " raises an eyebrow in surprise.">> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "A discount? What do you mean?">> <<set _msg = "You lean closer to " + $ + " and whisper something in" + $interactionNpc.pronounHisHer() + " ear. " + $ + "'s eyes widen in shock, and " + $interactionNpc.pronoun() + " looks around to make sure no one is watching.">> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Are you serious? You want me to give you a discount for... this?">> <<set _msg = "You nods confidently. " + $ + " takes a deep breath and then smiles at you.">> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "DiscontForBlowjob">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SpendEnergy $player 10>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "SuckForDiscount", 1)>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "SuckForDiscount") == false>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "SuckForDiscount", 1)>> <</if>> <<SetOralPick $interactionNpc.gender() $player.gender()>> <<if Random(0,100) >= 50>> <<SetOralCumInPick $interactionNpc.gender() $player.gender()>> <<set _msg = $ + " is cumming in your mouth.">> <<else>> <<SetOralCumOutPick $interactionNpc.gender() $player.gender()>> <<set _msg = $ + " is cumming on your face.">> <</if>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Good boy, you've earned a discount.">> <<elseif $player.gender() == "Shemale">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Good tranny, you've earned a discount.">> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Good girl, you've earned a discount.">> <</if>> <<ChatMessage "Throughout today, you have a 20% discount.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "You're not my type.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage "Not enough energy.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<include "Appearance">> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Training" "LearnfightTechniques">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Tournament" "Tournament_FightTrainer">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Ask" "KnowsBetter">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Talk About" "TalkAboutSome">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Romance" "Romance">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Persuade" "Persuade">><<set $persuadeType = "Persuade">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Give Item" "GiveItems">><<set $filterType = "All">><<unset $source>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" $>><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<include "ShowCharMoves">> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _movesName = ["Backhand Strike", "Knee Strike", "Elbow Strike", "Roundhouse Kick", "Headbutt"]>> <<for _i = 0; _i < _movesName.length; _i++>> <<run _element = $player.saveData.get(_movesName[_i])>> <<if _element == undefined || _element < 100>> <<capture _movesName[_i]>> <<run _moveName = (_movesName[_i] + " (" + (_element == undefined ? 0 : _element) + "/" + "100) $50")>> <<if $ >= 50 && $ >= 10>> <div class="btn"><<button _moveName "learnMove">><<set $learnMove = _movesName[_i]>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button _moveName "learnMove">><<set $learnMove = _movesName[_i]>><</button>></div> <</if>> <</capture>> <</if>> <</for>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<run _element = $player.saveData.get($learnMove)>> <<if _element == undefined>> <<run _newElement = Random(1,7)>> <<else>> <<run _newElement = _element + Random(1,7)>> <</if>> <<if _newElement >= 100>> <<set _newElement = 100>> <<ChatMessage 'You have fully mastered the technique.'>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'You have advanced in learning technique. (_newElement/100)'>> <</if>> <<set $ -= 50>> <<run $player.saveData.set($learnMove, _newElement)>> <<run $>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "LearnfightTechniques">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Tell me about the tournament" "TournamentInfo_FightTrainer">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "I want to participate in the tournament" "TournamentStart">><<set $fightType = "tournament">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Training fight" "TournamentStart">><<set $fightType = "trainingt">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'In the tournament, you will have to win 10 fights. After winning one fight, your rank will increase, and in the next fight, you will face a stronger opponent. After each fight, if you win, you will receive a reward.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Tournament_FightTrainer">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _currentStage = $player.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "TournamentStage", 1)>> <<if _currentStage < 11 && $fightType == "tournament">> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Alright, are you ready for the fight?'>> <<include "ChooseOpponentTournament_FightTrainer">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Start the fight">> <<ResetInterractionNpc $tournamentEnemy>> <<unset $tournamentEnemy>> <<set $isTournament = true>> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: false, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "FinishFight_FightTrainer" _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $fightType == "trainingt">> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Alright, are you ready for the fight?'>> <<include "ChooseOpponentTournament_FightTrainer">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Start the fight">> <<ResetInterractionNpc $tournamentEnemy>> <<unset $tournamentEnemy>> <<set $isTournament = true>> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: false, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc $ _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Sorry, champion, we don\'t have any more fighters at your level.'>> <</if>> <<unset $fightType>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><<unset $tournamentEnemy $tournamentAward>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "CharactersData">> <<run $tournamentEnemy = CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "None", SexRole: "Active", gender: "Male", sexualPreference: "Bi", clothesPreference: "men", age: Random(18,30), }, true, false)>> <<unset $maleNames $femaleNames $surnames>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = Random(5, 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = Random(5, 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = Random(5, 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = Random(5, 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = Random(5, 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = Random(5, 100)>> <<if Random(0,100) > 50>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 0)>> <</if>> <<if Random(0,100) > 50>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 0)>> <</if>> <<if Random(0,100) > 50>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 0)>> <</if>> <<if Random(0,100) > 50>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 0)>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "CharactersData">> <<run $tournamentEnemy = CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "None", SexRole: "Active", gender: "Male", sexualPreference: "Bi", clothesPreference: "men", age: Random(18,30), }, true, false)>> <<unset $maleNames $femaleNames $surnames>> <<switch _currentStage>> <<case 1>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = Random(8, 15)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = Random(8, 15)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = Random(8, 15)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = Random(8, 15)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = Random(8, 15)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = Random(8, 15)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 0)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 0)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 0)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 0)>> <<set $tournamentAward = 100>> <<case 2>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = Random(12, 20)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = Random(12, 20)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = Random(12, 20)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = Random(12, 20)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = Random(12, 20)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = Random(12, 20)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 0)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 0)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 0)>> <<set $tournamentAward = 250>> <<case 3>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = Random(18, 27)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = Random(18, 27)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = Random(18, 27)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = Random(18, 27)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = Random(18, 27)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = Random(18, 27)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 0)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 0)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 0)>> <<set $tournamentAward = 400>> <<case 4>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = Random(25, 35)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = Random(25, 35)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = Random(25, 35)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = Random(25, 35)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = Random(25, 35)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = Random(25, 35)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 0)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 0)>> <<set $tournamentAward = 600>> <<case 5>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = Random(35, 45)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = Random(35, 45)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = Random(35, 45)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = Random(35, 45)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = Random(35, 45)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = Random(35, 45)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 0)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 0)>> <<set $tournamentAward = 800>> <<case 6>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = Random(45, 55)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = Random(45, 55)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = Random(45, 55)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = Random(45, 55)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = Random(45, 55)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = Random(45, 55)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 0)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 0)>> <<set $tournamentAward = 1200>> <<case 6>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = Random(55, 70)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = Random(55, 70)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = Random(55, 70)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = Random(55, 70)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = Random(55, 70)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = Random(55, 70)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 0)>> <<set $tournamentAward = 1500>> <<case 7>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = Random(70, 85)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = Random(70, 85)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = Random(70, 85)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = Random(70, 85)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = Random(70, 85)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = Random(70, 85)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 0)>> <<set $tournamentAward = 2000>> <<case 8>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = Random(85, 95)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = Random(85, 95)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = Random(85, 95)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = Random(85, 95)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = Random(85, 95)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = Random(85, 95)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 100)>> <<set $tournamentAward = 3000>> <<case 9>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = Random(95, 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = Random(95, 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = Random(95, 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = Random(95, 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = Random(95, 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = Random(95, 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 100)>> <<set $tournamentAward = 6000>> <<case 10>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.vitality.value = 100>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.strength.value = 100>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.defense.value = 100>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.dexterity.value = 100>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.seduction.value = 100>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value = 100>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 100)>> <<run $tournamentEnemy.saveData.set("Headbutt", 100)>> <<set $tournamentAward = 10000>> <</switch>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $Characters.splice($indexNPC, 1)>> <<for _i = 0; _i < $Characters.length; _i++>> <<set _character = $Characters[_i]>> <<if == "Martial Arts Instructor">> <<set $interactionNpc = _character>> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_character)>> <<break>> <</if>> <</for>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $fightResult == "Win">> <<set _currentStage = $player.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "TournamentStage", 1)>> <<if _currentStage < 10>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Congratulations, you won! Now you\'re one step closer to being the best fighter. Here, take the money for your victory.'>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Congratulations, you defeated the champion! Now you are the champion of our club. Here is your prize.'>> <</if>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "TournamentStage", 1)>> <<set $ += $tournamentAward>> <<unset $tournamentAward>> <<elseif $fightResult == "Lose">> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Unfortunately, you lost. Try again.'>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<include "Appearance">> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Training" "ShowTrainingAttributes_FitnesTrainer">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Ask" "KnowsBetter">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Talk About" "TalkAboutSome">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Romance" "Romance">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Persuade" "Persuade">><<set $persuadeType = "Persuade">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Give Item" "GiveItems">><<set $filterType = "All">><<unset $source>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" $>><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $player.attributes.vitality.value < $player.attributes.vitality.max>> <<if $ >= 10 && $ >= 50>> <div class="btn"><<button "Vitality $50" "Training_FitnesTrainer">><<set $trainType = "Vitality">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Vitality $50">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Vitality (MAX)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $player.attributes.strength.value < $player.attributes.strength.max>> <<if $ >= 10 && $ >= 50>> <div class="btn"><<button "Strength $50" "Training_FitnesTrainer">><<set $trainType = "Strength">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Strength $50">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Strength (MAX)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $player.attributes.defense.value < $player.attributes.defense.max>> <<if $ >= 10 && $ >= 50>> <div class="btn"><<button "Defense $50" "Training_FitnesTrainer">><<set $trainType = "Defense">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Defense $50">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Defense (MAX)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $player.attributes.defense.value < $player.attributes.defense.max>> <<if $ >= 10 && $ >= 50>> <div class="btn"><<button "Dexterity $50" "Training_FitnesTrainer">><<set $trainType = "Dexterity">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Dexterity $50">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Dexterity (MAX)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ >= 10 && $ >= 50>> <div class="btn"><<button "Lose Weight $50" "Training_FitnesTrainer">><<set $trainType = "LoseWeight">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Lose Weight $50">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<switch $trainType>> <<case "Vitality">> <<run $player.attributes.vitality.increase(Random(1,5))>> <<if $player.attributes.vitality.value < $player.attributes.vitality.max>> <<ChatMessage 'You have slightly increased your vitality.'>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'You have increased your vitality to the maximum.'>> <</if>> <<case "Strength">> <<run $player.attributes.strength.increase(Random(1,5))>> <<if $player.attributes.strength.value < $player.attributes.strength.max>> <<ChatMessage 'You have slightly increased your strength.'>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'You have increased your strength to the maximum.'>> <</if>> <<case "Defense">> <<run $player.attributes.defense.increase(Random(1,5))>> <<if $player.attributes.defense.value < $player.attributes.defense.max>> <<ChatMessage 'You have slightly increased your defense.'>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'You have increased your defense to the maximum.'>> <</if>> <<case "Dexterity">> <<run $player.attributes.dexterity.increase(Random(1,5))>> <<if $player.attributes.dexterity.value < $player.attributes.dexterity.max>> <<ChatMessage 'You have slightly increased your dexterity.'>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'You have increased your dexterity to the maximum.'>> <</if>> <<case "LoseWeight">> <<run $player.body.fat.decrease(Random(1, 5, true))>> <<run $player.attributes.strength.decrease(Random(1, 3, true))>> <<ChatMessage 'You have trained well and lost a bit of weight.'>> <</switch>> <<set $ -= 50>> <<run $>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "ShowTrainingAttributes_FitnesTrainer">><<unset $trainType>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<set _curLoc = passage()>> <<if $source != "SpikeDrink_BarEvent">> <<include "Filter">> <</if>> <<if $player.inventory.items.size > 0>> <div class="item-shop-container"> <<for _item range $player.inventory.items>> <<if $filterType != "All">> <<if _item.type != _item.getItemTypeByString($filterType)>> <<continue>> <</if>> <</if>> <<capture _item>> <div class="shop-item"> __<<link '<h3 class="item-title"><<print>></h3>'>> <<run Dialog.setup(>> <<run>> <<run;>> <</link>>__ <hr> <p class="item-quantity">Quantity: <<print _item.quantity>></p> <<if $source == "SpikeDrink_BarEvent">> <div class="btn"> <<button "To spike a drink" "SpikeDrind_InviteToBar">> <<run $filterType = _item.getItemStringByType(_item.type)>> <<set $item = _item>> <<unset $source>> <</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"> <<button "Give" "TryGiveItem">> <<run $filterType = _item.getItemStringByType(_item.type)>> <<set $item = _item>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $source == "SpikeDrink_BarEvent">> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $interactionType $filterType $source>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">> <<unset $filterType>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<set _itemUsed = false>> <<if $filterType == "Drug">> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "GiveDrugs", 0) < 5>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "GiveDrugs", 1)>> <<if ($interactionNpc.stats.dominance.value < 50 && $player.getRelationship($ > 90) || ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker")>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "All right. I'll take it.">> <<set _itemUsed = true>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I don't want to take it.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I've taken enough today.">> <</if>> <<elseif $filterType == "Gift">> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "GotGift" + $, 0) < 1>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "GotGift" + $, 1)>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Thank you.">> <<set _itemUsed = true>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "You already gave it to me today.">> <</if>> <<elseif $filterType == "Clothing" || $filterType == "Food">> <<if $ == $item.additionalDetails.gender || ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker")>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Thank you.">> <<run $interactionNpc.inventory.addItem($item.copy(1))>> <<run $player.inventory.removeItem($, 1)>> <<else>> <<set _clothItem = convertToClothingItem($item)>> <<set _msg = "I don't wear " + $item.additionalDetails.gender + "'s clothing.">> <<Chat $interactionNpc _msg>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _itemUsed == true>> <<run $interactionNpc.useItem($item, $player)>> <<run $player.inventory.removeItem($, 1)>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "GiveItems">><<unset $item>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Instruct to remove the clothing" "Type_of_TakeOff_Clothes">><<set $typeRequest = "instruct">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "request to remove the clothing" "Type_of_TakeOff_Clothes">><<set $typeRequest = "request">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<set _allow = false>> <<switch $typeRequest>> <<case "instruct">> <<if ($interactionNpc.stats.dominance.value < $player.stats.dominance.value || $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.value == $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.max) || ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker")>> <<set _allow = true>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage "Not enough dominance.">> <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.value > 40 && (($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker") == false)>> <<set _allow = false>> <<set _msg = $ + "'s dominance is too high">> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <</if>> <<case "request">> <<if $player.getRelationship($ > 80>> <<set _allow = true>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage "Not enough love level.">> <</if>> <</switch>> <<if _allow == true>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Okay, I'll take it off.">> <<run $interactionNpc.takeOffClothing($interactionNpc.clothes.getFirstClothingItemByType($clothID))>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I won't do that.">> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><<unset $clothID $typeRequest>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<if $interactionNpc.inventory.items.size > 0>> <div class="item-shop-container"> <<for _item range $interactionNpc.inventory.items>> <<if _item.type != _item.getItemTypeByString("Clothing")>> <<continue>> <</if>> <<capture _item>> <div class="shop-item"> __<<link '<h3 class="item-title"><<print>></h3>'>> <<run Dialog.setup(>> <<run>> <<run;>> <</link>>__ <hr> <p class="item-quantity">Quantity: <<print _item.quantity>></p> <p class="item-price">Price: <<print _item.price>>$</p> <p class="item-price">Weight: <<print _item.weight>></p> <div class="btn-row"> <div style="flex-grow: 1; flex-basis: 0; margin: 0 5px;" class="btn"> <<if _item.type == _item.getItemTypeByString("Clothing")>> <<button "Put on" "ChangeNPC_Cloth">> <<run $interactionNpc.useItem(_item, $interactionNpc)>> <<run $interactionNpc.inventory.removeItem(, 1)>> <</button>> <</if>> </div> <div style="flex-grow: 1; flex-basis: 0; margin: 0 5px;" class="btn"> <<button "Throw it" "ChangeNPC_Cloth">> <<run $interactionNpc.inventory.removeItem(, 1)>> <</button>> </div> </div> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>>">> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Hug" "TryInteraction">><<set $interaction = "Hug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Kiss" "TryInteraction">><<set $interaction = "Kiss">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Slap ass" "TryInteraction">><<set $interaction = "Touch Ass">><</button>></div> <<if $interactionNpc.body.breastSize.value > 0>> <div class="btn"><<button "Touch boobs" "TryInteraction">><<set $interaction = "Touch boobs">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $interactionType == "Romance">> <div class="btn"><<button "Ask for sex" "SexCheck">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex" "Rape">><<set $sexType = "Rape">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $interaction == "Romance">> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Romance">><<unset $interaction>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "AggressiveActions">><<unset $interaction>><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _friendship = $player.getRelationship($>> <<set _love = $player.getRelationship($>> <<set _fear = $player.getRelationship($>> <<set _result = false>> <<switch $interaction>> <<case "Hug">> <<if _friendship >= 65 || _love >= 60 || _fear > 30 || ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker")>> <<set _result = true>> <<run _msg = "You and " + $ + " are hugging">> <<else>> <<ChatMessage "Friendship level is below 65 or love level is below 60 or fear level is below 30.">> <</if>> <<case "Kiss">> <<if _love >= 75 || _fear > 50 ||($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker")>> <<set _result = true>> <<run _msg = "You and " + $ + " are kissing">> <<else>> <<ChatMessage "Love level is below 75 or fear level is below 50.">> <</if>> <<case "Touch Ass">> <<if _love >= 85 || _fear > 75 || ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker")>> <<set _result = true>> <<run _msg = "You're touching " + $ + "'s ass">> <<else>> <<ChatMessage "Love level is below 85 or fear level is below 75.">> <</if>> <<case "Touch boobs">> <<if _love >= 90 || _fear > 80 || ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker")>> <<set _result = true>> <<run _msg = "You're touching " + $ + "'s boobs">> <<else>> <<ChatMessage "Love level is below 90 or fear level is below 80.">> <</if>> <</switch>> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, $interaction) == false && _result == true>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, $interaction, 1)>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(2.0, 4.0, true)}>> <<run $interactionNpc.stats.lust.increase(Random(1, 3, true))>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <<elseif _result == false>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(-2.0, -4.0, true)}>> <<run _msg = $ + " gave you a disgruntled look and moved away from you.">> <</if>> <<if $interaction != "Hug" && _result == true && ($interaction == "Touch Ass" && $interactionNpc.gender() == "Male") == false>> <<Interaction $player $interactionNpc>> <</if>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Interaction">><<unset $interaction>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<include "CheckSexPref">> <<if $ == "Hooker">> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Daddy, have you decided to test my skills?">> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Madam, have you decided to test my skills?">> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex" "Sex">><<set $sexType = "hoocker">><</button>></div> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Sorry, baby, I only fuck for money.">> <div class="btn"><<button "Sexual services (500$)" "AskSexServices">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<elseif _sexPrefResult == true>> <<run _love = $player.getRelationship($>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker">> <<if $player.gender() == "Male">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Daddy, have you decided to test my skills?">> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Madam, have you decided to test my skills?">> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex" "Sex">><<set $sexType = "hoocker">><</button>></div> <<elseif _love > 75 && _love < 90>> <<ChatMessage 'Love level is below 90.'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Sorry, baby, I'm not ready for that yet.">> <<elseif _love > 60 && _love <= 75>> <<ChatMessage 'Love level is below 90.'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Sorry, I don't think that's a good idea.">> <<elseif _love > 50 && _love <= 60>> <<ChatMessage 'Love level is below 90.'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I'm not doing this with you.">> <<elseif _love > 35 && _love <= 50>> <<ChatMessage 'Love level is below 90.'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "What makes you think I'm gonna do this with you?">> <<elseif _love <= 35>> <<ChatMessage 'Love level is below 90.'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Get out of here, you pervert.">> <<elseif $Locations[$].length > 1 && $ != "DormRoom">> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'It\'s too crowded here, let\'s find a more secluded place.'>> <<else>> <<goto "ChooseSexType">> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $ == "Manly">> <<ChatMessage 'Your femininity is too high.'>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'Your femininity is too low.'>> <</if>> <<ChatMessage '$ looks at you with disgust.'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "You're not my type.">> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(-2.0, -1.0, true)}>> <</if>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $interactionType>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _fear = $player.getRelationship($>> <<if _fear < 80>> <<ChatMessage 'Fear level is below 80.'>> <<else>> <<goto "Sex">> <</if>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $interactionType>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _isCrowd = false>> <<if $ == "DormRoom" && $Locations[$].length > 1>> <<set _foundNPC = 0>> <<for _i = 0; _i < $Characters.length; _i++>> <<if $ == $Characters[_i].info.residence && $Characters[_i].info.currentLocation == "DormRoom">> <</if>> <</for>> <<elseif $Locations[$].length > 1>> <<set _isCrowd = true>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "Interaction_ChaseAway_Succes" "Interaction_ChaseAway_Failed" "Interaction_ChaseAway_Failed_Twice" "Interactions_Aggressive" "ChaseAway" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: false}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Okay, okay! I'm leaving, just don’t hurt me!", "Alright, I’m going! No need to get aggressive!", "Fine, I’m out of here! You don’t have to tell me twice.", "Whoa, whoa, calm down! I’m already backing off!", "Alright, alright! I don’t want any trouble, I’m gone!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<run _setFear = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseFear $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC)>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "Bar">> <<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Oh, so that’s how it is, huh? You think you can just get rid of me?", "What’s your problem? I’m not going anywhere!", "You don’t get to tell me what to do!", "I don’t know who you think you are, but you don’t scare me!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-1, -5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-1, -3)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "You think you can just push me around? Let’s see you try!", "Oh, I’m not going anywhere until we settle this!", "You want me gone? You’re gonna have to make me leave!", "Alright, you’re asking for it! Come on, let’s go!", "I’ve had enough of your attitude. Time to put you in your place!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-5, -10)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-8, -25)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "Interaction_Insult_Succes" "Interaction_Insult_Failed" "Interaction_Insult_Failed_twice" "Interactions_Aggressive" "Insult" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: false}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "W-why are you saying that? What did I ever do to you?", "Please, just leave me alone... I don’t want any trouble.", "I didn’t mean to upset you... I swear.", "Okay, okay, I get it! Just back off, alright?", "I... I don’t need this right now, just go away!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<run _setFear = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseFear $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Aggressive">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "You seriously think that’s gonna get to me? Try harder.", "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh? Real mature.", "What’s your problem? You got nothing better to do?", "Yeah? Keep talking. We’ll see how far you get.", "Oh, I’ve heard worse from people a lot tougher than you.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-1, -5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-1, -3)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "That’s it, you’ve crossed the line! Come on!", "You wanna say that again to my face?", "Alright, I've had enough of your mouth. Let’s go!", "You’re asking for it, and I’m happy to deliver!", "You wanted a reaction? Well, here it is!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-5, -10)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "Interaction_GetNumber_Success" "NPCReject" "NPCReject_Again" "Interactions_Ask" "GetNumber" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Of course, here's my number.">> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Have a phone number", 1)>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Have a phone number", 1)>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Interactions_Ask">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "TellAboutYou_Success" "NPCReject" "NPCReject_Again" "Interactions_Ask" "TellAboutYou" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run _phrase = getTellAboutYouPhrase($interactionNpc)>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Ask">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "Interaction_WhatDoYouThinkOfMe_Success" "NPCReject" "NPCReject_Again" "Interactions_Ask" "WhatDoYouThinkOfMe" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _curFriendship = $interactionNpc.getRelationship($>> <<set _curLove = $interactionNpc.getRelationship($>> <<set _curFear = $interactionNpc.getRelationship($>> <<set _finalPhrase = "">> <<set _friendship_Phrase_0 = [ "I'd rather not see you around.", "We don't exactly get along, do we?", "Let's keep our distance.", "I'd prefer if we didn't interact.", "There's no point pretending we're friends.", ].random()>> <<set _friendship_Phrase_1 = [ "We might not be close, but we can be civil.", "I don't know you well, but maybe that can change.", "We don't talk much, but I'm open to it.", "Perhaps we could find some common ground.", "I'm willing to be acquaintances if you are.", ].random()>> <<set _friendship_Phrase_2 = [ "It's nice catching up with you.", "We should hang out more often.", "I enjoy our chats.", "You're pretty cool to be around.", "I think we're becoming good friends.", ].random()>> <<set _friendship_Phrase_3 = [ "You're one of my closest friends.", "I really appreciate our friendship.", "You always know how to make me smile.", "I feel like I can tell you anything.", "You're a true friend.", ].random()>> <<set _friendship_Phrase_4 = [ "You're my best friend; you mean the world to me!", "I can't imagine life without you.", "We're like two peas in a pod.", "Our friendship is unbreakable.", "You're like family to me.", ].random()>> <<if _curFriendship <= -25>> <<set _finalPhrase += _friendship_Phrase_0>> <<elseif _curFriendship > 25 && _curFriendship <= 50>> <<set _finalPhrase += _friendship_Phrase_1>> <<elseif _curFriendship > 50 && _curFriendship <= 75>> <<set _finalPhrase += _friendship_Phrase_2>> <<elseif _curFriendship > 75 && _curFriendship < 90>> <<set _finalPhrase += _friendship_Phrase_3>> <<elseif _curFriendship >= 90>> <<set _finalPhrase += _friendship_Phrase_4>> <</if>> <<set _love_Phrase_0 = [ "I don't feel any love for you.", "My heart doesn't hold love for you.", "There's no love between us.", "I can't say that I love you at all.", "Love isn't something I feel when it comes to you.", ].random()>> <<set _love_Phrase_1 = [ "I like you a bit, but it's not quite love.", "There's a small spark, but love might be too strong a word.", "I have some feelings, but I wouldn't call it love yet.", "Maybe someday I'll love you, but not right now.", "I care about you slightly, but it's not love.", ].random()>> <<set _love_Phrase_2 = [ "I think I'm starting to love you.", "My feelings are growing; love might be on the horizon.", "I feel half in love with you.", "Love is something I'm beginning to feel for you.", "I'm halfway to loving you.", ].random()>> <<set _love_Phrase_3 = [ "I'm deeply in love with you.", "My love for you is strong and real.", "I love you more with each passing day.", "My heart is filled with love for you.", "I can't deny how much I love you.", ].random()>> <<set _love_Phrase_4 = [ "I'm completely and utterly in love with you!", "You are the love of my life.", "I adore you with all my heart.", "My love for you knows no bounds.", "I love you more than anything in this world.", ].random()>> <<if checkSexPrefWithChar($interactionNpc, $player) == false>> <<set _love_Phrase_0 = "Sorry, but you're just not my type.">> <<set _love_Phrase_1 = _love_Phrase_0>> <<set _love_Phrase_2 = _love_Phrase_0>> <<set _love_Phrase_3 = _love_Phrase_0>> <<set _love_Phrase_4 = _love_Phrase_0>> <</if>> <<if _curLove <= 25>> <<set _finalPhrase += " " + _love_Phrase_0>> <<elseif _curLove > 25 && _curLove <= 50>> <<set _finalPhrase += " " + _love_Phrase_1>> <<elseif _curLove > 50 && _curLove <= 75>> <<set _finalPhrase += " " + _love_Phrase_2>> <<elseif _curLove > 75 && _curLove < 90>> <<set _finalPhrase += " " + _love_Phrase_3>> <<elseif _curLove >= 90>> <<set _finalPhrase += " " + _love_Phrase_4>> <</if>> <<set _fear_Phrase_0 = [ "I don't feel any fear towards you.", "You don't scare me at all.", "There's nothing about you that I fear.", "I'm completely unafraid of you.", "Fear isn't something I associate with you.", ].random()>> <<set _fear_Phrase_1 = [ "Sometimes you make me a little nervous.", "I feel a slight fear around you occasionally.", "There's a tiny bit of fear when I'm with you.", "You can be a bit intimidating at times.", "I have minor fears about you, but nothing major.", ].random()>> <<set _fear_Phrase_2 = [ "I often feel afraid when we're together.", "You make me uneasy and somewhat fearful.", "I can't help but feel a sense of fear around you.", "My fear of you is growing.", "Being near you fills me with mixed emotions, including fear.", ].random()>> <<set _fear_Phrase_3 = [ "I'm genuinely afraid of you.", "You instill a strong fear in me.", "My fear towards you is significant.", "I feel a deep fear when you're around.", "I can't shake off how much you scare me.", ].random()>> <<set _fear_Phrase_4 = [ "I'm absolutely terrified of you!", "My fear of you is overwhelming.", "I fear you more than anything else.", "I can't be near you because of how much I fear you.", "You are the source of my greatest fear.", ].random()>> <<if _curFear <= -60>> <<set _finalPhrase += " " + _fear_Phrase_0>> <<elseif _curFear > -60 && _curFear <= -20>> <<set _finalPhrase += " " + _fear_Phrase_1>> <<elseif _curFear > -20 && _curFear <= 20>> <<set _finalPhrase += " " + _fear_Phrase_2>> <<elseif _curFear > 20 && _curFear < 60>> <<set _finalPhrase += " " + _fear_Phrase_3>> <<elseif _curFear >= 60>> <<set _finalPhrase += " " + _fear_Phrase_4>> <</if>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _finalPhrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Ask">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "Interaction_WhatsUp_Success" "NPCReject" "NPCReject_Again" "Interactions_Ask" "WhatsUp" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _positivePhrase = [ "Couldn't be better, everything's going great!", "Doing fantastic, thanks for asking!", "Life's treating me well, can't complain!", "Absolutely wonderful, how about you?", "Feeling on top of the world today!" ].random()>> <<set _neutralPhrase = [ "I'm okay, just taking it one day at a time.", "Not too bad, just the usual grind.", "Doing fine, same old, same old.", "Hanging in there, nothing new to report.", "I'm all right, getting through the day." ].random()>> <<set _negativePhrase = [ "Honestly, it's been a rough day.", "Could be better, to tell the truth.", "Feeling a bit down today.", "Not the best day, unfortunately.", "I've had better days, to be honest." ].random()>> <<set _mood = $interactionNpc.behaviour.mood.value>> <<if _mood >= 70>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _positivePhrase>> <<elseif _mood > 30 && _mood < 70>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _neutralPhrase>> <<elseif _mood <= 30>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _negativePhrase>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Ask">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_Caress_Succes' 'Interactions_Caress_Failed' 'Interactions_Caress_Failed_Twice' 'Interactions_Contact' 'Caress' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Heh, that actually feels kinda nice...", "Okay, okay, I guess I don’t mind.", "Aww, I didn’t think I'd enjoy this, but here we are.", "Alright, you win... just don’t mess up my hair!", "Fine, you can keep doing that... just for a little while.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _changeValue = Random(2,3)>> <<SetLust $interactionNpc _changeValue>> <<set _setMood = Random(1, 5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _setMood>> <<set _setFriendship = Random(1, 5)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _setFriendship>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Contact">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Uh, no thanks. I’m not into that.", "Sorry, but I’d rather you not.", "Hey, hands off! I don’t like that.", "Nope, that’s a bit too personal for me.", "I’m good, really. No need to go there.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_Caress_TryForce' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 35, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'CaressTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "I’ve told you before, don’t do that!", "Seriously? Stop asking, it’s not gonna happen.", "How many times do I have to say no?", "This is getting annoying. Just stop already.", "Enough. I'm done saying no, so just drop it.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-5, -10)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_Caress_TryForce_Succes' 'Interactions_Caress_TryForce_Failed' 'Double_Failed_Passage' 'Interactions_Contact' 'Caress_TryForce' '{createBackButton: false, createTwiceBackButton: false}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "I said I didn’t want that... but fine, whatever.", "Can you just get it over with already?", "I... I told you no, but I guess you don’t care.", "Fine, if it makes you happy... just don’t hurt me.", "Okay, okay... just stop it as soon as you’re done, alright?", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _changeValue = Random(2,3)>> <<SetLust $interactionNpc _changeValue>> <<run _setFear = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseFear $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Contact">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "That’s it! I warned you—hands off!", "I told you not to touch me! Now you’re gonna regret it!", "You think you can do whatever you want? Not with me!", "Get your hands off me! You’re not walking away from this.", "Alright, you asked for it! Now it’s my turn!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-15, -25)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-10, -30)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_Hug_Succes' 'Interactions_Hug_Failed' 'Interactions_Caress_Hug_Twice' 'Interactions_Contact' 'Hug' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Oh... okay, I guess I needed that.", "Alright, alright, come here, you big softy.", "Wow, you’re warm... this actually feels kinda nice.", "Heh, fine, I’ll let you have your hug.", "I wasn’t expecting that, but I’m not complaining.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _changeValue = Random(1,5)>> <<SetLust $interactionNpc _changeValue>> <<run _setLove = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseLove $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <<set _setMood = Random(1, 5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _setMood>> <<set _setFriendship = Random(1, 5)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _setFriendship>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Contact">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Sorry, but I’m not comfortable with that.", "I appreciate the thought, but I’d rather not.", "Let’s just keep our distance, alright?", "No, I’m good, I don’t want a hug.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_Caress_Hug_Twice' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 35, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'HugTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Seriously, stop asking, I don’t want a hug!", "I’ve already told you no. Just drop it.", "Come on, it’s getting annoying. Take a hint.", "I’m done with this conversation. No means no.", "How many times do I have to say no? Enough already.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-5, -10)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_Caress_Hug_Twice' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 35, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'HugTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-8, -25)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_Caress_TryForce_Succes' 'Interactions_Caress_TryForce_Failed' 'Double_Failed_Passage' 'Interactions_Contact' 'Caress_TryForce' '{createBackButton: false, createTwiceBackButton: false}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "O-okay... if you’re not gonna listen, just... do what you want.", "I told you no, but... whatever, just don’t hurt me.", "Fine... just get it over with, okay?", "I don’t want to do this... but I’m not gonna fight you.", "Alright, alright... just don’t make this worse.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _changeValue = Random(1,5)>> <<SetLust $interactionNpc _changeValue>> <<run _setFear = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseFear $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Contact">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Get off me! I’m not putting up with this!", "I warned you! Now you're gonna regret this!", "I said no, and now you're going to wish you’d listened!", "That’s enough! If you’re not backing off, I’ll make you!", "I don’t care who you are! You don’t get to do that to me!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-15, -25)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_SlapAss_Succes' 'Interactions_SlapAss_Failed' 'Interactions_SlapAss_Twice' 'Interactions_Contact' 'SlapAss' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Wow, okay, wasn’t expecting that, but I’m here for it.", "Alright, getting bold now, huh?", "Oh, you’re not wasting any time, are you?", "Alright then... I guess I’ll let you have your way.", "Guess we're moving fast tonight... I’m not complaining.", ].random()>> <<set $interaction = "Touch Ass">> <<Interaction $player $interactionNpc>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _changeValue = Random(2,12)>> <<SetLust $interactionNpc _changeValue>> <<run _setLove = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseLove $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <<ChatMessage 'You\'re touching $\'s ass'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Contact">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Hey, not so fast. I'm not ready for that.", "I’m sorry, but I’m not comfortable with this.", "Let's take it slow, alright? That’s a bit much.", "I’d rather we didn’t go there right now.", "Not happening, sorry. I’m just not into that.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_SlapAss_Twice' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 35, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'SlapAssTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Seriously, I said no. Stop trying.", "Come on, you need to back off. Enough already.", "I don’t know how many times I need to say no.", "Can we stop this? I’m really not into it.", "I already said no, so let’s just leave it.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-5, -10)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_SlapAss_TryForce' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 35, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'SlapAssTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_SlapAss_TryForce_Succes' 'Interactions_SlapAss_TryForce_Failed' 'Double_Failed_Passage' 'Interactions_Contact' 'Caress_TryForce' '{createBackButton: false, createTwiceBackButton: false}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "I... I told you no. Can you please stop?", "Please... I’m not okay with this. Just let go.", "Alright, you did what you wanted. Now leave me alone.", "I didn’t want this... but I guess it doesn’t matter, right?", "I... I’m not fighting you, just please stop.", ].random()>> <<set $interaction = "Touch Ass">> <<Interaction $player $interactionNpc>> <<run _setFear = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseFear $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<ChatMessage 'You\'re touching $\'s ass'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Contact">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Get off me! I didn’t agree to this!", "What the hell do you think you’re doing? Back off!", "I told you no, and you crossed the line. Now you’re in trouble.", "That’s it! You’re not getting away with this.", "You just made a big mistake. You’re going down for this!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-15, -25)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-10, -30)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_Kiss_Succes' 'Interactions_Kiss_Failed' 'Interactions_kiss_Twice' 'Interactions_Contact' 'kiss' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Oh... I wasn’t expecting that, but I don’t mind.", "Well, that was... bold. I kind of liked it.", "Wow, you really went for it, huh?", "Okay... that was actually kinda nice.", "Heh, I guess I can't say no to that.", ].random()>> <<set $interaction = "Kiss">> <<Interaction $player $interactionNpc>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _changeValue = Random(1,8)>> <<SetLust $interactionNpc _changeValue>> <<run _setLove = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseLove $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Contact">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Whoa, slow down! I’m not ready for that.", "No, I’m not comfortable with a kiss right now.", "I’m sorry, but that’s too much for me.", "Let’s not go there, okay?", "No, that’s not happening. I’m not interested.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_kiss_Twice' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 35, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'kissTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "I’ve already said no. Stop trying!", "You need to take a hint. I don’t want this.", "Seriously? How many times do I have to say no?", "Enough! This conversation is over.", "I don’t want to repeat myself again—just drop it.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-5, -10)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_Kiss_TryForce' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 35, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'kissTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_Kiss_TryForce_Succes' 'Interactions_Kiss_TryForce_Failed' 'Double_Failed_Passage' 'Interactions_Contact' 'Caress_TryForce' '{createBackButton: false, createTwiceBackButton: false}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "I... I didn’t want that... but okay, whatever you say.", "Please, don’t do that again... I told you no.", "Alright... you did what you wanted. Just leave me alone now.", "Fine... I’m not gonna make a scene. Just don’t push it.", "I don’t like this... but I’m not going to fight you.", ].random()>> <<set $interaction = "Kiss">> <<Interaction $player $interactionNpc>> <<run _setFear = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseFear $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _changeValue = Random(1,8)>> <<SetLust $interactionNpc _changeValue>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Contact">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "What the hell do you think you’re doing? Get off!", "I told you NO! Now you’re gonna regret ignoring me!", "That’s it! I warned you, and now it’s on!", "You think you can do that to me? Think again!", "Back off! You don’t get to cross that line without consequences!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-15, -25)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-10, -30)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_HaveSex_Succes' 'Interactions_HaveSex_Failed' 'Interactions_HaveSex_Twice' 'Interactions_Contact' 'HaveSex' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run _setLove = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseLove $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <<goto "ChooseSexType">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Hey, not so fast. I'm not ready for that.", "I’m sorry, but I’m not comfortable with this.", "Let's take it slow, alright? That’s a bit much.", "I’d rather we didn’t go there right now.", "Not happening, sorry. I’m just not into that.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_HaveSex_TryForce' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 35, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'HaveSexTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Seriously, I said no. Stop trying.", "Come on, you need to back off. Enough already.", "I don’t know how many times I need to say no.", "Can we stop this? I’m really not into it.", "I already said no, so let’s just leave it.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_HaveSex_TryForce' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 35, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'HaveSexTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_HaveSex_TryForce_Succes' 'Interactions_HaveSex_TryForce_Failed' 'Double_Failed_Passage' 'Interactions_Contact' 'Caress_TryForce' '{createBackButton: false, createTwiceBackButton: false}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run _setFear = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseFear $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <<goto "ChooseSexType">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Get off me! I didn’t agree to this!", "What the hell do you think you’re doing? Back off!", "I told you no, and you crossed the line. Now you’re in trouble.", "That’s it! You’re not getting away with this.", "You just made a big mistake. You’re going down for this!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-8, -25)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_TouchBoobs_Succes' 'Interactions_TouchBoobs_Failed' 'Interactions_TouchBoobs_Twice' 'Interactions_Contact' 'TouchBoobs' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Wow, okay, wasn’t expecting that, but I’m here for it.", "Alright, getting bold now, huh?", "Oh, you’re not wasting any time, are you?", "Alright then... I guess I’ll let you have your way.", "Guess we're moving fast tonight... I’m not complaining.", ].random()>> <<set $interaction = "Touch boobs">> <<Interaction $player $interactionNpc>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<ChatMessage 'You\'re touching $\'s boobs'>> <<set _changeValue = Random(2,12)>> <<SetLust $interactionNpc _changeValue>> <<run _setLove = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseLove $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Contact">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Hey, not so fast. I'm not ready for that.", "I’m sorry, but I’m not comfortable with this.", "Let's take it slow, alright? That’s a bit much.", "I’d rather we didn’t go there right now.", "Not happening, sorry. I’m just not into that.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_TouchBoobs_Twice' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 35, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'TouchBoobsTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Seriously, I said no. Stop trying.", "Come on, you need to back off. Enough already.", "I don’t know how many times I need to say no.", "Can we stop this? I’m really not into it.", "I already said no, so let’s just leave it.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_TouchBoobs_TryForce' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 35, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'TouchBoobsTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_TouchBoobs_TryForce_Succes' 'Interactions_TouchBoobs_TryForce_Failed' 'Double_Failed_Passage' 'Interactions_Contact' 'Caress_TryForce' '{createBackButton: false, createTwiceBackButton: false}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "I... I told you no. Can you please stop?", "Please... I’m not okay with this. Just let go.", "Alright, you did what you wanted. Now leave me alone.", "I didn’t want this... but I guess it doesn’t matter, right?", "I... I’m not fighting you, just please stop.", ].random()>> <<set $interaction = "Touch boobs">> <<Interaction $player $interactionNpc>> <<run _setFear = Random(1,5)>> <<IncreaseFear $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<ChatMessage 'You\'re touching $\'s boobs'>> <<set _changeValue = Random(2,12)>> <<SetLust $interactionNpc _changeValue>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Contact">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Get off me! I didn’t agree to this!", "What the hell do you think you’re doing? Back off!", "I told you no, and you crossed the line. Now you’re in trouble.", "That’s it! You’re not getting away with this.", "You just made a big mistake. You’re going down for this!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-8, -25)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "Interactions_BecomeAWhore_Success" "Interactions_BecomeAWhore_NPCReject" "NPCReject_Again" "Interactions_Influence" "BecomeAWhore" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _changeValue = Random(10, 35)>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "BecomeAWhore", _changeValue)>> <<if $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "BecomeAWhore", 0) >= 100>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "BecomeAWhore")>> <<set $ = "Hooker">> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == false>> <<set $Earnings = 50>> <<switch Math.trunc($interactionNpc.body.face.value)>> <<case 3>> <<set $Earnings += 200>> <<case 4>> <<set $Earnings += 400>> <<case 5>> <<set $Earnings += 500>> <<case 6>> <<set $Earnings += 800>> <</switch>> <<switch Math.trunc($interactionNpc.body.breastSize.value)>> <<case 1>> <<set $Earnings += 150>> <<case 2>> <<set $Earnings += 250>> <<case 3>> <<set $Earnings += 400>> <<case 4>> <<set $Earnings += 600>> <<case 5>> <<set $Earnings += 800>> <<case 6>> <<set $Earnings += 1000>> <</switch>> <<switch Math.trunc($interactionNpc.body.buttSize.value)>> <<case 1>> <<set $Earnings += 150>> <<case 2>> <<set $Earnings += 250>> <<case 3>> <<set $Earnings += 400>> <<case 4>> <<set $Earnings += 600>> <<case 5>> <<set $Earnings += 800>> <<case 6>> <<set $Earnings += 1000>> <</switch>> <<if $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<set $Earnings += 200>> <</if>> <<set $ += $Earnings>> <<set _msg = "The pimp paid you " + $Earnings + "$ for the new girl.">> <</if>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Alright, you\'ve piqued my interest. I\'m thinking it might be time for me to explore sex work. Let\'s see where this journey takes me!'>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'I\'m really intrigued by what you\'re saying, but you know, being a sex worker is a big decision. Give me some time to think it over, y\'know?'>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Influence">><<unset $sexPrefChangeTo>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Look, my choices about my sexuality and career are my own. I\'m happy with who I am and I\'m not looking to engage in sex work. I\'d appreciate some respect for my choices.'>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-1, -5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "ChangeClothing_Success" "NPCReject" "NPCReject_Again" "Interactions_Influence" "ChangeClothing" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Alright, you win! I\'ll go change into something else'>> <<run $interactionNpc.AddCloth(true)>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Influence">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _curClothPref = $>> <<run _curValueMen = $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "ChangeClothPref_men", 0)>> <<run _curValueWomen = $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "ChangeClothPref_women", 0)>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if _curClothPref == "men">> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "You should wear men\'s clothing">><</button>></div> <<else>> <<ChanceButton 'You should wear men\'s clothing (_curValueMen\/100)' 'ChangeClothPref_Choise' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 65, Love: 65, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' 'ChangeClothPref' '<<set $clothPrefChangeTo = "ChangeClothPref_men">>'>> <</if>> <<if _curClothPref == "women">> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "You should wear women\'s clothing">><</button>></div> <<else>> <<ChanceButton 'You should wear women\'s clothing (_curValueWomen\/100)' 'ChangeClothPref_Choise' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 65, Love: 65, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' 'ChangeClothPref' '<<set $clothPrefChangeTo = "ChangeClothPref_women">>'>> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Interactions_Influence">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'ChangeClothPref' "ChangeClothPref_Reject" "NPCReject_Again" 'Interactions_ChangeClothPref_Choise' 'ChangeClothPref' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _changeValue = Random(10, 35)>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.registerEvent($, $clothPrefChangeTo, _changeValue)>> <<if $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, $clothPrefChangeTo, 0) >= 100>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, $clothPrefChangeTo)>> <<run $clothPrefChangeTo = $clothPrefChangeTo.replace(/^.*?_/, '');>> <<set $ = $clothPrefChangeTo>> <<run $interactionNpc.AddCloth(true)>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Alright, you\'ve got me thinking. I\'m down to give it a shot and try rocking the opposite style'>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'I\'m kinda drawn to what you\'re saying, but you know, switching to a different clothing style doesn\'t happen in a snap. Give me a bit of time to get used to the idea, cool?'>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_ChangeClothPref_Choise">><<unset $clothPrefChangeTo>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Look, what I wear is my choice and none of your business. I'm feeling myself in my own style, so I'd appreciate if you kept your thoughts to yourself">> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-1, -5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "Interactions_ChangeName_Success" "NPCReject" "NPCReject_Again" "Interactions_Influence" "ChangeName" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Enter a new Name'>> <div class="input-container"> <div class="text-field text-field_floating-2"> <input type="text" id="firstName" name="firstName" value="First Name"> <label class="text-field__label" for="email">First Name</label> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Accept" "Interactions_Influence">> <<run $ = document.getElementById("firstName").value>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _curSexPref = $>> <<run _curValueManly = $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "ChangeSexPref_Manly", 0)>> <<run _curValueBi = $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "ChangeSexPref_Bi", 0)>> <<run _curValueFeminine = $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "ChangeSexPref_Feminine", 0)>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if _curSexPref == "Manly">> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Manly">><</button>></div> <<else>> <<ChanceButton 'Manly (_curValueManly\/100)' 'ChangeSexPref_ChangeSexPref_Choise' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 75, Love: 75, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' 'ChangeSexPref' '<<set $sexPrefChangeTo = "ChangeSexPref_Manly">>'>> <</if>> <<if _curSexPref == "Bi">> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Bi">><</button>></div> <<else>> <<ChanceButton 'Bi (_curValueBi\/100)' 'ChangeSexPref_ChangeSexPref_Choise' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 75, Love: 75, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' 'ChangeSexPref' '<<set $sexPrefChangeTo = "ChangeSexPref_Bi">>'>> <</if>> <<if _curSexPref == "Feminine">> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Feminine">><</button>></div> <<else>> <<ChanceButton 'Feminine (_curValueFeminine\/100)' 'ChangeSexPref_ChangeSexPref_Choise' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 75, Love: 75, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' 'ChangeSexPref' '<<set $sexPrefChangeTo = "ChangeSexPref_Feminine">>'>> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Interactions_Influence">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'ChangeSexPref' "ChangeSexPref_Reject" "NPCReject_Again" 'Interactions_ChangeSexPref_Choise' 'ChangeSexPref' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _changeValue = Random(10, 35)>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.registerEvent($, $sexPrefChangeTo, _changeValue)>> <<if $sexPrefChangeTo != "ChangeSexPref_Manly">> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "ChangeSexPref_Manly")>> <</if>> <<if $sexPrefChangeTo != "ChangeSexPref_Bi">> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "ChangeSexPref_Bi")>> <</if>> <<if $sexPrefChangeTo != "ChangeSexPref_Feminine">> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "ChangeSexPref_Feminine")>> <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, $sexPrefChangeTo, 0) >= 100>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, $sexPrefChangeTo)>> <<run $sexPrefChangeTo = $sexPrefChangeTo.replace(/^.*?_/, '');>> <<set $ = $sexPrefChangeTo>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Alright, you\'ve got my attention. I\'m thinking it might be time for me to try something new'>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'I\'m really digging what you\'re saying, but you know, this kind of change doesn\'t happen overnight. Give me some time to wrap my head around it, y\'know?'>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_ChangeSexPref_Choise">><<unset $sexPrefChangeTo>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Listen up, my sexual orientation is off-limits. I'm not some project for you to mess with. I'm happy being me, so back off and respect that.">> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-1, -5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _curSexRole = $>> <<run _curValueActive = $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "ChangeSexRole_Active", 0)>> <<run _curValuePassive = $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "ChangeSexPref_Passive", 0)>> <<run _curValueVersatile = $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "ChangeSexPref_Versatile", 0)>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if _curSexRole == "Active">> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Be more active">><</button>></div> <<else>> <<ChanceButton 'Be more active (_curValueActive\/100)' 'ChangeSexRole_Choise' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 75, Love: 75, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' 'ChangeSexRole' '<<set $sexRoleChangeTo = "ChangeSexRole_Active">>'>> <</if>> <<if _curSexRole == "Passive">> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Be more passive">><</button>></div> <<else>> <<ChanceButton 'Be more passive (_curValuePassive\/100)' 'ChangeSexRole_Choise' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 75, Love: 75, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' 'ChangeSexRole' '<<set $sexRoleChangeTo = "ChangeSexPref_Passive">>'>> <</if>> <<if _curSexRole == "Versatile">> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Be versatile">><</button>></div> <<else>> <<ChanceButton 'Be versatile (_curValueVersatile\/100)' 'ChangeSexRole_Choise' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 75, Love: 75, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' 'ChangeSexRole' '<<set $sexRoleChangeTo = "ChangeSexPref_Versatile">>'>> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Interactions_Influence">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'ChangeSexRole' "ChangeSexRole_Reject" "NPCReject_Again" 'Interactions_ChangeSexRole_Choise' 'ChangeSexRole' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _changeValue = Random(10, 35)>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.registerEvent($, $sexRoleChangeTo, _changeValue)>> <<if $sexRoleChangeTo != "ChangeSexRole_Active">> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "ChangeSexRole_Active")>> <</if>> <<if $sexRoleChangeTo != "ChangeSexPref_Passive">> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "ChangeSexRole_Passive")>> <</if>> <<if $sexRoleChangeTo != "ChangeSexPref_Versatile">> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "ChangeSexRole_Versatile")>> <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, $sexRoleChangeTo, 0) >= 100>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, $sexRoleChangeTo)>> <<run $sexRoleChangeTo = $sexRoleChangeTo.replace(/^.*?_/, '');>> <<set $ = $sexRoleChangeTo>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Alright, you\'ve piqued my interest. I think I\'m ready to make the switch and try the opposite sexual role. Let\'s dive in and see where it takes me!'>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Yeah, I\'m intrigued by what you\'re saying, but switching sexual roles isn\'t something I\'m ready for just yet. Give me a moment to process it all, okay?'>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_ChangeSexRole_Choise">><<unset $sexRoleChangeTo>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Look, my sexual role is my choice and not up for debate. I'm comfortable with who I am in the bedroom, so I'd appreciate it if you respected that.">> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-1, -5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<run _curValueFemale = $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "HormoneTherapy_Takes female hormones", 0)>> <<run _curValueMale = $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "HormoneTherapy_Takes male hormones", 0)>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $interactionNpc.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Takes male hormones") == true>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Start taking male hormones">><</button>></div> <<else>> <<ChanceButton 'Start taking male hormones (_curValueMale\/100)' 'HormoneTherapy_Choise' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 85, Love: 85, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' 'HormoneTherapy' '<<set $HormoneTherapyChoise = "HormoneTherapy_Takes male hormones">>'>> <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Takes female hormones") == true>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Start taking female hormones">><</button>></div> <<else>> <<ChanceButton 'Start taking female hormones (_curValueFemale\/100)' 'HormoneTherapy_Choise' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 85, Love: 85, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' 'HormoneTherapy' '<<set $HormoneTherapyChoise = "HormoneTherapy_Takes female hormones">>'>> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Interactions_Influence">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'HormoneTherapy' "HormoneTherapy_Reject" "NPCReject_Again" 'Interactions_HormoneTherapy_Choise' 'HormoneTherapy' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _changeValue = Random(10, 35)>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.registerEvent($, $HormoneTherapyChoise, _changeValue)>> <<if $HormoneTherapyChoise != "HormoneTherapy_Takes female hormones">> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "HormoneTherapy_Takes female hormones")>> <</if>> <<if $HormoneTherapyChoise != "HormoneTherapy_Takes male hormones">> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "HormoneTherapy_Takes male hormones")>> <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, $HormoneTherapyChoise, 0) >= 100>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, $HormoneTherapyChoise)>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "Takes female hormones")>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "Takes male hormones")>> <<run $HormoneTherapyChoise = $HormoneTherapyChoise.replace(/^.*?_/, '');>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.registerEvent($, $HormoneTherapyChoise, 1)>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Alright, you\'ve piqued my interest. I\'m thinking it might be time for me to try hormone therapy.'>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'I\'m really intrigued by what you\'re saying, but you know, starting hormone therapy is a big step. Give me some time to wrap my head around it, y\'know?'>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Influence">><<unset $HormoneTherapyChoise>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Look, my decisions about hormone therapy are my own. I'm happy with who I am and I'm not looking to make that kind of change. I'd appreciate some respect for my choices">> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-1, -5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_PersuadeSurgery_Succes' 'Interactions_PersuadeSurgery_Failed' 'Interactions_PersuadeSurgery_Twice' 'Interactions_Influence' 'PersuadeSurgery' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Alright, if it’s necessary, I’ll go through with it.", "Okay, let’s do it. I trust you know what’s best.", "Alright, I’ll go for it. Let’s get this taken care of.", "If this is what I need, then I’ll go ahead with it.", "Fine, let’s get it scheduled and over with.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue">><<ShowSurgery $interactionNpc>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "No, I don’t think I want to go that route.", "I’m not ready for surgery right now.", "Thanks, but I’d rather look at other options.", "I appreciate the advice, but surgery isn’t for me.", "I’m not comfortable with this idea. I’ll pass.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "I already told you I’m not doing the surgery. Drop it.", "How many times do I have to say no? Enough.", "Seriously, stop pushing. I’ve made up my mind.", "I’m not interested in the surgery, and that’s final.", "Enough already. I’m not going through with this.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-5, -10)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_PersuadeSurgery_TryForce' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 90, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'PersuadeSurgeryTryForce'>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_PersuadeSurgery_TryForce_Succes' 'Interactions_PersuadeSurgery_TryForce_Failed' 'Interactions_PersuadeSurgery_TryForce_Failed' 'Interactions_Influence' 'PersuadeSurgeryTryForce' '{createBackButton: false, createTwiceBackButton: false}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Fine, if you’re not giving me a choice, I’ll do it.", "Alright, if it’ll make everyone stop pushing, I’ll go through with it.", "Okay, if you won’t let this go, I’ll do the surgery.", "I don’t want to, but if I have to, then fine.", "If this is the only way you’ll leave me alone, I’ll do it.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue">><<ShowSurgery $interactionNpc>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "I said no! You don’t get to decide this for me!", "Back off! I told you I’m not doing it!", "Enough! I’m done with this, and I’m done with you!", "I told you no, and now you’re about to regret pushing me!", "If you don’t back off right now, we’re gonna have a real problem!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-15, -25)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-10, -30)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_FollowMe_Success' 'Interactions_FollowMe_Failed' 'Interactions_FollowMe_Failed_Twice' 'CharacterInteractions' 'FollowMe' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Alright, lead the way!", "Sure, I’ll tag along with you.", "Yeah, I’m in. Let’s go.", "Alright, you’ve convinced me. Let’s see where this goes.", "Fine, I’ll come with you. Just don’t get us lost!", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>> <<set $playerFollowers.push($>> <<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Nah, I’m good. You go ahead.", "Thanks, but I’d rather stay here.", "Nope, not really feeling it. You do you.", "I’m not coming. I’ve got other plans.", "I’ll pass. Maybe another time.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "I already said no. Stop asking.", "Come on, how many times do I have to say no?", "Look, I’m not going. Can you drop it?", "Seriously? I’m not following you, alright?", "Enough already. I said I’m staying here.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _phrase = [ "Alright, got it. I’ll back off.", "Fine, I’ll stop. No problem.", "Okay, okay, I’m out. You’re on your own.", "Alright, if that’s what you want. I’ll leave you to it.", "Got it. I’ll give you some space.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set $playerFollowers.splice($playerFollowers.indexOf($>> <<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interaction_Flirt_Succes' 'Interaction_Flirt_Failed' 'Interaction_Flirt_Failed_Twice' 'Interactions_Romance' 'Flirt' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Oh, I see what you're doing... and I kinda like it.", "Wow, you're really smooth, aren't you?", "Oh, stop it... you're making me blush!", "Well, if that’s your way of getting my attention, it’s definitely working.", "You know, you’re not bad at this... not bad at all.", ].random()>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<run _setLove = Random(3,8)>> <<IncreaseLove $player $interactionNpc _setLove>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Aggressive">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Nice try, but I’m not really feeling it.", "Oh, that’s... sweet, but I don’t think so.", "I think you might have the wrong idea here.", "Look, I'm flattered, but I'm not interested.", ].random()>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _phrase = [ "Can you just stop? This is getting old.", "Honestly, you're not getting the hint, are you?", "I said no, and I meant it. Enough already.", "Do you really think this is working? Because it's not.", "Alright, that’s enough. I’m really done with this now.", ].random()>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-5, -10)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-5, -10)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "Resentment", 0) > 0>> <<set _status = "Succes">> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.unregisterEvent($, "Resentment")>> <<else>> <<set _status = "Neutral">> <</if>> <<run _traits = getCharacterTraits($interactionNpc)>> <<run _phrase = getStatusPhrase("Apologize", _status, "Original")>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Talk">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> /*<<run _traits = getCharacterTraits($interactionNpc)>>*/ <<set _category = ["Cook", "Clean", "Medicine", "Chemistry", "Science", "Lockpick", "Sneak", "Hacker", "Speech", "Repair", "Stealing", "Performer"].random()>> <<run _phrase = getRandomPhraseByPersonality("Original", _category)>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _playerAttribute = getAttributeByTheme($player, _category)>> <<set _npcAttribute = getAttributeByTheme($interactionNpc, _category)>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Talk about it" "AfterConversation">><<set $setFriendship = Random(3,5)>><</button>></div> <<if _playerAttribute.value > _npcAttribute.value>> <div class="btn"><<button '[_category] Impress with knowledge' "AfterConversation">><<set $setFriendship = Random(5,9)>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button '[_category] Impress with knowledge'>><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "No interest" "AfterConversation">><<set $setFriendship = Random(-1,-5)>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc $setFriendship>> <<if $setFriendship >= 0>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc 5>> <<else>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc -5>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $fromPhone == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "CallToCharacter">><<unset $setFriendship $fromPhone>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Talk">><<unset $setFriendship $fromPhone>><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> /*<<run _traits = getCharacterTraits($interactionNpc)>>*/ <<run _phrase = getRandomPhrase("Original", "Dirty Talk")>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _changeValue = Random(3,8)>> <<SetLust $interactionNpc _changeValue>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_Talk">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<ChanceButton 'Insult' 'Interaction_Insult' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 30, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'Insult'>> <<ChanceButton 'Chase away' 'Interaction_ChaseAway' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 70, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'ChaseAway'>> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight" "Interaction_Fight">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<ChanceButton 'Tell me about you' 'TellAboutYou' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 15, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'TellAboutYou'>> <<ChanceButton 'What\'s up?' 'Interaction_WhatsUp' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 20, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'WhatsUp'>> <<ChanceButton 'What do you think of me?' 'Interaction_WhatDoYouThinkOfMe' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 10, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'WhatDoYouThinkOfMe'>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Have a phone number") == false>> <<ChanceButton 'Can I get your number?' 'Interaction_GetNumber' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 35, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'GetNumber'>> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Can I get your number?">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<switch $>> <<case "Pimp">> <<include "AskQuestions_Pimp">> <</switch>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<ChanceButton 'Caress' 'Interactions_Caress' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 25, Love: 10, Fear: 0, Lust: 10, Horny: 5, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'Caress'>> <<ChanceButton 'Hug' 'Interactions_Caress' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 35, Love: 10, Fear: 0, Lust: 20, Horny: 10, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: true}' 'Hug'>> <<ChanceButton 'Kiss' 'Interactions_Kiss' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 35, Love: 50, Fear: 0, Lust: 30, Horny: 20, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: true}' 'kiss'>> <<ChanceButton 'Slap ass' 'Interactions_SlapAss' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 10, Love: 75, Fear: 0, Lust: 40, Horny: 50, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: true}' 'SlapAss'>> <<if $interactionNpc.body.breastSize.value > 0>> <<ChanceButton 'Touch boobs' 'Interactions_TouchBoobs' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 10, Love: 75, Fear: 0, Lust: 50, Horny: 50, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: true}' 'TouchBoobs'>> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Touch boobs">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<ChanceButton 'Sex' 'Interactions_HaveSex' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 10, Love: 85, Fear: 0, Lust: 60, Horny: 70, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: true}' 'Sex'>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _curLoc = passage()>> <<if $source != "SpikeDrink_BarEvent">> <<include "Filter">> <</if>> <<if $player.inventory.items.size > 0>> <div class="item-shop-container"> <<for _item range $player.inventory.items>> <<if $filterType != "All">> <<if _item.type != _item.getItemTypeByString($filterType)>> <<continue>> <</if>> <</if>> <<capture _item>> <div class="shop-item"> __<<link '<h3 class="item-title"><<print>></h3>'>> <<run Dialog.setup(>> <<run>> <<run;>> <</link>>__ <hr> <p class="item-quantity">Quantity: <<print _item.quantity>></p> <<if $source == "SpikeDrink_BarEvent">> <div class="btn"> <<button "To spike a drink" "SpikeDrind_InviteToBar">> <<run $filterType = _item.getItemStringByType(_item.type)>> <<set $item = _item>> <<unset $source>> <</button>></div> <<else>> <<if _item.type == 1>> /* Clothing */ <<ChanceButton 'Give' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Try' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 50, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'TryGiveCloth' '<<run $filterType = _item.getItemStringByType(_item.type)>> <<set $item = _item>>'>> <<elseif _item.type == 2>> /* Drugs */ <<ChanceButton 'Give' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Try' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 70, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'TryGiveDrug' '<<run $filterType = _item.getItemStringByType(_item.type)>> <<set $item = _item>>'>> <<elseif _item.type == 3 || _item.type == 4>> /* Gift */ <<ChanceButton 'Give' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Try' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'TryGiveGift' '<<run $filterType = _item.getItemStringByType(_item.type)>> <<set $item = _item>>'>> <<elseif _item.type == 5>> /* SexToy */ <<ChanceButton 'Give' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Try' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 70, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'TryGiveSexToy' '<<run $filterType = _item.getItemStringByType(_item.type)>> <<set $item = _item>>'>> <<else>> <</if>> <</if>> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $source == "SpikeDrink_BarEvent">> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $interactionType $filterType $source>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">> <<unset $filterType>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $item.type == 1>> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_GiveItems_Succes' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed_Twice' 'Interactions_GiveItems' 'TryGiveCloth' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <<elseif $item.type == 2>> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_GiveItems_Succes' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed_Twice' 'Interactions_GiveItems' 'TryGiveDrug' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <<elseif $item.type == 3 || $item.type == 4>> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_GiveItems_Succes' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed_Twice' 'Interactions_GiveItems' 'TryGiveGift' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <<elseif $item.type == 5>> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_GiveItems_Succes' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed_Twice' 'Interactions_GiveItems' 'TryGiveDrug' '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $item.type == 1>> /* Cloth */ <<set _phrase = [ "Alright, I’ll give it a try. It actually looks kinda cool!", "Hey, why not? I’ll wear it!", "Sure, I’d love to! Thanks for this.", "Alright, I’ll put it on right now. Let’s see how it looks!", "You know what? I’ll try it on. Thanks for the gift!", ].random()>> <<elseif $item.type == 2>> /* Drugs */ <<set _phrase = [ "Alright, I’ll give it a shot. Just this once.", "Eh, why not? I’ll try a little.", "Okay, you convinced me. Let’s do it.", "Alright, hand it over. I’m in.", "Alright, I’ll try it, just this once.", "Sure, why not? I’ll give it a go.", "Okay, I’m in. Let’s see what it’s like.", "Yeah, I’ll take some. Just to see how it feels.", "Alright, I guess one time won’t hurt.", ].random()>> <<elseif $item.type == 3 || $item.type == 4>> /* Gifts and Food*/ <<set _phrase = [ "Wow, really? Thank you, that’s so nice of you!", "Oh, you didn’t have to! But I’ll happily take it!", "Aw, that’s sweet. I’d love to accept it.", "Thank you! I’ll treasure this, really.", "You’re too kind! I’ll gladly take it.", ].random()>> <<set $setFriendship = Random(-1,-5)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc $setFriendship>> <<elseif $item.type == 5>> /* Sex Toys */ <<set _phrase = [ "Well, that’s... unexpected, but sure, I’ll take it!", "Oh, wow, I didn’t see that coming, but why not?", "Okay, you got me curious—I’ll give it a try.", "Alright, I’ll accept it. Let’s see what all the fuss is about!", "Alright, you’ve convinced me! I’ll take it.", ].random()>> <</if>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<if $item.type == 1>> <<run $interactionNpc.inventory.addItem($item.copy(1))>> <<run $interactionNpc.useItem($item, $player)>> <<elseif $item.type == 2 || $item.type == 3 || $item.type == 4>> <<run $interactionNpc.useItem($item, $player)>> <</if>> <<run $player.inventory.removeItem($, 1)>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_GiveItems">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $item.type == 1>> /* Cloth */ <<set _phrase = [ "No thanks, it’s really not my style.", "I appreciate it, but I’m not interested.", "Thanks, but I don’t think this would suit me.", "It’s nice, but I’m gonna pass.", "I’m good, but thanks anyway.", ].random()>> <<elseif $item.type == 2>> /* Drugs */ <<set _phrase = [ "Nah, I’m good. Not my thing.", "No thanks, I don’t mess with that stuff.", "I’m not into it.", "I’ll pass. That’s not for me.", "No, thanks. That’s not really my thing.", "Nah, I’m good. I don’t do that stuff.", "Appreciate it, but I’ll pass.", "Not interested, but thanks anyway.", "Nope, that’s a hard no from me.", ].random()>> <<elseif $item.type == 3 || $item.type == 4>> /* Gifts and Food*/ <<set _phrase = [ "That’s really generous, but I can’t accept it.", "Oh, thank you, but I’d feel weird taking it.", "I appreciate it, but it’s too much, really.", "No, but thank you so much for the thought.", "That’s very kind, but I’m going to have to say no.", ].random()>> <<elseif $item.type == 5>> /* Sex Toys */ <<set _phrase = [ "Thanks, but that’s really not my thing.", "I appreciate it, but I’ll have to pass on this one.", "Uh, no thanks, I think I’m good.", "That’s nice of you, but I’m not interested.", "I’ll pass, but thanks anyway.", ].random()>> <</if>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<if $item.type == 1 || $item.type == 2>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed_TryForce' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 70, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'GiveDrugTryForce'>> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $item.type == 1>> /* Cloth */ <<set _phrase = [ "I already said no. Can you drop it?", "Seriously, stop asking. I’m not wearing it.", "Look, it’s just not for me, alright?", "Come on, I told you I don’t want it.", "Enough. I’m not wearing it, so let it go.", ].random()>> <<elseif $item.type == 2>> /* Drugs */ <<set _phrase = [ "I said no. Why do you keep asking?", "Come on, drop it. I’m not interested.", "How many times do I have to say no?", "Enough already! I don’t want any.", "I told you, I’m not doing it. Stop pushing.", ].random()>> <<elseif $item.type == 3 || $item.type == 4>> /* Gifts and Food*/ <<set _phrase = [ "I’ve already said no. Please stop trying.", "Come on, I really don’t want to take it. Just keep it.", "I told you, I don’t need this. Let it go.", "Enough with the gift thing, alright? I’m not taking it.", "Look, I appreciate it, but I’m not changing my mind.", ].random()>> <<elseif $item.type == 5>> /* Sex Toys */ <<set _phrase = [ "I already said no. Please stop asking.", "Seriously, drop it. I’m not interested.", "Look, I don’t want it, okay? Let’s move on.", "Enough with this. I’ve told you I’m not taking it.", "I’m really not into it, so let’s just leave it there.", ].random()>> <</if>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<if $item.type == 1 || $item.type == 2>> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Attempt by force' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed_TryForce' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 0, Fear: 70, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'GiveDrugTryForce'>> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed_TryForce_Succes' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed_TryForce_Failed' 'Interactions_GiveItems_Failed_TryForce_Failed' 'Interactions_GiveItems' 'GiveItemTryForce' '{createBackButton: false, createTwiceBackButton: false}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $item.type == 1>> /* Cloth */ <<set _phrase = [ "Fine, if it’ll make you happy, I’ll put it on.", "Alright, alright, I’ll wear it just to stop the nagging.", "Okay, if it gets you off my back, I’ll try it.", "I didn’t want to, but... fine, I’ll put it on.", "If that’s what it takes for you to stop, then fine, I’ll wear it.", ].random()>> <<elseif $item.type == 2>> /* Drugs */ <<set _phrase = [ "Fine, if it’ll shut you up, I’ll try it.", "Alright, alright, I’ll do it... just stop pushing.", "I didn’t want to, but whatever, let’s just get it over with.", "You’re not giving me much of a choice here... fine.", "Alright, if it means you’ll leave me alone after.", ].random()>> <</if>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<if $item.type == 2>> <<run $interactionNpc.useItem($item, $player)>> <</if>> <<run $player.inventory.removeItem($, 1)>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Interactions_GiveItems">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $item.type == 1>> /* Cloth */ <<set _phrase = [ "I said no! Back off!", "I told you to stop pushing. Now it’s on!", "You think you can force me? Not happening!", "Get that away from me, or we’re gonna have a problem.", "I’m done with this. You’re not making me do anything!", ].random()>> <<elseif $item.type == 2>> /* Drugs */ <<set _phrase = [ "Back off! I said no, and I mean it!", "I told you to stop, and now you’re gonna wish you had.", "You don’t get to push me around. Hands off!", "Enough! I said no, and now you’re in for it.", "I’m done with you. You’re about to regret this.", ].random()>> <</if>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc "CharacterInteractions" _battleSetControlls>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _surgeryMsg = "Persuade " + $interactionNpc.pronounHimHer() + " to have the surgery">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Change sexual preference" "Interactions_ChangeSexPref_Choise">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Change preferred sexual role" "Interactions_ChangeSexRole_Choise">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Change clothing preferences" "Interactions_ChangeClothPref_Choise">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Hormone therapy persuasion" "Interactions_HormoneTherapy_Choise">><</button>></div> <<ChanceButton _surgeryMsg 'Interactions_PersuadeSurgery' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 90, Love: 90, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'PersuadeSurgery'>> <<if $interactionNpc.gender() != "Male" && ($ == "Student" || $ == "None") && ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "CanRecruit Hookers") == true || $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true)>> <<ChanceButton 'Persuade to become a whore' 'Interactions_BecomeAWhore' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 75, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 90, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'BecomeAWhore'>> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Persuade to become a whore">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<ChanceButton 'Change name' 'Interactions_ChangeName' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 80, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'ChangeName'>> <<ChanceButton 'Change your clothes' 'ChangeClothing' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 80, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'ChangeClothing'>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<ChanceButton 'Flirt' 'Interaction_Flirt' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 0, Love: 15, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: true}' 'Flirt'>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<ChanceButton "Casual conversation" "Casual_Conversation_Talk" $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 20, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' "Casual Conversation" false>> <<ChanceButton "Dirty talk" "Dirty_Talk_Talk" $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 25, Love: 60, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' "Dirty talk" true>> <<ChanceButton "Apologize" "Apologize_Talk" $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 20, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false}' "Apologize" false>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "CasualConversation" "NPCReject" "NPCReject_Again" "Interactions_Talk" "Casual Conversation" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "DirtyTalk" "NPCReject" "NPCReject_Again" "Interactions_Talk" "Dirty talk" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<CheckChance "Apologize" "NPCReject_Apologize" "NPCReject_Apologize_Again" "Interactions_Talk" "Apologize" '{createBackButton: true, createTwiceBackButton: true}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run _traits = getCharacterTraits($interactionNpc)>> <<run _phrase = getStatusPhrase("Reject", "Failed", _traits[0])>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-1, -5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run _traits = getCharacterTraits($interactionNpc)>> <<run _phrase = getStatusPhrase("Reject", "FailedAgain", _traits[0])>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-1, -5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-1, -3)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run _traits = getCharacterTraits($interactionNpc)>> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "Resentment", 0) > 0>> <<run _phrase = getStatusPhrase("Apologize", "Failed", _traits[0])>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-1, -5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<else>> <<run _phrase = getStatusPhrase("Apologize", "Neutral", _traits[0])>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.unregisterEvent($, "Reject Apologize")>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run _traits = getCharacterTraits($interactionNpc)>> <<run _phrase = getStatusPhrase("Apologize", "FailedAgain", _traits[0])>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _phrase>> <<set _moodDecrease = Random(-1, -5)>> <<SetMood $interactionNpc _moodDecrease>> <<set _decreaseRelations = Random (-1, -3)>> <<IncreaseFriendship $player $interactionNpc _decreaseRelations>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Is a pimp's whore")>> <<include "Pimp_PimpsWhoreEvent">> <<set _finish = true>> <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "IsSurgeonPimp") && _finish != true>> <<include "PimpSurgeon_Pimp">> <<set _finish = true>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetSurgeChar">> <<include "GetCurrentCharacterValue">> <<done>> <<include "SetAvailableBtn_Surgery">> <</done>> <div class="grid-row-twice" style = "grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr; grid-template-rows: 1fr;"> <div class="container-stat-visual" style="height: 380px;"> <p style="text-align: center;">Face ($1500)</p> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="surgery-container"> <div class="surgery-item"><div class="btn"><<button " <<< ">><<set $imgNumIncrease = false>><<replace "#surgery-icon">><<include "UpdateSurgeryImage">><</replace>><</button>></div> </div> <div class="surgery-item" id="surgery-icon"><img style="width: 200px; height: 200px; border-radius: 25px;" @src="_characterIcon" alt="Avatar"></div> <div class="surgery-item"><div class="btn"><<button " >>> ">><<set $imgNumIncrease = true>><<replace "#surgery-icon">><<include "UpdateSurgeryImage">><</replace>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="surgery-item" id="select-new-charface"><div class="btn"><<button "Select" "PlasticSurgery_Job">><</button>></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-stat-visual" style="height: 380px;"> <p style="text-align: center;">Body ($500)</p> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Femininity</div> <div class="surgery-container"> <div class="surgery-item" id="surgery-femininity-decrease-btn"></div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual"><<print Math.trunc(_characterFemininity.value)>>/_characterFemininity.max</div> <div class="surgery-item" id="surgery-femininity-increase-btn"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Breast</div> <div class="surgery-container"> <div class="surgery-item" id="surgery-breast-decrease-btn"></div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual"><<print Math.trunc(_characterBreastSize.value)>>/_characterBreastSize.max</div> <div class="surgery-item" id="surgery-breast-increase-btn"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Butt</div> <div class="surgery-container"> <div class="surgery-item" id="surgery-butt-decrease-btn"></div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual"><<print Math.trunc(_characterButtSize.value)>>/_characterButtSize.max</div> <div class="surgery-item" id="surgery-butt-increase-btn"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-stat-visual" style="height: 380px;"> <p style="text-align: center;">Genitals ($2000)</p> <div class="row-stat-visual" style="flex-direction: column;"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="surgery-item"><div class="btn" id="surgery-vagina-btn"><<button "Penis" "PlasticSurgery_Job">><</button>></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="surgery-item"><div class="btn" id="surgery-penis-btn"><<button "Vagina" "PlasticSurgery_Job">><</button>></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><<unset $surgeryChar $imgNumIncrease>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _characterGender = $surgeryChar.gender() == "Male" ? "Male" : "Female";>> <<set _characterIcon = "Media\\Characters\\" + $ + "\\Face\\" + _characterGender + "\\" + $characterFaceType.value + ".jpg">> <<set _characterFemininity = $surgeryChar.body.face>> <<set _characterBreastSize = $surgeryChar.body.breastSize>> <<set _characterButtSize = $surgeryChar.body.buttSize>> <<set _characterGenitals = $surgeryChar.genitalia()>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $imgNumIncrease == true>> <<if $characterFaceType.value == $characterFaceType.max>> <<set $characterFaceType.value = $characterFaceType.min>> <</if>> <<set $characterFaceType.increase(1)>> <<else>> <<if $characterFaceType.value == $characterFaceType.min>> <<set $characterFaceType.value = $characterFaceType.max>> <</if>> <<set $characterFaceType.decrease(1)>> <</if>> <<set _characterIcon = "Media\\Characters\\" + $ + "\\Face\\" + _characterGender + "\\" + $characterFaceType.value + ".jpg">> <img style="width: 200px; height: 200px; border-radius: 25px;" @src="_characterIcon" alt="Avatar"> <<include "SetAvailableBtn_Surgery">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> /* Face */ <<if $characterFaceType.value != $surgeryChar.body.faceType.value && $ >= 1500>> <<replace "#select-new-charface">><div class="btn"><<button "Select" "PlasticSurgery_Job">><<include "SelectNewFace_Surgery">><</button>></div><</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#select-new-charface">><div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Select">><</button>></div><</replace>> <</if>> /* Femininity */ <<if Math.trunc(_characterFemininity.value) != _characterFemininity.max && $ >= 500>> <<replace "#surgery-femininity-increase-btn">><div class="btn"><<button " >>> " "PlasticSurgery_Job">><<include "IncreaseFemininity_Surgery">><</button>></div><</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#surgery-femininity-increase-btn">><div class="btn non-interacting"><<button " >>> ">><</button>></div><</replace>> <</if>> <<if Math.trunc(_characterFemininity.value) != _characterFemininity.min && $ >= 500>> <<replace "#surgery-femininity-decrease-btn">><div class="btn"><<button " <<< " "PlasticSurgery_Job">><<include "DecreaseFemininity_Surgery">><</button>></div><</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#surgery-femininity-decrease-btn">><div class="btn non-interacting"><<button " <<< ">><</button>></div><</replace>> <</if>> /* ------------------------ */ /* Breast */ <<if Math.trunc(_characterBreastSize.value) != _characterBreastSize.max && $ >= 500>> <<replace "#surgery-breast-increase-btn">><div class="btn"><<button " >>> " "PlasticSurgery_Job">><<include "IncreaseBreast_Surgery">><</button>></div><</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#surgery-breast-increase-btn">><div class="btn non-interacting"><<button " >>> ">><</button>></div><</replace>> <</if>> <<if Math.trunc(_characterBreastSize.value) != _characterBreastSize.min && $ >= 500>> <<replace "#surgery-breast-decrease-btn">><div class="btn"><<button " <<< " "PlasticSurgery_Job">><<include "DecreaseBreast_Surgery">><</button>></div><</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#surgery-breast-decrease-btn">><div class="btn non-interacting"><<button " <<< ">><</button>></div><</replace>> <</if>> /* ------------------------ */ /* Butt */ <<if Math.trunc(_characterButtSize.value) != _characterButtSize.max && $ >= 500>> <<replace "#surgery-butt-increase-btn">><div class="btn"><<button " >>> " "PlasticSurgery_Job">><<include "IncreaseButt_Surgery">><</button>></div><</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#surgery-butt-increase-btn">><div class="btn non-interacting"><<button " >>> ">><</button>></div><</replace>> <</if>> <<if Math.trunc(_characterButtSize.value) != _characterButtSize.min && $ >= 500>> <<replace "#surgery-butt-decrease-btn">><div class="btn"><<button " <<< " "PlasticSurgery_Job">><<include "DecreaseButt_Surgery">><</button>></div><</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#surgery-butt-decrease-btn">><div class="btn non-interacting"><<button " <<< ">><</button>></div><</replace>> <</if>> /* ------------------------ */ /* Genitals */ <<if _characterGenitals != "Vagina" && $ >= 2000>> <<replace "#surgery-vagina-btn">><div class="btn"><<button "Vagina" "PlasticSurgery_Job">><<include "SetVagina_Surgery">><</button>></div><</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#surgery-vagina-btn">><div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Vagina">><</button>></div><</replace>> <</if>> <<if _characterGenitals != "Penis" && $ >= 2000>> <<replace "#surgery-penis-btn">><div class="btn"><<button "Penis" "PlasticSurgery_Job">><<include "SetPenis_Surgery">><</button>></div><</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#surgery-penis-btn">><div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Penis">><</button>></div><</replace>> <</if>> /* ------------------------ */ <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set $surgeryChar.body.faceType.value = $characterFaceType.value>> <<set $ -= 1500>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $surgeryChar.body.face.increase(1)>> <<set $ -= 500>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $surgeryChar.body.face.decrease(1)>> <<set $ -= 500>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $surgeryChar.body.breastSize.increase(1)>> <<set $ -= 500>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $surgeryChar.body.breastSize.decrease(1)>> <<set $ -= 500>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $surgeryChar.body.buttSize.increase(1)>> <<set $ -= 500>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $surgeryChar.body.buttSize.decrease(1)>> <<set $ -= 500>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $surgeryChar.body.penisSize.value = 8>> <<run $surgeryChar.body.vaginaSize.value = 0>> <<set $ -= 2000>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $surgeryChar.body.penisSize.value = 0>> <<run $surgeryChar.body.vaginaSize.value = 1>> <<set $ -= 2000>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $ == true>> <<run $surgeryChar = $player>> <<else>> <<run $surgeryChar = $interactionNpc>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="btn"><<button "Training" "ShowTrainingAttributes_FitnesTrainer">><</button>></div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="btn"><<button "Ask" "Interactions_Ask">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Talk" "Interactions_Talk">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Influence" "Interactions_Influence">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Romance" "Interactions_Romance">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Contact" "Interactions_Contact">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Aggression" "Interactions_Aggressive">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Give Item" "Interactions_GiveItems">><<set $filterType = "All">><<unset $source>><</button>></div> <<if $playerFollowers.length == 0>> <<ChanceButton 'Follow me' 'Interactions_FollowMe' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 70, Love: 0, Fear: 0, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: false, CheckSexPref: false}' 'FollowMe'>> <<elseif $playerFollowers.length > 0 && $playerFollowers.includes($ == false>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Follow me">><</button>></div> <<elseif $playerFollowers.includes($ == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Stop following me" "Interactions_StopFollowMe">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Hooker management" "HookerTalk">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Sexual services (500$)" "AskSexServices">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Training" "SexTrainer_Hooker">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Buy a photo studio") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Photo shoot" "Photographer">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Ask questions" "AskQuestions_Pimp">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Persuade" "Persuade">><<set $persuadeType = "Persuade">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Give Item" "GiveItems">><<set $filterType = "All">><<unset $source>><</button>></div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="btn"><<button "Talk" "PimpSecurityTalk_Pimp">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Offer yourself" "OfferYourselfToSecurity_Pimp">><</button>></div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="btn"><<button "Plastic surgery">><<ShowSurgery $player>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Drug testing" "DrugTesting">><<set $isPlayer = true>><</button>></div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="btn"><<button "Porn shoot" "PornShooting">><</button>></div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if _workHour == true>> <<switch $>> <<case "Gift seller">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy gifts" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Gift">><</button>></div> <<case "Pharmacist">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy medicine" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Drug">><</button>></div> <<case "Grocer">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy food" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Food">><</button>></div> <<case "Clothing Seller">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy clothes" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Clothing">><</button>></div> <<case "Sex Shop Worker">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy Toys" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "SexToy">><</button>></div> <</switch>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if ($player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "RemoveChastityCage") && $ >= 500) || $player.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex (500)" "Sex">><<set $sexType = "hoocker">><<set $ -= 500>><</button>></div> <<elseif $ >= 500 && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "RemoveChastityCage") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex (500)" "ChastityCageLock_Pimp">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Sex (500)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="btn"><<button "Training" "LearnfightTechniques">><</button>></div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $ == "Pimp" || $ == "Hooker" || $ == "Brothel Security" >> <<set _canTakeClothOff = false>> <<else>> <<set _canTakeClothOff = true>> <</if>> /*NewCharacterInteraction_Start */ <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> /* <<ShowRelationsBar $player $interactionNpc "Both">> */ <<include "Appearance">> <<include "NPCStatsVisualization">> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $ >= 15>> <<switch $>> <<case "None">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<case "Student">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "Interactions_Student">> <<case "Fitness Trainer">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "InteractionsFitnesTrainer">> <<case "Martial Arts Instructor">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "Interactions_FightTrainer">> <<case "Gift seller">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "BlowjobsDiscounts">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy gifts" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Gift">><</button>></div> <<case "Pharmacist">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "BlowjobsDiscounts">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy medicine" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Drug">><</button>></div> <<case "Grocer">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "BlowjobsDiscounts">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy food" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Food">><</button>></div> <<case "Clothing Seller">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "BlowjobsDiscounts">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy clothes" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "Clothing">><</button>></div> <<case "Sex Shop Worker">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "BlowjobsDiscounts">> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy Toys" "Shop">><<set $itemType = "SexToy">><</button>></div> <<case "Hooker">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "Interactions_Hooker">> <<case "Plastic Surgeon">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "Interactions_PlasticSurgeon">> <<case "Pimp">> <<include "InteractionEvent_Pimp">> <<if _finish != true>> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <</if>> <<case "Photographer">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "Interactions_Photographer">> <<case "Porn director">> <<include "Interactions_Citizen">> <<include "Interactions_PornDirector">> <<case "Pimp's whore">> <<include "Interactions_Whore_Of_Pimp">> <<case "Brothel Security">> <<include "Interactions_PimpSecurity">> <</switch>> <<if _finish != true>> <<include "InteractionSellers">> <<include "NPC_Interact_Event">> <<include "GetJobCheck">> <<if $ >= 150 && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "InviteToBar") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Invite to a bar ($150)" "InviteToBar">><<set $playerFollowers = []>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Invite to a bar ($150)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Get Info">><<run console.log($interactionNpc)>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <<if $ < 15>> <<ChatMessage "You're too tired.">> <</if>> <<if _finish != true>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "NudeCheck">><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $dateTime.hours >= 8 && $dateTime.hours <=20>> <<set _workHour = true>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if Random(0,100) > 86 && $gameSettings.contentFilter.NPC_Activity == true && $ != "Hooker" && $player.getRelationship($ < 50 && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "EventChatBegin") == false>> <<set $FromInteraction = true>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "EventChatBegin", 1)>> <<include "EventChoose">> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "GetNPCStatsToVisualize">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="container-stat-visual"> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Friendship</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_Friendship/100</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Love</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_Love/100</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Fear</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_Fear/100</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Mood</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_Mood/100</div> </div> </div> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Dominance</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_Dominance/100</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Lust</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_Lust/100</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Horny</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_Horny/100</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Aggression</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_Aggression/100</div> </div> </div> <div class="btn"><<button "More" "GetCharStatsForPanel">><<set $fromInteractions = true>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run _metrics = $player.getRelationship($>> <<run _Friendship = Math.trunc(_metrics.friendship)>> <<run _Love = Math.trunc(>> <<run _Fear = Math.trunc(_metrics.fear)>> <<run _Mood = Math.trunc($interactionNpc.behaviour.mood.value)>> <<run _Dominance = Math.trunc($interactionNpc.stats.dominance.value)>> <<run _Lust = Math.trunc($interactionNpc.stats.lust.value)>> <<run _Horny = Math.trunc($interactionNpc.status.horny.value)>> <<run _Aggression = Math.trunc($interactionNpc.stats.aggression.value)>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Penis" && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "SuckForDiscount") == false>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "SuckForDiscount") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Get a discount for a blowjob" "DiscountFirst">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Get a discount for a blowjob" "DiscontForBlowjob">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<elseif $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "SuckForDiscount") == true>> <<set _discount = (100 * 20) / 100>> <<set _finalCost = 100 - _discount>> <<else>> <<set _finalCost = 100>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<set _surgeryMsg = "Persuade " + $interactionNpc.pronounHimHer() + " to have the surgery">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Change sexual preference" "ChangeSexPref">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Change sex role" "ChangeSexRole">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Inspire Submission" "InspireSubmission">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Change clothing preference" "ChangeClothingPreference">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Change your clothes" "ChangeNPC_Cloth">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Change name" "ChangeNPC_Name">><</button>></div> <<if $interactionNpc.gender() == "Male" && ($ == "Student" || $ == "None") && $interactionNpc.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Takes female hormones") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Start taking female hormones" "TakeFemaleHormones">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button _surgeryMsg "PersuadeSurgery">><</button>></div> <<if $interactionNpc.gender() != "Male" && ($ == "Student" || $ == "None") && ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "CanRecruit Hookers") == true || $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true)>> <div class="btn"><<button "Persuade to become a whore" "PersuadeToBecomeWhore">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<run _pronoun = $interactionNpc.pronounHisHer().toLowerCase()>> <<if $persuadeType == "Coerce">> <div class="btn"><<button "Ask _pronoun to leave" "AskToLeave">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Make _pronoun leave" "AskToLeave">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $persuadeType == "Persuade">> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><<unset $persuadeType>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "AggressiveActions">><<unset $persuadeType>><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $persuadeType == "Coerce">> <<run _needCheck = {Friend: false, NPC_Dom: true, Player_Dom: true}>> <<else>> <<run _needCheck = {Friend: true, NPC_Dom: true, Player_Dom: true}>> <</if>> <<include "PersuadeCheck">> <<if _allow == true>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Enter a new Name'>> <div class="input-container"> <div class="text-field text-field_floating-2"> <input type="text" id="firstName" name="firstName" value="First Name"> <label class="text-field__label" for="email">First Name</label> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Accept" "Persuade">> <<run $ = document.getElementById("firstName").value>> <</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<ChatMessage _needMsg>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $persuadeType == "Coerce">> <<run _needCheck = {Friend: false, NPC_Dom: true, Player_Dom: true}>> <<else>> <<run _needCheck = {Friend: true, NPC_Dom: true, Player_Dom: true}>> <</if>> <<include "PersuadeCheck">> <<if _allow == true>> <<Chat $interactionNpc '$ agrees and leaves.'>> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC)>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "Bar">> <<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<ChatMessage _needMsg>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<run _needCheck = {Friend: true, NPC_Dom: true, Player_Dom: true}>> <<include "PersuadeCheck">> <<if _allow == true>> <<set $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.decrease( Random(1.0, 5.0, true))>> <<ChatMessage '$ agrees to take female hormones.'>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Takes female hormones", 1)>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage _needMsg>> <<ChatMessage '$ does not agree to take female hormones.'>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<run _needCheck = {Friend: true, NPC_Dom: false, Player_Dom: false}>> <<include "PersuadeCheck">> <<if _allow == true>> <<set $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.decrease( Random(1.0, 5.0, true))>> <<ChatMessage "You have successfully instilled submissiveness.">> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(-1.0, -3.0, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage _needMsg>> <<set _msg = $ + " doesn't trust you.">> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(-1.0, -3.0, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<run _needCheck = {Friend: true, NPC_Dom: true, Player_Dom: true}>> <<include "PersuadeCheck">> <<if ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker")>> <<set _allow = true>> <</if>> <<if _allow == true>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Okay, I'll do it.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Go to the clinic" "PlasticSurgery">><<set $isPlayer = false>><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<ChatMessage _needMsg>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I'm not going to do that.">> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(-1.0, -5.0, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<run _needCheck = {Friend: true, NPC_Dom: true, Player_Dom: true}>> <<include "PersuadeCheck">> <<if _allow == true>> <<set $ = "Hooker">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I think you're right. I'm gonna be a whore.">> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == false>> <<set $Earnings = 50>> <<switch Math.trunc($interactionNpc.body.face.value)>> <<case 3>> <<set $Earnings += 200>> <<case 4>> <<set $Earnings += 400>> <<case 5>> <<set $Earnings += 500>> <<case 6>> <<set $Earnings += 800>> <</switch>> <<switch Math.trunc($interactionNpc.body.breastSize.value)>> <<case 1>> <<set $Earnings += 150>> <<case 2>> <<set $Earnings += 250>> <<case 3>> <<set $Earnings += 400>> <<case 4>> <<set $Earnings += 600>> <<case 5>> <<set $Earnings += 800>> <<case 6>> <<set $Earnings += 1000>> <</switch>> <<switch Math.trunc($interactionNpc.body.buttSize.value)>> <<case 1>> <<set $Earnings += 150>> <<case 2>> <<set $Earnings += 250>> <<case 3>> <<set $Earnings += 400>> <<case 4>> <<set $Earnings += 600>> <<case 5>> <<set $Earnings += 800>> <<case 6>> <<set $Earnings += 1000>> <</switch>> <<if $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<set $Earnings += 200>> <</if>> <<set $ += $Earnings>> <<set _msg = "The pimp paid you " + $Earnings + "$ for the new girl.">> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <</if>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage _needMsg>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Don't be ridiculous.">> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(-1.0, -5.0, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "You must like masculinity" "TryChangeSexPref">><<set $sexPref = "masculinity">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "You must like femininity" "TryChangeSexPref">><<set $sexPref = "femininity">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "You must like both" "TryChangeSexPref">><<set $sexPref = "both">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<run _needCheck = {Friend: true, NPC_Dom: true, Player_Dom: true}>> <<include "PersuadeCheck">> <<if ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker")>> <<set _allow = true>> <</if>> <<if _allow == true>> <<switch $sexPref>> <<case "masculinity">> <<run $ = "Manly">> <<case "femininity">> <<run $ = "Feminine">> <<case "both">> <<run $ = "Bi">> <</switch>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I think you're right.">> <<else>> <<ChatMessage _needMsg>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Don't be ridiculous.">> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(-1.0, -5.0, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><<unset $sexPref>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Be more active" "TryChangeSexRole">><<set $sexRole = "active">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Be more passive" "TryChangeSexRole">><<set $sexRole = "passive">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Be versatile" "TryChangeSexRole">><<set $sexRole = "versatile">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<run _needCheck = {Friend: true, NPC_Dom: true, Player_Dom: true}>> <<include "PersuadeCheck">> <<if ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker")>> <<set _allow = true>> <</if>> <<if _allow == true>> <<switch $sexRole>> <<case "active">> <<run $ = "Active">> <<case "passive">> <<run $ = "Passive">> <<case "versatile">> <<run $ = "versatile">> <</switch>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I think you're right.">> <<else>> <<ChatMessage _needMsg>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Don't be ridiculous.">> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(-1.0, -5.0, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><</button>></div> </div> <<unset $sexRole>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $ != "women">> <div class="btn"><<button "You should wear women's clothing" "TryChangeClothPref">><<set $pref = "women">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "You should wear men's clothing" "TryChangeClothPref">><<set $pref = "men">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<run _needCheck = {Friend: true, NPC_Dom: true, Player_Dom: true}>> <<include "PersuadeCheck">> <<if ($player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Became A Pimp") == true && $ == "Hooker")>> <<set _allow = true>> <</if>> <<if _allow == true>> <<set $ = $pref>> <<run $interactionNpc.AddCloth(true)>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I think you're right.">> <<else>> <<ChatMessage _needMsg>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Don't be ridiculous.">> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Persuade">><<unset $pref>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _allow = true>> <<set _needMsg = "">> <<if $persuadeType == "Coerce">> <<if $player.getRelationship($ < 80>> <<set _needMsg += "(Fear level is too low. Less than 80)<br>">> <<set _allow = false>> <</if>> <<elseif $persuadeType == "Persuade">> <<if _needCheck.Friend == true && $player.getRelationship($ < 90>> <<set _needMsg += "(Your level of friendship is too low)<br>">> <<set _allow = false>> <</if>> <<if _needCheck.NPC_Dom == true && $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.value >= 20>> <<run _pronoun = capitalizeFirstLetter($interactionNpc.pronounHisHer())>> <<set _needMsg += "(" + _pronoun + " dominance level is excessively high)<br>">> <<set _allow = false>> <</if>> <<if _needCheck.Player_Dom == true && $player.stats.dominance.value < $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.value>> <<set _needMsg += "(Your level of dominance is too low.)<br>">> <<set _allow = false>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "HGheck">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Learn about management" "HokerAsk">><<set $typeOfAsk = "Learn">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Sexual services (Free)" "AskSexServices">><</button>></div> <<if _SheIsHG == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Make her a head girl" "HokerAsk">><<set $typeOfAsk = "MakeHerHeadGirl">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Collect the earned money" "HokerAsk">><<set $typeOfAsk = "CollectMoney">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "How many girls work for me?" "HokerAsk">><<set $typeOfAsk = "HowManyGirls">><<set $askType = "Work For Faction">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><<unset $typeOfAsk _SheIsHG _HeadGirls _HeadGirl>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<include "HGheck">> <hr> <<switch $typeOfAsk >> <<case "MakeHerHeadGirl">> <<set $pimpEarnings = 0>> <<if _HeadGirls.length > 0>> <<run _HeadGirl.characterEvents.unregisterEvent(, "Is Head Girl")>> <</if>> <<run $interactionNpc.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Is Head Girl", 1)>> <<ChatMessage 'You appointed a new girl to the position of the head girl.'>> <<case "Learn">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "You can appoint one of your girls as a head girl; she will collect your share and settle with the faction. However, remember that if you have already appointed another girl to this position, all the funds collected will be lost.">> <<case "CollectMoney">> <<if $pimpEarnings > 0>> <<set $pimpEarnings = $pimpEarnings / 4>> <<run $pimpEarnings = Math.trunc($pimpEarnings)>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Here is your share of the earnings.">> <<set _msg = "She gives you $" + $pimpEarnings>> <<run $ += $pimpEarnings>> <<set $pimpEarnings = 0>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage "We haven't earned anything yet.">> <</if>> <<case "HowManyGirls">> <<set _chars = []>> <<run _hookers = $Characters.filter((character) => == "Hooker")>> <<run _hookers.forEach((hooker) => { _chars.push($Characters.indexOf(hooker))})>> <<set _msg = "Currently, " + _hookers.length + " girls are working for you.">> <<Chat $interactionNpc _msg>> <<if _hookers.length > 0>> <div class="padding-up"> <<linkreplace "Hookers">> <<DisplayCharacters _chars>> <</linkreplace>> </div> <</if>> <</switch>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "HookerTalk">><</button>></div> </div> <<unset $typeOfAsk _SheIsHG _HeadGirls _HeadGirl>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _HeadGirlYet = false>> <<set _SheIsHG = false>> <<run _HeadGirls = $Characters.filter( (character) => character.characterEvents.isEventRegistered(, "Is Head Girl") == true)>> <<if _HeadGirls.length > 0>> <<set _HeadGirlYet = true>> <<run _HeadGirl = _HeadGirls[0]>> <<if == $>> <<set _SheIsHG = true>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $player.attributes.seduction.value < $player.attributes.seduction.max>> <<if $ >= 10 && $ >= 50>> <div class="btn"><<button "Seduction $50" "Training_Hooker">><<set $trainType = "Seduction">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Seduction $50">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Seduction (MAX)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $player.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value < $player.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.max>> <<if $ >= 10 && $ >= 50>> <div class="btn"><<button "Seduction Resistance $50" "Training_Hooker">><<set $trainType = "resistanceToSeduction">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Seduction Resistance $50">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Seduction Resistance (MAX)">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<switch $trainType>> <<case "Seduction">> <<run $player.attributes.seduction.increase(Random(1,5))>> <<if $player.attributes.seduction.value < $player.attributes.seduction.max>> <<ChatMessage 'You have slightly increased your seduction.'>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'You have increased your seduction to the maximum.'>> <</if>> <<case "resistanceToSeduction">> <<run $player.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.increase(Random(1,5))>> <<if $player.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.value < $player.attributes.resistanceToSeduction.max>> <<ChatMessage 'You have slightly increased your seduction resistance.'>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'You have increased your seduction resistance to the maximum.'>> <</if>> <</switch>> <<set $ -= 50>> <<run $>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "SexTrainer_Hooker">><<unset $trainType>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="btn"><<button "Learn about recruiting" "AskForRecruiting_Pimp">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "I want to earn some extra money" "AskForWork_Pimp">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Are you working for a faction?" "OtherQuestions_Pimp">><<set $askType = "Work For Faction">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Can I become a pimp too?" "OtherQuestions_Pimp">><<set $askType = "Become Pimp">><</button>></div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "CanRecruit Hookers") == false>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "CanRecruit Hookers", 1)>> <</if>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "If you're looking to make some extra cash, bring girls to me. I'll pay for each one. The prettier the girls are, the more I will pay.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Interactions_Ask">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<ChatMessage 'He looks at you with an evaluating gaze.'>> <<if $player.body.face.value < 2 || $player.gender() == "Male">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "You lack femininity.">> <<else>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Can Work As Hooker") == false>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Can Work As Hooker", 1)>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Alright, now you're working for me. When you decide to earn, just tell me, and I'll find clients for you. I'll take 40% of your earnings.">> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "You're already working for me, after all. When you decide to earn, just tell me, and I'll find clients for you. I'll take 40% of your earnings.">> <</if>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I'll give you one piece of advice: the more attractive you are, the more money clients might offer. So, don't neglect plastic surgery.">> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Interactions_Ask">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<switch $askType>> <<case "Work For Faction">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Of course. In this city, you can't just work for yourself. Factions will either make you pay a percentage or kill you if you refuse. I work for \"Snake Eyes\", they deal in drug trafficking and prostitution.">> <<case "Become Pimp">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "\"Snake Eyes\" usually only conduct business with one pimp in the area. Having multiple pimps at once can lead to numerous conflicts between them, affecting the stability of the income stream. So, if you want to become a pimp, you'll have to eliminate me, otherwise, \"Snake Eyes\" will eliminate you.">> <</switch>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Interactions_Ask">><<unset $askType>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<if $LoseBattle == true && $gameSettings.contentFilter.PlayerFeminization == true>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Loose To Pimp", 1)>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Is a pimp's whore", 1)>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Nice try, but you've lost. Now you will pay for your foolishness. I will change you and you will earn a lot of money for me. I will arrange with your college to grant you a deferral from classes while you work off the debt">> <<ChatMessage 'The pimp\'s people take you to a clinic, where you undergo multiple surgeries. After that, you are taken to a room where you will work off the debt'>> <<ChatMessage 'Every day your debt will increase by 1%. You can pay it off by working as a whore for the pimp.'>> <<if $player.genitalia() == "Penis">> <<ChatMessage 'A chastity cage has been put on your penis. If you want to remove the chastity cage for one day, then you must pay the pimp.'>> <</if>> <<ChatMessage 'You have become a pimp\'s whore. Your debt is now: $10000'>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "PimpRoom">> <<set $playerFollowers = []>> <<run $playerDebt = 10000>> <<run $ = 0>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<include "CharactersData">> /*Create Whores */ <<set $pimp_Whores = []>> <<for _i = 0; _i < 5; _i++>> <<run _createChar = CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Pimp's whore", sexualPreference: "Bi", clothesPreference: "women", age: Random(18,30), }, true)>> <<run _createChar.characterEvents.registerEvent(, "Is a pimp's whore", 1)>> <<set $pimp_Whores.push(>> <</for>> /*Create Guards */ <<set $pimp_Guards = []>> <<for _i = 0; _i < 3; _i++>> <<run _createChar = CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Brothel Security", battleSkill: 80, SexRole: "Active", gender: "Male", sexualPreference: "Bi", clothesPreference: "men", strength: Random(85,90), defense: Random(85,90), vitality: Random(85,90), dexterity: Random(85,90), seduction: Random(85,90), resistanceToSeduction: Random(85,90), age: Random(18,30), }, true)>> <<run _createChar.characterEvents.registerEvent(, "Is a pimp's whore", 1)>> <<set $pimp_Guards.push(>> <</for>> <<run $pimpSurgeon = CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Plastic Surgeon", age: Random(20,40), }, true)>> <<if $pimpSurgeon.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "IsSurgeonPimp") == false>> <<run $pimpSurgeon.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "IsSurgeonPimp", 1)>> <</if>> <<unset $maleNames $femaleNames $surnames $LoseBattle>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $LoseBattle == true && $gameSettings.contentFilter.PlayerFeminization == false>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Loose To Pimp", 1)>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Nice try, but you lost. Now you'll pay for your foolishness. You owe me 10,000.">> <<ChatMessage 'The player feminization content is blocked, as the \'Forced Player Feminization\' option is disabled in the content filter'>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "RedLightDistrict">> <<run $ -= 10000>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<unset $LoseBattle>> <</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Became A Pimp", 1)>> <<set $pimpEarnings = 0>> <<ChatMessage 'After that, a person from the faction approached you and explained your obligations. Now, the faction will take 50% of your earnings'>> <<ChatMessage 'You have become a pimp. You can appoint one of your girls as the \'Madame\', and then you can collect your share from her weekly'>> <<ChatMessage 'What do you want to do with him?'>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Feminize him (Trans)" "Ending_Pimp">> <<run $interactionNpc.body.face.increase(6)>> <<run $interactionNpc.body.breastSize.increase(5)>> <<run $interactionNpc.body.buttSize.increase(5)>> <<run $ = "Hooker">> <<run $ = "women">> <<run $interactionNpc.AddCloth(true)>> <<set $PimpDest = "Feminize">> <<unset $LoseBattle>> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC, "RedLightDistrict")>> <</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Feminize him (Fem)" "Ending_Pimp">> <<run $interactionNpc.body.face.increase(6)>> <<run $interactionNpc.body.breastSize.increase(5)>> <<run $interactionNpc.body.buttSize.increase(5)>> <<run $interactionNpc.body.penisSize.decrease(60)>> <<run $interactionNpc.body.vaginaSize.increase(1)>> <<run $ = "Hooker">> <<run $ = "women">> <<run $interactionNpc.AddCloth(true)>> <<set $PimpDest = "Feminize">> <<unset $LoseBattle>> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC, "RedLightDistrict")>> <</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Let him go" "Ending_Pimp">><<set $PimpDest = "LetGo">><<run $ = "None">><<unset $LoseBattle>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<switch $PimpDest>> <<case "Feminize">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<Chat $interactionNpc "You bastard, what have you done to me? I will never forgive you for this.">> <<ChatMessage 'He is furious, but he knows that he can\'t do anything against you, as the faction\'s people will find him and he will regret it even more.'>> <<case "LetGo">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Are you just letting me go like that? Well, I didn't expect such generosity from you.">> <<ChatMessage 'You let him go and he leaves.'>> <</switch>> <div class="padding-top"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $PimpDest>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Talk" "PimpSecurityTalk_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Offer yourself" "OfferYourselfToSecurity_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" $>><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><</button>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<Chat $player 'Mr. Security, I want to offer myself to you, if you\'ll have me.'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Come here, whore, and let me see what you have to offer.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "PassiveSex">><<set $sexType = "hoockerWork">><<set $aggresiveFuck = true>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Get back to work, whore.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" $>><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><</button>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $ < 500>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Breast ($500)">><</button>></div> <<elseif $player.body.breastSize.value >= $player.body.breastSize.max>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Breast (MAX)">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Breast ($500)" "SurgeryDone_Pimp">> <<run $player.body.breastSize.increase(1)>> <<run $ -= 500>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ < 500>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Ass ($500)">><</button>></div> <<elseif $player.body.buttSize.value >= $player.body.buttSize.max>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Ass (MAX)">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Ass ($500)" "SurgeryDone_Pimp">> <<run $player.body.buttSize.increase(1)>> <<run $ -= 500>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ < 500>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Femininity ($500)">><</button>></div> <<elseif $player.body.face.value >= $player.body.face.max>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Femininity (MAX)">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Femininity ($500)" "SurgeryDone_Pimp">> <<run $player.body.face.increase(1)>> <<run $ -= 500>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ < 2000 && $player.genitalia() == "Penis">> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Vaginoplasty ($2000)">><</button>></div> <<elseif $ >= 2000 && $player.genitalia() == "Penis">> <div class="btn"><<button "Vaginoplasty ($2000)" "SurgeryDone_Pimp">> <<run $player.body.penisSize.value = 0>> <<run $player.body.vaginaSize.value = 1>> <<run $ -= 2000>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" $>><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage 'The surgery was successful.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "PimpSurgeon_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<include "Appearance">> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Talk" "PimpSecurityTalk_Pimp">><</button>></div> <<if $player.genitalia() == "Penis">> <<if $ >= 500 && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "RemoveChastityCage") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Remove the chastity cage for 1 day (500$)" "RemoveSecurityCage_Pimp">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Remove the chastity cage for 1 day (500$)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Debt" "PayOffDebt_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" $>><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<run $ -= 500>> <<if $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "RemoveChastityCage") == false>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "RemoveChastityCage", 1)>> <</if>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Okay, I\'ll take off your chastity cage, but only for today. Have a good time whore.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Pimp_PimpsWhoreEvent">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<set _msgDebt = "Your debt: $" + $playerDebt>> <<ChatMessage _msgDebt>> <hr> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Pay Off</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $ >= 100>> <div class="btn"><<button "$100" "PayOffDebt_Pimp">><<run _debtSum = Math.min(100, $playerDebt)>><<set _debtType = "PayOff">><<include "PimpDebtCalculate_Pimp">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "$100">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ >= 1000>> <div class="btn"><<button "$1000" "PayOffDebt_Pimp">><<run _debtSum = Math.min(1000, $playerDebt)>><<set _debtType = "PayOff">><<include "PimpDebtCalculate_Pimp">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "$1000">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ > 0>> <div class="btn"><<button "All" "PayOffDebt_Pimp">><<run _debtSum = Math.min($, $playerDebt)>><<set _debtType = "PayOff">><<include "PimpDebtCalculate_Pimp">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "All">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Loan</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "$100" "PayOffDebt_Pimp">><<set _debtSum = 100>><<set _debtType = "Loan">><<include "PimpDebtCalculate_Pimp">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "$1000" "PayOffDebt_Pimp">><<set _debtSum = 1000>><<set _debtType = "Loan">><<include "PimpDebtCalculate_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Pimp_PimpsWhoreEvent">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if _debtType == "PayOff">> <<set $playerDebt -= _debtSum>> <<set $ -= _debtSum>> <<if $playerDebt > 0>> <<set _msg = "You paid off " + "$" + "_debtSum of the" + "$" + "$playerDebt debt">> <<ChatMessage 'You paid off _debtSum of the $playerDebt debt.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "PayOffDebt_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<goto "PlayerRelease_Pimp">> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $playerDebt += _debtSum>> <<set $ += _debtSum>> <<ChatMessage 'You borrowed _debtSum'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "PayOffDebt_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<EachLoc>> <<SaveLocation>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/Basement.jpg">> <<ChatMessage 'You have settled your debt, and you have been released.'>> <<run $player.characterEvents.unregisterEvent($, "Is a pimp's whore")>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Good whore. You have paid off your debt. You can leave now.'>> <<run $indexesToRemove = []>> <<run $Characters.forEach((item, index) => { if ($pimp_Whores.includes( || $pimp_Guards.includes( || $ =={ $indexesToRemove.push(index); } })>> <<run _lengt = $indexesToRemove.length - 1>> <<for _i = _lengt; _i >= 0; _i-->> <<run $Characters.splice($indexesToRemove[_i], 1);>> <</for>> <<run console.log($Characters.indexOf($interactionNpc))>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "RedLightDistrict">><<run $ = "Student">><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>><<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<include "Appearance">> <hr> <<if ($player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "RemoveChastityCage") && $ >= 500) || $player.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex (500)" "Sex">><<set $sexType = "hoocker">><<set $ -= 500>><</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $ >= 500 && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "RemoveChastityCage") == false>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex (500)" "ChastityCageLock_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Sex (500)">><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" $>><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><</button>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Sorry, but first, you need to remove the chastity cage. Visit a pimp.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Whore_Of_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetSurgeChar">> <<ShowNpcIcon $changeChar>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Breast ($500)" "PlasticSurgery_Change">><<set $surgery = "Breast">> <<set $cost = 500>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Ass ($500)" "PlasticSurgery_Change">><<set $surgery = "Ass">> <<set $cost = 500>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Femininity ($500)" "PlasticSurgery_Change">><<set $surgery = "Femininity">> <<set $cost = 500>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Face ($500)" "FaceSurgery">><<set $cost = 500>><<set $currentFace = $changeChar.body.faceType.value>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Genitals ($2000)" "PlasticSurgery_Genitals">><<set $cost = 2000>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><<unset $surgery $cost $changeChar>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetSurgeChar">> <<ShowNpcIcon $changeChar>> <hr> <p>Current: <<print $changeChar.genitalia()>></p> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $changeChar.genitalia() != "Penis">> <div class="btn"><<button "Penis" "PlasticSurgery_Genitals">> <<if $cost > $>> <<unset $cost>> <<goto "SurgeryNoMoney">> <<else>> <<run $changeChar.body.penisSize.value = 8>> <<run $changeChar.body.vaginaSize.value = 0>> <<run $ -= $cost>> <<unset $cost>> <</if>> <</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Change penis size" "PlasticSurgery_ChangePenisSize">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $changeChar.genitalia() != "Vagina">> <div class="btn"><<button "Vagina" "PlasticSurgery_Genitals">> <<if $cost > $>> <<unset $cost>> <<goto "SurgeryNoMoney">> <<else>> <<run $changeChar.body.penisSize.value = 0>> <<run $changeChar.body.vaginaSize.value = 1>> <<run $ -= $cost>> <<unset $cost>> <</if>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "PlasticSurgery">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetSurgeChar">> <<run _msg = "Current: " + (Math.floor($changeChar.body.penisSize.value * 100) / 100)>> <<print _msg>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $changeChar.body.penisSize.value < $changeChar.body.penisSize.max>> <div class="btn"><<button "Increase penis size (50$)" "PlasticSurgery_ChangePenisSize">> <<set $cost = 50>> <<if $cost > $>> <<unset $cost>> <<goto "SurgeryNoMoney">> <<else>> <<run $changeChar.body.penisSize.increase(0.25)>> <<run $ -= $cost>> <<unset $cost>> <</if>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $changeChar.body.penisSize.value > 1>> <div class="btn"><<button "Reduce penis size (50$)" "PlasticSurgery_ChangePenisSize">> <<set $cost = 50>> <<if $cost > $>> <<unset $cost>> <<goto "SurgeryNoMoney">> <<else>> <<run $changeChar.body.penisSize.decrease(0.25)>> <<if $changeChar.body.penisSize.value < 1>> <<set $changeChar.body.penisSize.value = 1>> <</if>> <<run $ -= $cost>> <<unset $cost>> <</if>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "PlasticSurgery_Genitals">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetSurgeChar">> <<switch $surgery>> <<case "Breast">> <<run _breastImg = $changeChar.getBreastImage()>> _breastImg <<set _changes = $changeChar.body.breastSize>> <<case "Ass">> <<run _assImg = $changeChar.getAssImage()>> _assImg <<set _changes = $changeChar.body.buttSize>> <<case "Femininity">> <<ShowNpcIcon $changeChar>> <<set _changes = $changeChar.body.face>> <</switch>> <<if $changeChar.dailyEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "Surgery", 0) < 1>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if _changes.value != _changes.max>> <div class="btn"><<button "Increase" "PlasticSurgery_Change">> <<if $cost > $>> <<unset $cost>> <<goto "SurgeryNoMoney">> <<else>> <<run $changeChar.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "Surgery", 1)>> <<run _changes.increase(1)>> <<run $ -= $cost>> <<unset $cost>> <</if>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <<if _changes.value != _changes.min>> <div class="btn"><<button "Reduce" "PlasticSurgery_Change">> <<if $cost > $>> <<unset $cost>> <<goto "SurgeryNoMoney">> <<else>> <<run $changeChar.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "Surgery", 1)>> <<run _changes.decrease(1)>> <<run $ -= $cost>> <<unset $cost>> <</if>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "PlasticSurgery">><<unset $cost>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <<else>> <<if $isPlayer == true>> <<ChatMessage "You've already undergone a surgery today. It's essential to take at least one full day for recovery.">> <<else>> <<set _msg = $ + " has already undergone surgery today. It's essential to take at least one full day for recovery">> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "PlasticSurgery">><<unset $cost>><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetSurgeChar">> <<ShowNpcIcon $changeChar>> <hr> <<set _selectText = "Select $" + $cost>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $changeChar.body.faceType.value != $changeChar.body.faceType.max>> <div class="btn"><<button "Next" "FaceSurgery">> <<run $changeChar.body.faceType.increase(1)>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $changeChar.body.faceType.value != $changeChar.body.faceType.min>> <div class="btn"><<button "Previous" "FaceSurgery">><<run $changeChar.body.faceType.decrease(1)>><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button _selectText "PlasticSurgery">> <<if $cost > $>> <<run $changeChar.body.faceType.value = $currentFace>> <<unset $cost $currentFace>> <<goto "SurgeryNoMoney">> <<else>> <<run $changeChar.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "Surgery", 1)>> <<run $ -= $cost>> <<unset $cost>> <</if>> <</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "PlasticSurgery">> <<run $changeChar.body.faceType.value = $currentFace>> <<unset $currentFace>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetSurgeChar">> <<ChatMessage "Not enough money.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "PlasticSurgery">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>> /* :: SetSurgeChar <<nobr>> <<if $isPlayer == true>> <<run $changeChar = $player>> <<else>> <<run $changeChar = $interactionNpc>> <</if>> <</nobr>> */
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "DrugTesting") == true>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'You have already participated in the drug testing today. We need more precise data, so please come back tomorrow.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'We need to test a new medication. If you agree to participate as a subject, the clinic will pay you $200.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Agree" "AgreeDrugTest">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Refuse" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Thank you for your participation. Please, follow me.'>> <<ChatMessage 'You are taken to a special room and given a pill.'>> <<ChatMessage 'You feel dizzy and fall asleep.'>> <<ChatMessage 'When you wake up, you are given $200.'>> <<set _randEffect = Random(0,5)>> <<switch _randEffect>> <<case 0>> <<run $player.body.penisSize.decrease(Random(0.1, 0.5, true))>> <<case 1>> <<run $player.body.face.increase(Random(0.2, 0.8, true))>> <<case 2>> <<run $player.body.face.decrease(Random(0.1, 0.5, true))>> <<case 3>> <<run $player.body.buttSize.increase(Random(0.2, 0.5, true))>> <<case 4>> <<run $player.body.breastSize.increase(Random(0.2, 0.5, true))>> <</switch>> <<if $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "DrugTesting") == false>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "DrugTesting", 1)>> <</if>> <<set $ += 200>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $player.getRelationship($ >= 80 || $player.getRelationship($ >= 80>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Of course, lead the way.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>> <<set $playerFollowers.push($>> <<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'Your level of friendship or love is not high enough, so $ refuses to follow you.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "TalkAboutSex") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Talk about sex" "TalkAboutSex">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" ><<button "Talk about sex" "TalkAboutSex">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Flirt") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Flirt" "TryFlirt">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Flirt" "TryFlirt">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Interaction" "Interaction">><<set $interactionType = "Romance">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<set _friendship = $player.getRelationship($>> <<set _allowFlirt = false>> <<if _friendship < 60>> <<ChatMessage 'The friendship level is too low for this'>> <<else>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "Flirt", 1)>> <<include "CheckSexPref">> <<if _sexPrefResult == true>> <<include "FlirtDone">> <<else>> <<ChatMessage '$ looks at you with disgust.'>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(-2.0, -1.0, true)}>> <</if>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <<SpendTime 5>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Romance">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<switch $player.getAttractiveText()>> <<case "Ugly">> <<ChatMessage '$ looks at you with disgust.'>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(-2.0, -1.0, true)}>> <<case "Ordinary">> <<ChatMessage '$ a little flirtatious with you'>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(1, 3, true)}>> <<case "Beautiful">> <<ChatMessage '$ actively flirting with you'>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(2, 5, true)}>> <</switch>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "TalkAboutSex", 1)>> <<run _lust = $interactionNpc.stats.lust>> <<run _lust.increase(Random(1, 5, true))>> <<if _lust.value < 50>> <<ChatMessage '$ blushes when you talk to her about sex.'>> <<elseif _lust.value >= 50 && _lust.value < 80>> <<ChatMessage '$ actively participates in the conversation when you talk about sex.'>> <<elseif _lust.value >=80>> <<ChatMessage '$ flirts with you when you talk about sex.'>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Romance">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set _charLust = $interactionNpc.stats.lust.value>> <<if _charLust <= 10>> <<set _maxSexCount = 1>> <<elseif _charLust > 10 && _charLust <= 20>> <<set _maxSexCount = 2>> <<elseif _charLust > 20 && _charLust <= 35>> <<set _maxSexCount = 3>> <<elseif _charLust > 35 && _charLust <= 50>> <<set _maxSexCount = 4>> <<elseif _charLust > 50 && _charLust <= 75>> <<set _maxSexCount = 4>> <<elseif _charLust > 75 && _charLust <= 90>> <<set _maxSexCount = 5>> <<elseif _charLust > 90>> <<set _maxSexCount = 6>> <</if>> <<if $sexType == "hoocker">> <<goto "Sex">> <<elseif $sexType == "hoockerWork">> <<set $roundCount = 1>> <<goto "PassiveSex">> <<elseif $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "Sex", 0) < _maxSexCount>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "Sex", 1)>> <<if $player.stats.dominance.value < $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.value>> <<run $roundCount = Random(1,3)>> <<goto "PassiveSex">> <<else>> <<goto "Sex">> <</if>> <<else>> <<set $maxSexEnd = true>> <<SpendEnergy $player 20>> <<SpendEnergy $interactionNpc 20>> <<goto "TrySex">> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set $passiveSex = true>> <<if $roundCount <= 0 && $sexType != "hoocker" && $sexType != "hoockerWork">> <<set $endSexByRoundCount = true>> <<goto "TrySex">> <</if>> <fieldset> <legend>Sex(Passive)</legend> <div class="btn-container-row"> <div class="btn btn--small"> <<button "Sex" "TrySex">><<include "SetPassiveSexPose">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <<if $sexType != "hoockerWork" && $sexType != "Porn Shoot" && $sexType != "Porn Shoot (PlayerTransform)">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" $>> <<if $sexType == "OneSex (Destroy)">> <<run $Characters.splice($indexNPC, 1)>> <</if>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <<set $passiveSex = false>> <<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $passiveSex $playerDom $partnerCum $cumIn $roundCount $maxSexEnd $Pose $cuni>> <</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set $cuni = false>> <<set $passiveSex = false>> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Sex(Active)</legend> <div class="btn-container-row"> <<if $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <div class="btn btn--small"><<button "Vaginal" "TrySex">><<set $playerDom = true>><<set $Pose = "Vag">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn btn--small"><<button "Anal" "TrySex">><<set $playerDom = true>><<set $Pose = "Anal">><</button>></div> <div class="btn btn--small"><<button "Oral" "TrySex">><<set $playerDom = true>><<set $Pose = "Oral">><<set $cuni = $player.genitalia() == "Vagina">><</button>></div> <<if $player.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <div class="btn btn--small"><<button "Oral(Strap-on)" "TrySex">><<set $playerDom = true>><<set $Pose = "Oral(Strap-on)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male" && $interactionNpc.body.breastSize.value >= 3>> <div class="btn btn--small"><<button "Titfuck" "TrySex">><<set $playerDom = true>><<set $Pose = "Titfuck">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Sex(Passive)</legend> <div class="btn-container-row"> <<if $player.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <div class="btn btn--small"><<button "Vaginal" "TrySex">><<set $playerDom = false>><<set $Pose = "Vag">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn btn--small"><<button "Anal" "TrySex">><<set $playerDom = false>><<set $Pose = "Anal">><</button>></div> <div class="btn btn--small"><<button "Oral" "TrySex">><<set $playerDom = false>><<set $Pose = "Oral">><<set $cuni = $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Vagina">><</button>></div> <<if $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <div class="btn btn--small"><<button "Oral(Strap-on)" "TrySex">><<set $playerDom = false>><<set $Pose = "Oral(Strap-on)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.gender() == "Male" && $player.body.breastSize.value >= 3>> <div class="btn btn--small"><<button "Titfuck" "TrySex">><<set $playerDom = false>><<set $Pose = "Titfuck">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $passiveSex $playerDom $partnerCum $cumIn $roundCount $maxSexEnd $Pose $cuni>>">> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $playerDom == true && $player.genitalia() == "Penis" && $player.stats.potency.value == 0 && $sexType != "hoocker" && $sexType != "hoockerWork">> <<ChatMessage "I need a break.">> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $passiveSex = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $passiveSex $playerDom $partnerCum $cumIn $roundCount $maxSexEnd $Pose $cuni>>">> </div> <<elseif $playerDom == false && $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Penis" && $interactionNpc.stats.potency.value == 0 && $sexType != "hoocker" && $sexType != "hoockerWork" && $sexType != "Rape">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Sorry, babe, I need a break.">> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $passiveSex = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $passiveSex $playerDom $partnerCum $cumIn $roundCount $maxSexEnd $Pose $cuni>>">> </div> <<elseif $endSexByRoundCount == true && $sexType != "Rape">> <<unset $endSexByRoundCount>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "It was fun, I'll see you around.">> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $passiveSex = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $passiveSex $playerDom $partnerCum $cumIn $roundCount $maxSexEnd $Pose $cuni>>">> </div> <<elseif $maxSexEnd == true && $sexType != "Rape">> <<unset $maxSexEnd>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I'm sorry, baby, I don't want to do this anymore tonight. How about tomorrow?">> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $passiveSex = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $passiveSex $playerDom $partnerCum $cumIn $roundCount $maxSexEnd $Pose $cuni>>">> </div> <<elseif $Pose == "Anal" && $sexType != "Rape" && $sexType != "hoocker" && $sexType != "hoockerWork" && $playerDom == true && $interactionNpc.stats.lust.value < -70>> <<goto "NotReady">> <<else>> <<goto "SexPose">> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $Pose == "Anal">> <<ChatMessage 'Lust level is below 70.'>> <<elseif $Pose == "Facefuck">> <<ChatMessage 'Lust level is below 50.'>> <</if>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "I'm not ready for this yet.">> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Sex">><<unset $Pose>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "UpdateDomSub">> <<include "StretcHole">> <<switch $Pose>> <<case "Anal">> <<set _hole = _sub.body.anusSize.value>> <<SetAnalPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're fucking " + + " in the ass.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is fucking your ass.">> <</if>> <<case "Oral">> <<SetOralPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $cuni == true>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = + " licks your pussy.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're licking " + + "\'s pussy.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = + " sucks your cock.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're sucking " + + "\'s cock.">> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _dom.gender() != "Female">> <<set _canFacefuck = true>> <</if>> <<run _addInfo = ($cuni == true ? "Lick" : "")>> <<case "Oral(Strap-on)">> <<SetStrapFacePick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<set _canFacefuck = true>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = + " sucks your Strap-on.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're sucking " + + "\'s Strap-on.">> <</if>> <<run _addInfo = "Oral(Strap-on)">> <<case "Facefuck">> <<SetFacefuckPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're fucking " + + " in the throat.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is fucking your throat.">> <</if>> <<case "Vag">> <<set _hole = _sub.body.vaginaSize.value>> <<SetVagPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're fucking " + + " in the pussy.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is fucking your pussy.">> <</if>> <<case "Titfuck">> <<SetTitfuckPic _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're fucking " + + "'s tits.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is fucking your tits.">> <</if>> <</switch>> <<if $Pose != "Anal" && $Pose != "Vag">> <<set _msgType = "Like">> <<else>> <<if _dom.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<if (15 - _hole) <= 5>> <<set _msgType = "Like">> <<else>> <<set _msgType = "Pain">> <</if>> <<else>> <<if (_dom.body.penisSize.value - _hole) <= 5>> <<set _msgType = "Like">> <<else>> <<set _msgType = "Pain">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage _poseMsg>> <<if == true>> <<set $playerDom = true>> <<else>> <<set $playerDom = false>> <</if>> <<if $Pose != "Facefuck" && $sexType != "Rape" && $Pose != "Titfuck">> <<run _textDialog = getSexDialog(( == false), ($Pose == "Oral(Strap-on)" ? "Oral" : $Pose), _msgType, _addInfo)>> <<Chat $interactionNpc _textDialog>> <</if>> <<set _rejectBtn = false>> <<if (_sub.gender() == "Female" && $Pose == "Anal") == false && ($Pose == "Anal" || $Pose == "Vag")>> <<if (_dom.body.penisSize.value - _hole) <= 5>> <<if (_sub.stats.potency.value > 0 && _sub.genitalia() == "Penis") || _sub.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<run _sub.status.horny.increase(Random(5, 20))>> <<if _sub.status.horny.value >= _sub.status.horny.max>> <fieldset> <legend><<print ( == true ? "Cum(You)" : "Cum(Partner)")>></legend> <<set _rejectBtn = true>> <div class="btn-container-row"> <div class="btn"><<button "Cum" "Cum">><<set $partnerCum = true>><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <</if>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if _sub.gender() != "Female" && $Pose == "Anal" && == true>> <<ChatMessage "Your anus is not yet sufficiently trained, so penetration causes you pain.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if (_dom.gender() == "Female" && ($Pose == "Anal" || $Pose == "Vag" || $Pose == "Oral(Strap-on)" || $Pose == "Facefuck")) == false>> <<run _dom.status.horny.increase(Random(5, 20))>> <<if _dom.status.horny.value >= _dom.status.horny.max && _sub.status.horny.value < _sub.status.horny.max>> <fieldset> <<set _rejectBtn = true>> <legend><<print ( == true ? "Cum(You)" : "Cum(Partner)")>></legend> <div class="btn-container-row"> <<if _dom.gender() == "Female">> <div class="btn"><<button "Cum" "Cum">><<set $cumIn = true>><</button>></div> <<else>> <<if $passiveSex == true>> <<if Random(0,100) > 50>> <div class="btn"><<button "Cum" "Cum">><<set $cumIn = true>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Cum" "Cum">><<set $cumIn = false>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $Pose == "Titfuck">> <div class="btn"><<button "Cum" "Cum">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "In" "Cum">><<set $cumIn = true>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Out" "Cum">><<set $cumIn = false>><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> <</if>> <</if>> <<if _rejectBtn == false>> <<if _canFacefuck == true && $passiveSex == false>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<if $playerDom == true && $interactionNpc.stats.lust.value < 50 && $sexType != "Rape" && $sexType != "hoocker" && $sexType != "hoockerWork">> <div class="btn"><<button "Facefuck" "NotReady">><<set $Pose = "Facefuck">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Facefuck" "SexPose">><<set $Pose = "Facefuck">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</if>> <<if $passiveSex == true>> <<set _posePassage = "PassiveSex">> <<else>> <<set _posePassage = "Sex">> <</if>> <<if $passiveSex == false>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "SexPose">><</button>></div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Change" _posePassage>><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "SexPose">><<include "SetPassiveSexPose">><</button>></div> </div> <<if $sexType != "Rape" && $sexType != "hoockerWork" && $sexType != "Porn Shoot (PlayerTransform)">> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" _posePassage>><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "UpdateDomSub">> <<if $Pose == "Facefuck">> <<set $Pose = "Oral">> <</if>> <<if $passiveSex == true && $partnerCum != true && $sexType != "hoocker" && $sexType != "hoockerWork" && $sexType != "Porn Shoot" && $sexType != "Porn Shoot (PlayerTransform)" && $sexType != "OneSex" && $sexType != "OneSex (Destroy)">> <<set $roundCount -= 1>> <</if>> <<switch $Pose>> <<case "Anal">> <<if $partnerCum == true>> <<SetAnalPartnerCumPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is having an anal orgasm.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're having an anal orgasm.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $cumIn == true>> <<SetAnalCumInPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're cumming in " + + "\'s ass.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is cumming in your ass.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<SetAnalCumOutPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You pull your cock out of " + + "\'s ass and cum all over " + possessivePronouns(_sub) + " body.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " pulls " + possessivePronouns(_dom) + " cock out of your ass and cum on you.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<case "Oral">> <<if $cuni == true>> <<SetOralCumInPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're having an orgasm.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is having an orgasm.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $cumIn == true>> <<SetOralCumInPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're cumming in " + + "\'s mouth.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is cumming in your mouth.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<SetOralCumOutPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're cumming on " + + "\'s face.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is cumming on your face.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<case "Vag">> <<if $partnerCum == true>> <<SetVagPartnerCumPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is having an orgasm.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're having an orgasm.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $cumIn == true>> <<SetVagCumInPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're cumming in " + + "\'s pussy.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is cumming in your pussy.">> <</if>> <<else>> <<SetVagCumOutPick _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You pull your cock out of " + + "\'s pussy and cum all over " + possessivePronouns(_sub) + " body.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " pulls " + possessivePronouns(_dom) + " cock out of your pussy and cum on you.">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<case "Titfuck">> <<SetTitfucCumkPic _dom.gender() _sub.gender()>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<set _poseMsg = "You're cumming.">> <<else>> <<set _poseMsg = + " is cumming.">> <</if>> <</switch>> <<if $partnerCum == true>> <<run _sub.status.horny.value = _sub.status.horny.min>> <<run _sub.stats.potency.decrease(1)>> <<set $partnerCum = false>> <<else>> <<run _dom.status.horny.value = _dom.status.horny.min>> <<run _dom.stats.potency.decrease(1)>> <<if ($sexType != "Porn Shoot" && $sexType != "Porn Shoot (PlayerTransform)" && $sexType != "OneSex (Destroy)") || == true>> <<run _dom.characterEvents.registerEvent(, "IsCum", 1)>> <<include "CheckSexStaminaUpgrade">> <</if>> <</if>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage _poseMsg>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<run _gainExp = Random(1,4)>> <<GainExp _gainExp>> <</if>> <<if $sexType == "hoocker" && $partnerCum != true>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $passiveSex = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $passiveSex $playerDom $partnerCum $cumIn $roundCount $maxSexEnd $Pose $cuni>>">> </div> <<elseif $sexType == "hoockerWork" && $partnerCum != true>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<if $aggresiveFuck == true>> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $passiveSex = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <<unset $aggresiveFuck $sexType $interactionNpc $passiveSex $playerDom $partnerCum $cumIn $roundCount $maxSexEnd $Pose $cuni>>">> <<elseif $isPimpSex != true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "HookerWork">><<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $passiveSex $playerDom $partnerCum $cumIn $roundCount $maxSexEnd $Pose $cuni>><<unset $indexNPC $interaction $interactType>><<set $dateTime.minutes += 60>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "PimpRoom">><<SetSaveBtn true>><<unset $isPimpSex $sexType $interactionNpc $passiveSex $playerDom $partnerCum $cumIn $roundCount $maxSexEnd $Pose $cuni>><<unset $indexNPC $interaction $interactType>><<set $dateTime.minutes += 60>><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <<elseif $sexType == "Porn Shoot">> <<set $player.stats.potency.value = $player.stats.potency.min>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>> <<run $Characters.splice($indexNPC, 1)>> <<set $ += Random(250, 1000)>> <<run $, 8, true))>> <<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $sexType == "Porn Shoot (PlayerTransform)">> <<set $player.stats.potency.value = $player.stats.potency.min>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>> <<run $player.body.face.value = $savePlayerBody.face>> <<run $player.body.penisSize.value = $savePlayerBody.penisSize>> <<run $player.body.vaginaSize.decrease(30)>> <<run $Characters.splice($indexNPC, 1)>> <<set $ += Random(250, 1000)>> <<run $, 8, true))>> <<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $sexType == "Porn Shoot (PlayerCasting)">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "PornCasting_FemalePlayer_Finish">><<unset $sexType>><</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $sexType == "OneSex">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $sexType == "OneSex (Destroy)">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>> <<run $Characters.splice($indexNPC, 1)>> <<unset $sexType $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <</button>></div> </div> <<elseif _dom.status.horny.value >= _dom.status.horny.max || $sexType == "Rape">> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Sex">><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<if $passiveSex == true>> <<set _posePassage = "PassiveSex">> <<else>> <<set _posePassage = "Sex">> <</if>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" _posePassage>><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<switch $Pose>> <<case "Anal">> <<if _sub.body.anusSize.value < _dom.body.penisSize.value || _dom.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<run _sub.body.anusSize.increase(Random(0.3, 0.8, true))>> <</if>> <<case "Vag">> <<if _sub.body.vaginaSize.value < _dom.body.penisSize.value || _dom.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<run _sub.body.vaginaSize.increase(Random(0.3, 0.8, true))>> <</if>> <<case "Oral">> <<if _sub.body.throatSize.value < _dom.body.penisSize.value || _dom.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<run _sub.body.throatSize.increase(Random(0.3, 0.8, true))>> <</if>> <<case "Oral(Strap-on)">> <<run _sub.body.throatSize.increase(Random(0.3, 0.8, true))>> <<case "Facefuck">> <<if _sub.body.throatSize.value < _dom.body.penisSize.value || _dom.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<run _sub.body.throatSize.increase(Random(0.3, 0.8, true))>> <</if>> <</switch>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if ($playerDom == true && $sexType != "hoockerWork")>> <<set _dom = $player>> <<set _sub = $interactionNpc>> <<else>> <<set _dom = $interactionNpc>> <<set _sub = $player>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if _dom.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent(, "IsCum", 0) >= 10 && _dom.stats.potency.max == 3>> <<run _dom.stats.potency._max = 4>> <<elseif _dom.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent(, "IsCum", 0) >= 30 && _dom.stats.potency.max == 4>> <<run _dom.stats.potency._max = 5>> <<elseif _dom.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent(, "IsCum", 0) >= 50 && _dom.stats.potency.max == 5>> <<run _dom.stats.potency._max = 6>> <<elseif _dom.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent(, "IsCum", 0) >= 70 && _dom.stats.potency.max == 6>> <<run _dom.stats.potency._max = 7>> <<elseif _dom.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent(, "IsCum", 0) >= 90 && _dom.stats.potency.max == 7>> <<run _dom.stats.potency._max = 8>> <<elseif _dom.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent(, "IsCum", 0) >= 100 && _dom.stats.potency.max == 8>> <<run _dom.stats.potency._max = 9>> <<elseif _dom.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent(, "IsCum", 0) >= 150 && _dom.stats.potency.max == 9>> <<run _dom.stats.potency._max = 10>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $ == "Active">> <<set $playerDom = false>> <<elseif $ == "Versatile">> <<set $playerDom = [true, false].random()>> <<elseif $ == "Passive">> <<set $playerDom = true>> <</if>> <<set $Pose = ["Anal", "Oral", "Facefuck"]>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<if $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<run $Pose.push("Vag")>> <</if>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male" && $interactionNpc.body.breastSize.value >= 3>> <<run $Pose.push("Titfuck")>> <</if>> <<run $Pose = $Pose[Math.floor(Math.random() * $Pose.length)]>> <<if $Pose == "Oral" && $player.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<set $cuni = true>> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $player.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<run $Pose.push("Vag")>> <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.gender() == "Male" && $player.body.breastSize.value >= 3>> <<run $Pose.push("Titfuck")>> <</if>> <<run $Pose = $Pose[Math.floor(Math.random() * $Pose.length)]>> <<if $Pose == "Oral" && $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<set $cuni = true>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $playerDom == true>> <<if $interactionNpc.stats.lust.value < 50 && $Pose == "Facefuck">> <<set $Pose = ["Oral"]>> <<if $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<run $Pose.push("Vag")>> <</if>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male" && $interactionNpc.body.breastSize.value >= 3>> <<run $Pose.push("Titfuck")>> <</if>> <<run $Pose = $Pose[Math.floor(Math.random() * $Pose.length)]>> <<elseif $interactionNpc.stats.lust.value < -70 && $Pose == "Anal">> <<set $Pose = ["Oral"]>> <<if $interactionNpc.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<run $Pose.push("Vag")>> <</if>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male" && $interactionNpc.body.breastSize.value >= 3>> <<run $Pose.push("Titfuck")>> <</if>> <<if $interactionNpc.stats.lust.value >= 50>> <<run $Pose.push("Facefuck")>> <</if>> <<run $Pose = $Pose[Math.floor(Math.random() * $Pose.length)]>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $ == "Pharmacist" || $ == "Gift seller" || $ == "Grocer" || $ == "Fitness Trainer" || $ == "Martial Arts Instructor" || $ == "Clothing Seller" || $ == "Sex Shop Worker">> <<if $dateTime.hours >= 8 && $dateTime.hours <=16 && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Worked") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Start Work" "Work">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<elseif $ == "Pimp" && $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Can Work As Hooker") == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Start Work" "WorkAsHooker">> <<include "HookerWordCalculateEarnings">> <</button>></div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $ < 50>> <<goto "NotEnoughEnergy">> <<else>> <<if $ == "Fitness Trainer">> <<if $player.attributes.strength.value < 90>> <<ChatMessage "You do not have enough muscle to work as a fitness trainer.">> <<else>> <<set _earning = Random(200, 450, false)>> <<include "WorkDone">> <</if>> <<elseif $ == "Martial Arts Instructor">> <<if $player.skills.battleSkill.value < 90>> <<ChatMessage "Your level of martial arts is too low.">> <<else>> <<set _earning = Random(200, 450, false)>> <<include "WorkDone">> <</if>> <<else>> <<set _earning = Random(100, 250, false)>> <<include "WorkDone">> <</if>> <</if>> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "Worked", 1)>> <<set $dateTime.hours += 6>> <<SpendEnergy $player 50>> <<set _msg = "You've done an excellent job and rightfully earned $" + _earning>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<run $ += _earning>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage "Not enough energy.">> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage "Not enough sexual stamina.">> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<set _allow = true>> <<if $ < 50>> <<set _allow = false>> <<goto "NotEnoughEnergy">> <</if>> <<if $player.stats.potency.value == 0>> <<set _allow = false>> <<goto "NotEnoughSexStamina">> <</if>> <<if ($player.body.face.value < 2 || $player.gender() == "Male") && $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Is a pimp's whore") == false>> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<Chat $interactionNpc "You lack femininity.">> <<set _allow = false>> <div class="padding-top"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $clients $clientsCount $maxEarnings $sexType>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>>">> </div> <</if>> <<if _allow == true>> <<SpendEnergy $player 50>> <<goto "HookerWork">> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _client = $clients[Math.floor(Math.random() * $clients.length)]>> <<for _i = 0; _i < $Characters.length; _i++>> <<if $Characters[_i] ==>> <<set _character = $Characters[_i]>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[_i]>> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_character)>> <</if>> <</for>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $clients.length == 0>> <<ChatMessage "There are no clients today.">> <<elseif $clientsCount <= 0>> <<ChatMessage "The clients are finished for today.">> <<elseif $player.stats.potency.value == 0>> <<ChatMessage "You do not have enough sexual stamina.">> <<else>> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<run _earning = Random(20, $maxEarnings)>> <<set _msg = "Hey baby, I'll pay " + _earning + "$.">> <<Chat $interactionNpc _msg>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $clientsCount > 0 && $clients.length > 0 && _allow != false>> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex" "PassiveSex">><<set $roundCount = 100>><<set $sexType = "hoockerWork">><<set $ += _earning>><<set $clientsCount -= 1>><<set $interactionNpc.status.horny.value = 95>><</button>></div> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Loose To Pimp") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Refuse" "WorkAsHooker">><<set $clientsCount -= 1>><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <<else>> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $clients $clientsCount $maxEarnings $sexType>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>>">> <</if>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $clients = $Characters.filter(character => character.genitalia() == "Penis" && != "Manly" && == "Active" && != "Pimp" && != "external" && != "Pimp's whore" && != "Brothel Security" && character.stats.potency.value > 0)>> <<set $clientsCount = Random(2,5)>> <<set $maxEarnings = 20>> <<switch Math.trunc($player.body.face.value)>> <<case 3>> <<set $maxEarnings += 20>> <<case 4>> <<set $maxEarnings += 80>> <<case 5>> <<set $maxEarnings += 120>> <<case 6>> <<set $maxEarnings += 200>> <</switch>> <<switch Math.trunc($player.body.breastSize.value)>> <<case 1>> <<set $maxEarnings += 20>> <<case 2>> <<set $maxEarnings += 80>> <<case 3>> <<set $maxEarnings += 120>> <<case 4>> <<set $maxEarnings += 150>> <<case 5>> <<set $maxEarnings += 180>> <<case 6>> <<set $maxEarnings += 200>> <</switch>> <<switch Math.trunc($player.body.buttSize.value)>> <<case 1>> <<set $maxEarnings += 20>> <<case 2>> <<set $maxEarnings += 80>> <<case 3>> <<set $maxEarnings += 120>> <<case 4>> <<set $maxEarnings += 150>> <<case 5>> <<set $maxEarnings += 180>> <<case 6>> <<set $maxEarnings += 200>> <</switch>> <<if $player.genitalia() == "Vagina">> <<set $maxEarnings += 150>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run CreateCharacters({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Student", age: 18, }, $generateNumber.students, $studentGenderArray, $studetsSkinsArray, $studentSexPrefArray)>> /*Gift Seller */ <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Gift seller", age: Random(31,40), }, true).getItemsByJob()>> /*Pharmacist */ <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Pharmacist", age: Random(31,40), }, true).getItemsByJob()>> /*Grocer */ <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Grocer", age: Random(31,40), }, true).getItemsByJob()>> /*Fitness Trainer */ /* <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, battleSkill: 100, strength: 100, defense: 100, vitality: 100, dexterity: 100, seduction: 100, resistanceToSeduction: 100, characterWork: "Fitness Trainer", age: Random(31,40), }, true)>> */ /*Martial Arts Instructor */ /* <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, battleSkill: 100, strength: 100, defense: 100, vitality: 100, dexterity: 100, seduction: 100, resistanceToSeduction: 100, characterWork: "Martial Arts Instructor", age: Random(31,40), }, true)>> */ /*Hookers */ <<for _i = 1; _i < 3; _i++>> <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Hooker", age: Random(20,45), gender: "Female", SexRole: "Passive", sexualPreference: "Bi", throatSize: 30, anusSize: 30, vaginaSize: 30, }, true)>> <</for>> /*Citisens */ <<for _i = 0; _i < $generateNumber.citizens; _i++>> <<run _currentGender = removeRandomElement($citizensGenderArray)>> <<run _currentSkin = removeRandomElement($citizensSkinArray)>> <<run _currentSexPref = removeRandomElement($citizensSexPrefArray)>> <<if _currentGender == "Male">> <<switch _currentSexPref>> <<case "Straight">> <<set _currentSexPref = "Feminine">> <<case "Bi">> <<set _currentSexPref = "Bi">> <<case "Homo">> <<set _currentSexPref = "Manly">> <</switch>> <<else>> <<switch _currentSexPref>> <<case "Straight">> <<set _currentSexPref = "Manly">> <<case "Bi">> <<set _currentSexPref = "Bi">> <<case "Homo">> <<set _currentSexPref = "Feminine">> <</switch>> <</if>> <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "None", age: Random(20,50), gender: _currentGender, skin: _currentSkin, sexualPreference: _currentSexPref, }, true)>> <</for>> /*Surgeon */ <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Plastic Surgeon", age: Random(30,45), }, true)>> /*Clothing Seller */ <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Clothing Seller", age: Random(30,45), }, true).getItemsByJob()>> /*Sex Shop Worker */ <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Sex Shop Worker", age: Random(20,40), }, true).getItemsByJob()>> /*Pimp */ <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Pimp", battleSkill: 80, strength: Random(85,90), defense: Random(85,90), vitality: Random(85,90), dexterity: Random(85,90), seduction: Random(85,90), resistanceToSeduction: Random(85,90), SexRole: "Active", gender: "Male", sexualPreference: "Bi", clothesPreference: "men", age: Random(30,45), }, true)>> /*Photographer */ <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Photographer", battleSkill: 80, strength: Random(85,90), defense: Random(85,90), vitality: Random(85,90), dexterity: Random(85,90), seduction: Random(85,90), resistanceToSeduction: Random(85,90), SexRole: "Active", gender: "Male", sexualPreference: "Bi", clothesPreference: "men", age: Random(25,45), }, true)>> /*Porn Director */ <<run CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "Porn director", battleSkill: 80, strength: Random(85,90), defense: Random(85,90), vitality: Random(85,90), dexterity: Random(85,90), seduction: Random(85,90), resistanceToSeduction: Random(85,90), SexRole: "Active", gender: "Male", sexualPreference: "Bi", clothesPreference: "men", age: Random(30,45), }, true)>> <<unset $studentSexPrefArray $citizensSexPrefArray $studetsSkinsArray $citizensSkinArray $studentGenderArray $citizensGenderArray>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set $fightPhrasesNpcWon = ["Looks like you're not as tough as you thought, huh? I always knew you were all talk. Now everyone can see it too", "Just goes to show, arrogance doesn't win fights. Skill does. And you were clearly lacking", "Maybe next time you'll think twice before underestimating me. I'm not someone you can just push around.", "Talk big, fall hard. That's what happens to people like you. Remember this defeat.", "I didn't just beat you in a fight, I showed you what happens when you mess with the wrong person.", "Looks like I had the last word this time. And it's a word you won't forget anytime soon"]>> <<set $fightPhrasesPlayerWon = ["Aaah, damn, that hurts.", "Okay, okay, you win... I'm done.", "Ugh, I didn't see that coming.", "I'm out, I'm out... no more.", "Ouch, my back."]>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set _TalkPhrases = ["You can meet hookers in the red light district in the evenings.", "Did you know there's a Gloryhole in the park restroom?", "Don't you forget to go to your college classes at 9 AM?", "If you need money, the grocer was looking for a worker, you can stop by and see him.", "In the shopping center, you can buy various items from the sellers."]>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set $maleNames to ["John", "Michael", "William", "David", "Richard", "Joseph", "Charles", "Thomas", "Daniel", "Matthew", "Robert", "James", "Brian", "Andrew", "Edward", "Steven", "George", "Christopher", "Kenneth", "Anthony", "Kevin", "Paul", "Mark", "Donald", "Steven", "Ronald", "Jeffrey", "Timothy", "Scott", "Jason", "Eric", "Stephen", "Larry", "Frank", "Gary", "Dennis", "Gregory", "Roger", "Jerry", "Keith", "Terry", "Samuel", "Bryan", "Willie", "Randy", "Howard", "Fred", "Eugene", "Carlos", "Russell", "Phillip", "Roy", "Harry", "Louis", "Benjamin", "Raymond", "Jeffery", "Wayne", "Ralph", "Billy", "Alan", "Juan", "Gerald", "Joe", "Carl", "Jeremy", "Adam", "Arthur", "Lawrence", "Sean", "Albert", "Dylan", "Logan", "Walter", "Jay", "Billy", "Henry", "Bobby", "Todd", "Craig", "Jesse", "Alan", "Louis", "Philip", "Bobby", "Ernest", "Martin", "Ethan", "Ricky", "Dwayne", "Willard", "Warren", "Arthur", "Clarence", "Lee", "Glenn", "Antonio", "Travis", "Stanley", "Fredrick", "Melvin", "Leon", "Micheal", "Kyle", "Adrian", "Alex", "Barry", "Blake", "Cameron", "Chase", "Cody", "Colin", "Curtis", "Darren", "Dominic", "Evan", "Felix", "Garrett", "Gordon", "Grant", "Harrison", "Isaac", "Jackson", "Jake", "Jared", "Jordan", "Justin", "Karl", "Kieran", "Landon", "Liam", "Lucas", "Malcolm", "Mason", "Nathan", "Nolan", "Oscar", "Owen", "Parker", "Patrick", "Quentin", "Raymond", "Rhys", "Sam", "Seth", "Shane", "Spencer", "Theodore", "Tobias", "Trevor", "Victor", "Vincent", "Wesley", "Wyatt", "Xavier", "Zachary", "Aiden", "Alec", "Archer", "Beckett", "Brooks", "Caleb", "Declan", "Derek", "Dexter", "Emmett", "Finn", "Graham", "Hudson", "Hunter", "Ian", "Jaxon", "Jonah", "Kai", "Keegan", "Kellan", "Leo", "Lincoln", "Max", "Nathaniel", "Nico", "Oliver", "Orion", "Preston", "Rhett", "Riley", "Rowan", "Sebastian", "Silas", "Theo", "Tristan", "Xander", "Zane", "Zayden", "Abraham", "August", "Bennett", "Calvin", "Colton", "Dawson", "Elliott", "Ezra", "Fabian", "Griffin", "Harrison", "Hugo", "Isaiah", "Jasper", "Knox", "Landon", "Levi", "Maddox", "Nash", "Noah", "Peyton", "Roman", "Sawyer", "Simon", "Thaddeus", "Tucker", "Winston", "Zephyr", "Adonis", "Apollo", "Bodhi", "Caspian", "Dante", "Dashiell", "Elias", "Ezekiel", "Finnian", "Gideon", "Hendrix", "Jagger", "Kairos", "Kaspar", "Lachlan", "Maverick", "Nehemiah", "Octavian", "Percival", "Quillon", "Rafferty", "Simeon", "Thelonious", "Ulysses", "Viggo", "Wilder", "Xerxes", "Yardley", "Zephyrus", "Zorion", "Alistair", "Barnaby", "Cassius", "Demitrius", "Emerson", "Finnegan", "Gulliver", "Hawthorne", "Ignatius", "Jotham", "Kipling", "Lysander", "Montgomery", "Napoleon", "Octavius", "Phineas", "Quincy", "Raphael", "Sebastian", "Tiberius", "Ulysses", "Valentine", "Walden", "Xander", "Yorick", "Zane", "Zebedee", "Alaric", "Beauregard", "Calloway", "Darrow", "Emory", "Fitzwilliam", "Gareth", "Hollis", "Ingram", "Jethro", "Kendrick", "Laramie"]>> <<set $femaleNames to [ "Alice", "Beatrice", "Catherine", "Daisy", "Eleanor", "Fiona", "Grace", "Hannah", "Isabella", "Jane", "Katherine", "Lily", "Megan", "Natalie", "Olivia", "Penelope", "Quinn", "Rebecca", "Samantha", "Tabitha", "Ursula", "Violet", "Wendy", "Xena", "Yvonne", "Zoe", "Abigail", "Brianna", "Charlotte", "Delilah", "Eloise", "Felicity", "Gabrielle", "Hazel", "Isabelle", "Josephine", "Kaitlyn", "Lillian", "Madeline", "Nora", "Ophelia", "Paige", "Quincy", "Rachel", "Serena", "Tiffany", "Uma", "Valerie", "Willow", "Xandra", "Yasmin", "Zara", "Adeline", "Bella", "Chloe", "Daphne", "Eva", "Faye", "Georgia", "Holly", "Ivy", "Jocelyn", "Kelsey", "Leah", "Mia", "Nina", "Olive", "Piper", "Quincy", "Riley", "Sophia", "Tessa", "Ursula", "Vivian", "Wren", "Xiomara", "Yvette", "Zoey", "Alexandra", "Brooklyn", "Cassandra", "Danielle", "Emily", "Fiona", "Grace", "Hannah", "Isabella", "Jasmine", "Katherine", "Lily", "Megan", "Natalie", "Olivia", "Penelope", "Quinn", "Rebecca", "Samantha", "Tabitha", "Ursula", "Violet", "Wendy", "Xena", "Yvonne", "Zoe", "Ava", "Brielle", "Carmen", "Diana", "Elena", "Faith", "Giselle", "Hailey", "Isla", "Jade", "Kylie", "Luna", "Mila", "Nora", "Olive", "Piper", "Quinn", "Riley", "Scarlett", "Taylor", "Uma", "Vivienne", "Willa", "Xanthe", "Yara", "Zara", "Amelia", "Bianca", "Cecilia", "Daisy", "Evelyn", "Felicity", "Gemma", "Hazel", "Ivy", "Josephine", "Kira", "Leah", "Morgan", "Natalia", "Octavia", "Poppy", "Quincy", "Raven", "Savannah", "Talia", "Ursula", "Violet", "Wren", "Xia", "Yasmine", "Zoey", "Avery", "Bella", "Charlotte", "Daphne", "Eva", "Fiona", "Grace", "Harper", "Isla", "Juliette", "Katherine", "Layla", "Mia", "Nina", "Olivia", "Penelope", "Quinn", "Reagan", "Sophia", "Tessa", "Ursula", "Valentina", "Willow", "Xena", "Yvonne", "Zara", "Aria", "Blair", "Clara", "Daisy", "Eloise", "Fiona", "Gwen", "Hannah", "Isabel", "Jenna", "Kendall", "Lily", "Maddison", "Nora", "Ophelia", "Paisley", "Quincy", "Riley", "Sienna", "Tessa", "Ursula", "Vivian", "Willow", "Ximena", "Yasmin", "Zoe", "Ariana", "Brynn", "Celeste", "Dahlia", "Eliza", "Fay", "Gwendolyn", "Haven", "Ivy", "Jessamine", "Kira", "Lilith", "Maeve", "Nola", "Olympia", "Paisley", "Quiana", "Raven", "Serenity", "Talia", "Uma", "Vivienne", "Willa", "Xanthe", "Yara", "Zahara", "Adriana", "Bianca", "Camila", "Darcy", "Eleanor", "Felicity", "Giselle", "Hermione", "Isla", "Jocelyn", "Kendall", "Lorelei", "Mabel", "Nina", "Ophelia", "Primrose", "Quinn", "Rowan", "Savannah", "Tessa", "Ursula", "Violet", "Winifred", "Xenia", "Yasmine", "Zephyr", "Avalon", "Briar", "Cassia", "Daisy", "Evangeline", "Faye", "Guinevere", "Hazel", "Isabeau", "Jade", "Kenna", "Luna", "Magnolia", "Niamh", "Odette", "Persephone", "Quincy", "Rhiannon", "Saoirse", "Thalia", "Undine", "Vesper", "Wren", "Xandra", "Yelena", "Zelda", "Amara", "Bellatrix", "Clarissa", "Delphine", "Eowyn", "Fleur", "Gwyneth", "Harmony", "Isolde", "Jasmine", "Kalliope", "Liliana", "Maren", "Nerissa", "Ondine", "Pandora", "Quinlan", "Rosalind", "Selene", "Thisbe", "Ulyssia", "Vada", "Willow", "Xylia", "Yara", "Zephyra" ]>> <<set $surnames to ["Smith", "Johnson", "Brown", "Davis", "Wilson", "Miller", "Moore", "Taylor", "Anderson", "Thomas", "Jackson", "White", "Harris", "Martin", "Thompson", "Garcia", "Martinez", "Robinson", "Clark", "Lewis", "Walker", "Hall", "Young", "Allen", "Wright", "King", "Green", "Baker", "Adams", "Nelson", "Hill", "Ramirez", "Campbell", "Mitchell", "Roberts", "Carter", "Phillips", "Evans", "Turner", "Parker", "Collins", "Edwards", "Stewart", "Flores", "Morris", "Nguyen", "Murphy", "Rivera", "Cook", "Rogers", "Morgan", "Peterson", "Cooper", "Reed", "Bailey", "Bell", "Gomez", "Kelly", "Howard", "Ward", "Cox", "Diaz", "Richardson", "Wood", "Watson", "Brooks", "Bennett", "Gray", "James", "Reyes", "Cruz", "Hughes", "Price", "Myers", "Long", "Foster", "Sanders", "Ross", "Morales", "Powell", "Sullivan", "Russell", "Ortiz", "Jenkins", "Gutierrez", "Perry", "Butler", "Barnes", "Fisher", "Henderson", "Coleman", "Simmons", "Patterson", "Jordan", "Reynolds", "Hamilton", "Graham", "Kim", "Gonzales", "Alexander", "Ramos", "Wallace", "Griffin", "West", "Cole", "Hayes", "Adler", "Brock", "Carver", "Delgado", "Elliott", "Fleming", "Graves", "Hansen", "Ingram", "Jefferson", "Keller", "Larson", "Mathews", "Nicholson", "Oliver", "Peters", "Quinn", "Rodriguez", "Silva", "Torres", "Underwood", "Vargas", "Wagner", "Xavier", "York", "Zimmerman", "Avery", "Bishop", "Chapman", "Dixon", "Erickson", "Ferguson", "Gill", "Harrison", "Irwin", "Jensen", "Kendrick", "Lawson", "Mendoza", "Nash", "Owens", "Porter", "Quintero", "Reyes", "Salazar", "Trujillo", "Vasquez", "Weaver", "Xiong", "Yates", "Zuniga", "Armstrong", "Barrett", "Chan", "Dunn", "Eaton", "Freeman", "Gaines", "Huffman", "Ingram", "Jensen", "Knox", "Lopez", "Mendez", "Owens", "Perez", "Quinn", "Ramsey", "Schmidt", "Tucker", "Vaughn", "Watkins", "Yoder", "Zhang", "Bauer", "Chavez", "Donovan", "Fowler", "Gibson", "Hanson", "Ibrahim", "Jackson", "Kaplan", "Lawrence", "Mendez", "Nguyen", "O'Donnell", "Patterson", "Quinn", "Reyes", "Sanchez", "Tanner", "Vargas", "Watts", "Young", "Zhao", "Abbott", "Bennett", "Carlson", "Donnelly", "Estrada", "Fitzgerald", "Gilliam", "Holloway", "Ingram", "Jefferson", "Kennedy", "Larson", "Manning", "Nelson", "O'Donnell", "Perez", "Quinn", "Ramirez", "Sullivan", "Thompson", "Underwood", "Valdez", "Wright", "Xiong", "Yates", "Zimmerman", "Austin", "Beck", "Chang", "Duncan", "Erickson", "Fowler", "Gonzalez", "Harrington", "Iverson", "Johnson", "Kaplan", "Lopez", "Martinez", "Nash", "Owens", "Patterson", "Quintero", "Reyes", "Soto", "Tucker", "Vasquez", "Wagner", "Xavier", "Young", "Zhang", "Bailey", "Chavez", "Dixon", "Eaton", "Fleming", "Garcia", "Hernandez", "Irwin", "Jenkins", "Keller", "Lawson", "Mendoza", "Norton", "Ortega", "Parker", "Ramos", "Sanchez", "Torres", "Valencia", "Walker", "Xiao", "Yoder", "Zuniga", "Bates", "Cruz", "Delgado", "Espinoza", "Fisher", "Gomez", "Hanson", "Ingram", "Jensen", "Kendrick", "Leblanc", "Mendez", "Nguyen", "O'Neill", "Perez", "Quinn", "Rivera", "Sullivan", "Trujillo", "Vargas", "Watts", "Yates", "Zhou"]>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Femininity" "CharacterStats_BodyFeminity_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Attributes" "SetAttributes_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Learn all combat techniques" "CharacterStats_Debug">><<include "LearnAllTechniques_Debug">><</button>></div> <<if $ == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Relationships" "SetRelations">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Interests" "ChangeInterests_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Change Sexual Preference" "ChangeSexPref_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Change Clothing Preference" "ChangeClothPref_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Change Sex Role" "SetSexRole_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Character Traits" "SetCharacterTraits">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Move To Another Location" "CharacterStats_Debug">><<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC)>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Get All Items" "CharacterStats_Debug">><<run $player.getAllItems()>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Time Management" "TimeManagement">><<run $player.getAllItems()>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Reputation" "SetReputation">><<run $player.getAllItems()>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Character Level" "CharacterLevel_Debug">><<run $player.getAllItems()>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $cheatChar.genitalia() == "Penis">> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Penis Size" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Penis">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Dominance" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Dominance">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Genitalia" "SetGenitalia_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Select Skin Tone" "SetSkin_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Face Type" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "FaceType">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Sexual Stamina" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Potency">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Energy" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Energy">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Health" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Health">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Horny" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Horny">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Lust" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Lust">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Money" "SetMoney_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Clear The Absences" "CharacterStats_Debug">><<run $cheatChar.characterEvents.resetEventQuantity("SkippedClass")>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Clear The Character's Daily Events" "CharacterStats_Debug">><<run $cheatChar.dailyEvents.clearAllEvents()>><</button>></div> /* <div class="btn"><<button "Clear the character's story events" "CharacterStats_Debug">><<run $cheatChar.characterEvents.clearAllEvents()>><</button>></div> */ </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "GetCharStatsForPanel">><<unset $changeStat $cheatChar>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $cheatChar.saveData.set("Backhand Strike", 100)>> <<run $cheatChar.saveData.set("Elbow Strike", 100)>> <<run $cheatChar.saveData.set("Roundhouse Kick", 100)>> <<run $cheatChar.saveData.set("Headbutt", 100)>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Gain experience" "CharacterLevel_Debug">><<GainExp 10>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Photo Model" "SetStat_Debug">> <<set $changeStat = "PhotoModel">> <</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Porn Actor" "SetStat_Debug">> <<set $changeStat = "PornActor">> <</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <p>Current: <<print $>>$</p> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "+100$" "SetMoney_Debug">> <<run $ += 100>> <</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "+1000$" "SetMoney_Debug">> <<run $ += 1000>> <</button>></div> <<if $ > 0>> <div class="btn"><<button "-100$" "SetMoney_Debug">> <<run $ -= 100>> <<if $ < 0>> <<run $ = 0>> <</if>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ > 1000>> <div class="btn"><<button "-1000$" "SetMoney_Debug">> <<run $ -= 1000>> <<if $ < 0>> <<run $ = 0>> <</if>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <p>Current: <<print $>></p> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $ != "women">> <div class="btn"><<button "Change to women clothing." "ChangeClothPref_Debug">><<set $ = "women">><<run $cheatChar.AddCloth(true)>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Change to men's clothing." "ChangeClothPref_Debug">><<set $ = "men">><<run $cheatChar.AddCloth(true)>><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <p>Current: <<print $>></p> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $ != "Manly">> <div class="btn"><<button "Manly" "ChangeSexPref_Debug">><<run $ = "Manly">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ != "Bi">> <div class="btn"><<button "Bi" "ChangeSexPref_Debug">><<run $ = "Bi">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ != "Feminine">> <div class="btn"><<button "Feminine" "ChangeSexPref_Debug">><<run $ = "Feminine">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <p>Current: <<print $>></p> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $ != "Active">> <div class="btn"><<button "Active" "SetSexRole_Debug">><<run $ = "Active">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ != "Versatile">> <div class="btn"><<button "Versatile" "SetSexRole_Debug">><<run $ = "Versatile">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ != "Passive">> <div class="btn"><<button "Passive" "SetSexRole_Debug">><<run $ = "Passive">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <<ShowRelationsBar $player $interactionNpc "Both">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Friendship" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Friendship">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Love" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Love">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Fear" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Fear">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Music" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Music">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Politics" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Politics">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Films" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Films">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Traveling" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Traveling">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Books" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Books">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Study" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Study">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Work" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Work">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Family" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Family">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Games" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Games">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Face Femininity" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Face">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Breast Size" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Breast">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Ass Size" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Ass">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <<switch $changeStat>> <<case "FaceType">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.body.faceType>> <<case "Face">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.body.face>> <<case "Breast">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.body.breastSize>> <<case "Ass">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.body.buttSize>> <<case "Penis">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.body.penisSize>> <<case "Dominance">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.stats.dominance>> <<case "Potency">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.stats.potency>> <<case "Energy">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "Horny">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.status.horny>> <<case "Lust">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.stats.lust>> <<case "Music">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "Politics">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "Films">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "Traveling">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "Books">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "Study">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "Work">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "Family">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "Games">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "Friendship">> <<set _changes = $player.getRelationship($>> <<ShowRelationsBar $player $cheatChar "Friend">> <<case "Love">> <<set _changes = $player.getRelationship($>> <<ShowRelationsBar $player $cheatChar "Love">> <<case "Fear">> <<set _changes = $player.getRelationship($>> <<ShowRelationsBar $player $cheatChar "Fear">> <<case "PhotoModel">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "PornActor">> <<set _changes = $>> <<case "Vitality">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.attributes.vitality>> <<case "Strength">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.attributes.strength>> <<case "Defense">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.attributes.defense>> <<case "Dexterity">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.attributes.dexterity>> <<case "Seduction">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.attributes.seduction>> <<case "ResistanceToSeduction">> <<set _changes = $cheatChar.attributes.resistanceToSeduction>> <<case "Health">> <<set _changes = $>> <</switch>> <<if $changeStat != "Friendship" && $changeStat != "Love">> <p>Current: <<print Math.trunc(_changes.value)>></p> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Increase" "SetStat_Debug">><<run _changes.increase(1)>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Reduce" "SetStat_Debug">><<run _changes.decrease(1)>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Max" "SetStat_Debug">><<run _changes.value = _changes.max>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Set Min" "SetStat_Debug">><<run _changes.value = _changes.min>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "+1 hour" "TimeManagement">><<set $dateTime.minutes += 60>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "-1 hour" "TimeManagement">><<set $dateTime.minutes -= 60>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "+1 day" "TimeManagement">><<set $dateTime.minutes += 1440>><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "-1 day" "TimeManagement">><<set $dateTime.minutes -= 1440>><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <p>Current: <<print $>></p> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $ != "White">> <div class="btn"><<button "White" "SetSkin_Debug">><<run $ = "White">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ != "Black">> <div class="btn"><<button "Black" "SetSkin_Debug">><<run $ = "Black">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ != "Asian">> <div class="btn"><<button "Asian" "SetSkin_Debug">><<run $ = "Asian">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <p>Current: <<print $>></p> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $ != "White">> <div class="btn"><<button "White" "SetSkin_Debug">><<run $ = "White">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ != "Black">> <div class="btn"><<button "Black" "SetSkin_Debug">><<run $ = "Black">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $ != "Asian">> <div class="btn"><<button "Asian" "SetSkin_Debug">><<run $ = "Asian">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <p>Current: <<print $cheatChar.genitalia()>></p> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $cheatChar.genitalia() != "Penis">> <div class="btn"><<button "Penis" "SetGenitalia_Debug">> <<run $cheatChar.body.penisSize.value = 8>> <<run $cheatChar.body.vaginaSize.value = 0>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $cheatChar.genitalia() != "Vagina">> <div class="btn"><<button "Vagina" "SetGenitalia_Debug">> <<run $cheatChar.body.penisSize.value = 0>> <<run $cheatChar.body.vaginaSize.value = 1>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> </div> </div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Add</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $"Aggressive") == false>> <div class="btn"><<button "Aggressive" "SetCharacterTraits">> <<run $"Aggressive")>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Remove</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $"Aggressive") == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Aggressive" "SetCharacterTraits">> <<run _index = $"Aggressive")>> <<if _index >= 0>> <<run $, 1)>> <</if>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "SetCheatChar_Debug">> <<ShowNpcIcon $cheatChar>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Vitality" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Vitality">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Strength" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Strength">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Defense" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Defense">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Dexterity" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Dexterity">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Seduction" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "Seduction">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Seduction Resistance" "SetStat_Debug">><<set $changeStat = "ResistanceToSeduction">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $isPlayer == true>> <<set $cheatChar = $player>> <<else>> <<set $cheatChar = $interactionNpc>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set $showPlayerStat = 0>> <h1 style="text-align: center;">Game Over</h1> <<ChatMessage "You missed too many classes and got expelled.">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/EntertainmentDistrict/Bar.jpg">> <<ChatMessage 'You spend several hours drinking beer and talking.'>> <<set $ -= 150>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "InviteToBar", 1)>> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(5.0, 8.0, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Spike the drink with a drug" "GiveItems">> <<set $filterType = "Drug">> <<set $source = "SpikeDrink_BarEvent">> <</button>></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "Bar">> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC, "Bar")>> <<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<run _pronoun = $interactionNpc.pronoun().toLowerCase()>> <<run _pronounHisHer = $interactionNpc.pronounHisHer().toLowerCase()>> <<ChatMessage 'You spike $\'s beer with a drug when _pronoun goes to the restroom.'>> <<run $player.inventory.removeItem($, 1)>> <<if Random(0,100) > 60>> <<ChatMessage '$ doesn\'t notice anything and continues drinking beer.'>> <<run $interactionNpc.useItem($item, $player)>> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC, "Bar")>> <<else>> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(-10.0, -20.0, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC)>> <<ChatMessage '$ notices you trying to spike _pronounHisHer drink and gets angry at you, then leaves.'>> <</if>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "Bar">> <<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC $item $filterType>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<EachLoc>> <<SaveLocation>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/Basement.jpg">> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<set _eventType = Random(1, 2, false)>> <<run _pimps = $Characters.filter( (character) => == "Pimp")>> <<run _pimp = _pimps[0]>> <<set $interactionNpc = _pimp>> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_pimp)>> <<if _eventType == 1 && _pimp.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered(, "SlutTraining Player") == false>> <<run _pimp.dailyEvents.registerEvent(, "SlutTraining Player", 1)>> <<ChatMessage 'The metallic door of your room creaks open, and a pimp enters.'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Hey, whore, did you miss me?">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Let's test your skills.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex" "PassiveSex">><<set $sexType = "hoockerWork">><<set _pimp.status.horny.value = 95>><<set $isPimpSex = true>><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'You hear sighs and shouts from the neighboring rooms.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "PimpRoom">><<SetSaveBtn true>><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "BeingFeminizedByPimp", 1)>> <<run $player.body.face.increase(Random(0.1, 0.3, true))>> <<run $player.body.breastSize.increase(Random(0.1, 0.3, true))>> <<run $player.body.buttSize.increase(Random(0.1, 0.3, true))>> <<if $player.body.penisSize.value > 2>> <<run $player.body.penisSize.decrease(Random(0.1, 0.3, true))>> <</if>> <<run $ = "Hooker">> <<run $ = "women">> <<run $player.AddCloth(true)>> <<for _i = 0; _i < $Characters.length; _i++>> <<set _character = $Characters[_i]>> <<if $pimp_Whores.includes( == true>> <<run _character.body.face.increase(Random(0.1, 0.3, true))>> <<run _character.body.breastSize.increase(Random(0.1, 0.3, true))>> <<run _character.body.buttSize.increase(Random(0.1, 0.3, true))>> <<if _character.body.penisSize.value > 2>> <<run _character.body.penisSize.decrease(Random(0.1, 0.3, true))>> <<elseif Random(0,100) > 90>> <<run $player.body.vaginaSize.increase(1)>> <<run _character.body.penisSize.decrease(30)>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <<ChatMessage 'You were administered female hormones to make you more attractive to clients.'>> <<ChatMessage 'Your debt has been increased by 100.'>> <<run $playerDebt += 100>> <<run _debtIncrease = Math.floor(percentOfNumber(1, $playerDebt))>> <<run $playerDebt += _debtIncrease>> <<ChatMessage 'Your debt has been increased by 1%(_debtIncrease).'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "PimpRoom">><<SetSaveBtn true>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<run _randEvent = Random(0,100)>> <<if _randEvent > 90>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<widget "AggressiveEvent">> <<run _locationKeys = Object.keys($Locations);>> <<if _locationKeys.includes(passage()) && passage() != "DormRoom">> <<set _chars = []>> <<run _chars = $Locations[passage()].filter( (id) => $Characters[id].info.characterWork != "Hooker" && $Characters[id].dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "AggresiveEvent") == false)>> <<if _chars.length > 0>> <<set $indexNPC = _chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * _chars.length)]>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <<set _friendship = $player.getRelationship($>> <<set _love = $player.getRelationship($>> <<set _fear = $player.getRelationship($>> <<if $interactionNpc.stats.aggression.value >= 40 && _friendship < 70 && _love < 70 && _fear < 80 >> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "AggresiveEvent", 1)>> <<goto "AggressiveEvent_SuccessApear">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</widget>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<set $interaction = ["Touch Ass", "Touch Boobs", "Insult"].random()>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male" && $interaction == "Touch Boobs">> <<set $interaction = ["Touch Ass", "Insult"].random()>> <</if>> <<if ($interaction == "Touch Ass" || $interaction == "Touch Boobs") && (($player.gender() == "Male" && $ == "Feminine") || $player.gender() != "Male" && $ == "Manly")>> <<set $interaction == "Insult">> <</if>> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<if $FromInteraction != true>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "WalkEventDone", 1)>> <</if>> <<switch $interaction>> <<case "Touch Ass">> <<set _msg = $ + " tries to touch your ass.">> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<case "Touch Boobs">> <<set _msg = $ + " tries to touch your tits">> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<case "Insult">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Hey you, get out of my way.">> <</switch>> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $interaction != "Insult">> <div class="btn"><<button "Stay indifferent" "AggressiveEventAction">><<set $player.stats.dominance.decrease(Random(1, 5, true))>> <</button>></div> <<else>> <<if $FromInteraction == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Stay indifferent" "CharacterInteractions">><<set $player.stats.dominance.decrease(Random(1, 5, true))>> <<unset $interactionType $interaction $FromInteraction>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Stay indifferent" $>><<set $player.stats.dominance.decrease(Random(1, 5, true))>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><<unset $interactionType $interactionNpc $indexNPC $interaction $FromInteraction>><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <<ChanceButton 'Try to resolve the situation' 'TryResolveSituation' $player $interactionNpc '{Friend: 40, Love: 0, Fear: 40, Lust: 0, CheckResistance: true, CheckSexPref: false}' 'TryResolveSituation'>> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<unset $interactionType $interaction $FromInteraction>> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc $ _battleSetControlls>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<CheckChance 'TryResolveSituation_Succes' 'TryResolveSituation_Failed' 'TryResolveSituation_Failed' 'LocationEvent' 'TryResolveSituation' '{createBackButton: false, createTwiceBackButton: false}'>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<ChatMessage "You were unable to resolve the situation.">> <<SpendTime 15>> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $interaction != "Insult">> <div class="btn"><<button "Stay indifferent" "AggressiveEventAction">><<set $player.stats.dominance.decrease(Random(1, 5, true))>> <</button>></div> <<else>> <<if $FromInteraction == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Stay indifferent" "CharacterInteractions">><<set $player.stats.dominance.decrease(Random(1, 5, true))>> <<unset $interactionType $interaction $FromInteraction>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Stay indifferent" $>><<set $player.stats.dominance.decrease(Random(1, 5, true))>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><<unset $interactionType $interactionNpc $indexNPC $interaction $FromInteraction>><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight">> <<unset $interactionType $interaction $FromInteraction>> <<set _battleSetControlls = {attack: true, seduce: true, items: true, actions: true}>> <<StartFight $player $interactionNpc $ _battleSetControlls>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SpendTime 15>> <<set $player.stats.dominance.increase(Random(1, 3, true))>> <<ChatMessage "You were able to successfully resolve the situation.">> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $FromInteraction == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "CharacterInteractions">> <<unset $interactionType $interaction $FromInteraction>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><<unset $interactionType $interactionNpc $indexNPC $interaction $FromInteraction>><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SpendTime 15>> <<switch $interaction>> <<case "Touch Ass">> <<set $interactionType = "Touch Ass">> <<if $player.gender() != "Male">> <<Interaction $interactionNpc $player>> <</if>> <<run _msg = $ + " is touching your ass">> <<case "Touch Boobs">> <<set $interactionType = "Touch boobs">> <<Interaction $interactionNpc $player>> <<run _msg = $ + " is touching your boobs">> <</switch>> <<if _msg>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" $>><<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><<unset $indexNPC $interactionNpc $interaction $interactType>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<widget "LocationEvents">> <<if $ > 70 && Random(0,100) > 70 && $player.currentLocation != "DormRoom" && $player.currentLocation != "DormCorridor" && $player.currentLocation != "CollegeHall" && $player.currentLocation != "Auditorium" && $player.currentLocation != "WomensRestroom" && $player.currentLocation != "MensRestroom">> <<SetSaveBtn false>> <<set $interactType = "PornoFanatCome">> <<goto "LocationEvent">> <<else>> <<run _locationKeys = Object.keys($Locations);>> <<if _locationKeys.includes(passage()) && passage() != "DormRoom">> <<set _chars = []>> <<run _chars = $Locations[passage()].filter( (id) => $Characters[id].info.characterWork != "Hooker")>> <<if _chars.length > 0>> <<set $indexNPC = _chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * _chars.length)]>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <<goto "EventChoose">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</widget>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<widget "PimpBrothelEvents">> <<if $player.currentLocation != "PimpRoom">> <<run _locationKeys = Object.keys($Locations);>> <<if _locationKeys.includes(passage()) && passage() != "PimpRoom">> <<run _EventCharsID = $Locations[passage()]>> <<if _EventCharsID.length > 0>> <<run _EventCharsID = getRandomElements(_EventCharsID, _EventCharsID.length)>> <<set _RandEvent = Random(0, 100, false)>> <<if _RandEvent >= 0 && _RandEvent < 50>> <<run $brothelSecurityChar = _EventCharsID.filter( (id) => $Characters[id].dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($Characters[id], "FuckOtherWhore") == false && $Characters[id].info.characterWork == "Brothel Security")>> <<run $brothelWhoreChar = _EventCharsID.filter( (id) => $Characters[id].info.characterWork == "Pimp's whore")>> <<if $brothelSecurityChar.length > 0 && $brothelWhoreChar.length > 0>> <<set $brothelSecurityChar = $brothelSecurityChar[0]>> <<set $brothelWhoreChar = $brothelWhoreChar[0]>> <<SetSaveBtn false>> <<goto "PimpBrothelEventChoose_TwoCharacters_Pimp">> <</if>> <<elseif _RandEvent >= 50>> <<run $brothelSecurityChar = _EventCharsID.filter( (id) => $Characters[id].dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($Characters[id], "FuckPlayer") == false && $Characters[id].info.characterWork== "Brothel Security")>> <<if $brothelSecurityChar.length > 0>> <<set $brothelSecurityChar = $brothelSecurityChar[0]>> <<SetSaveBtn false>> <<goto "PimpBrothelEventChoose_GuardFuck_Pimp">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <</widget>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SetBackground>> <<if $Characters[$brothelSecurityChar].dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($Characters[$brothelSecurityChar], "FuckOtherWhore") == false>> <<run $Characters[$brothelSecurityChar].dailyEvents.registerEvent($Characters[$brothelSecurityChar], "FuckOtherWhore", 1)>> <</if>> <<set _pos = ["Anal", "Blowjob", "Vaginal"].random()>> <<if $Characters[$brothelWhoreChar].genitalia() == "Penis" && _pos == "Vaginal">> <<set _pos = "Anal">> <</if>> <<switch _pos>> <<case "Anal">> <<SetAnalPick $Characters[$brothelSecurityChar].gender() $Characters[$brothelWhoreChar].gender()>> <<case "Blowjob">> <<SetOralPick $Characters[$brothelSecurityChar].gender() $Characters[$brothelWhoreChar].gender()>> <<case "Vaginal">> <<SetVagPick $Characters[$brothelSecurityChar].gender() $Characters[$brothelWhoreChar].gender()>> <</switch>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage 'You see the guard fucking one of the whores.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" $>><<SetSaveBtn true>><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SetBackground>> <<if $Characters[$brothelSecurityChar].dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($Characters[$brothelSecurityChar], "FuckPlayer") == false>> <<run $Characters[$brothelSecurityChar].dailyEvents.registerEvent($Characters[$brothelSecurityChar], "FuckPlayer", 1)>> <</if>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$brothelSecurityChar]>> <<set $indexNPC = $brothelSecurityChar>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Hey whore, let\'s have some fun.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Contiue" "PassiveSex">><<set $sexType = "hoockerWork">><<set $aggresiveFuck = true>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<set _friendship = $player.getRelationship($>> <<set _love = $player.getRelationship($>> <<set _fear = $player.getRelationship($>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "knows you") == false>> <<set $interactType = "Get acquainted">> <<elseif _fear > 50>> <<set $interactType = "Ran away in fear">> <<else>> <<set $interactType = "Ordinary">> <<if _love >= 90 >> <<set $interaction = ["Talk", "Hug", "Kiss", "Touch Ass", "Touch Boobs", "Sex"].random()>> <<elseif _love >= 85>> <<set $interaction = ["Talk", "Hug", "Kiss", "Touch Ass", "Touch Boobs"].random()>> <<elseif _love >= 75>> <<set $interaction = ["Talk", "Hug", "Kiss"].random()>> <<elseif _friendship >= 65 || _love >= 60 >> <<set $interaction = ["Talk", "Hug"].random()>> <<else>> <<set $interaction = "Talk">> <</if>> <<if ($interaction == "Touch Ass" || $interaction == "Touch Boobs" || $interaction == "Sex" || $interaction == "Kiss") && (($player.gender() == "Male" && $ == "Feminine") || $player.gender() != "Male" && $ == "Manly")>> <<set $interaction = "Talk">> <</if>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male" && $interaction == "Touch Boobs">> <<set $interaction = "Talk">> <</if>> <<if ($player.stats.potency.value == $player.stats.potency.min || $interactionNpc.stats.potency.value == $interactionNpc.stats.potency.min) && $interaction == "Sex">> <<set $interaction = ["Talk", "Hug", "Kiss", "Touch Ass", "Touch Boobs"].random()>> <</if>> <</if>> <<goto "LocationEvent">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $interactType == "Ordinary">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<if $FromInteraction != true>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "WalkEventDone", 1)>> <</if>> <<switch $interaction>> <<case "Talk">> <<set _msg = $ + " wants to talk to you.">> <<case "Hug">> <<set _msg = $ + " wants to hug you.">> <<case "Kiss">> <<set _msg = $ + " wants to kiss you.">> <<case "Touch Ass">> <<set _msg = $ + " wants to touch your ass.">> <<case "Touch Boobs">> <<set _msg = $ + " wants to touch your tits">> <<case "Sex">> <<set _msg = $ + " wants to have sex with you.">> <</switch>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Accept" "LocationEventAction">><</button>></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $FromInteraction == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Decline" "CharacterInteractions">><<unset $FromInteraction>><<unset $interaction $interactType>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Decline" $>><<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><<unset $indexNPC $interactionNpc $interaction $interactType>><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <<elseif $interactType == "Ran away in fear">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<ChatMessage 'Upon seeing you, $ got scared and ran away.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC)>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><<unset $interactionType $interactionNpc $indexNPC $interaction $FromInteraction>> <</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $interactType == "Get acquainted">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Hi, I haven\'t seen you around here before. I\'m $'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "knows you", 1)>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><<unset $interactionType $interactionNpc $indexNPC $interaction $FromInteraction>> <</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $interactType == "PornoFanatCome">> <<include "CharactersData">> <<run _testChar = CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "external", lust: 100, gender: ["Male", "Female", "Trans"].random(), sexualPreference: "Bi", age: Random(18,45), }, true)>> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_testChar)>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<unset $maleNames $femaleNames $surnames $interactType>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Hello, I recognize you, you act in porno'>> <<ChatMessage 'You notice that your fan is overly interested in you.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $player.stats.potency.value > $player.stats.potency.min>> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex with a fan (Passive)" "PassiveSex">><<set $sexType = "OneSex (Destroy)">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex with a fan (Active)" "Sex">><<set $sexType = "OneSex (Destroy)">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Sex with a fan (Passive)" "PassiveSex">><<set $sexType = "OneSex (Destroy)">><</button>></div> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Sex with a fan (Active)" "Sex">><<set $sexType = "OneSex (Destroy)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "A polite goodbye" $>> <<SetSaveBtn true>> <<run $Characters.splice($indexNPC, 1)>> <</button>></div> </div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<if $ < 5>> <<goto "NotEnoughEnergy_Events">> <</if>> <<SpendTime 15>> <hr> <<if $interactType == "Ordinary">> <<switch $interaction>> <<case "Talk">> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "TalkEventDone") == false && $FromInteraction == true>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "TalkEventDone", 1)>> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(1, 2, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <<elseif $FromInteraction != true>> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(1, 2, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <</if>> <<set _msg = "You are talking to " + $ + " about various topics.">> <<case "Hug">> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "HugEventDone") == false && $FromInteraction == true>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "HugEventDone", 1)>> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(1, 3, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <<elseif $FromInteraction != true>> <<set _relUpgrd = {friendship: Random(1, 3, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <</if>> <<run _msg = "You and " + $ + " are hugging">> <<case "Kiss">> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "KissEventDone") == false && $FromInteraction == true>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "KissEventDone", 1)>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(1, 2, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <<elseif $FromInteraction != true>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(1, 2, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <</if>> <<set $interactionType = "Kiss">> <<Interaction $interactionNpc $player>> <<run _msg = "You and " + $ + " are kissing">> <<case "Touch Ass">> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "TouchAssEventDone") == false && $FromInteraction == true>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "TouchAssEventDone", 1)>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(1, 2, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <<elseif $FromInteraction != true>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(1, 2, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <</if>> <<set $interactionType = "Touch Ass">> <<Interaction $interactionNpc $player>> <<run _msg = $ + " is touching your ass">> <<case "Touch Boobs">> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "TouchBoobsEventDone") == false && $FromInteraction == true>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "TouchBoobsEventDone", 1)>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(1, 2, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <<elseif $FromInteraction != true>> <<set _relUpgrd = {love: Random(1, 2, true)}>> <<SetRelations $player $interactionNpc _relUpgrd>> <</if>> <<set $interactionType = "Touch boobs">> <<Interaction $interactionNpc $player>> <<run _msg = $ + " is touching your boobs">> <<case "Sex">> <<goto "Sex">> <</switch>> <<elseif $interactType == "Aggressive">> <<switch $interaction>> <<case "Touch Ass">> <<set $interactionType = "Touch Ass">> <<if $player.gender() != "Male">> <<Interaction $interactionNpc $player>> <</if>> <<run _msg = $ + " is touching your ass">> <<case "Touch Boobs">> <<set $interactionType = "Touch boobs">> <<Interaction $interactionNpc $player>> <<run _msg = $ + " is touching your boobs">> <</switch>> <</if>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $FromInteraction == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><<unset $FromInteraction>><<unset $interaction $interactType>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" $>><<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><<unset $indexNPC $interactionNpc $interaction $interactType>><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<ChatMessage "Not enough energy">> <div class="padding-top"> <<if $FromInteraction == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><<unset $FromInteraction>><<unset $interaction $interactType>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" $>><<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><<unset $indexNPC $interactionNpc $interaction $interactType>><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="item-filter"> <<if $filterType == "All">> <div class="filter-button active"><<button "All" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "All">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="filter-button"><<button "All" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "All">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $filterType == "Clothing">> <div class="filter-button active"><<button "Clothes" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "Clothing">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="filter-button"><<button "Clothes" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "Clothing">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $filterType == "Drug">> <div class="filter-button active"><<button "Drugs" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "Drug">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="filter-button"><<button "Drugs" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "Drug">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $filterType == "Gift">> <div class="filter-button active"><<button "Gift" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "Gift">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="filter-button"><<button "Gift" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "Gift">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $filterType == "Food">> <div class="filter-button active"><<button "Food" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "Food">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="filter-button"><<button "Food" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "Food">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $filterType == "SexToy">> <div class="filter-button active"><<button "Toys" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "SexToy">><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="filter-button"><<button "Toys" _curLoc>><<set $filterType = "SexToy">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<for _i = 0; _i < $Characters.length; _i++>> <<if $playerFollowers.includes($Characters[_i]>> <<if $ == "npcHome">> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($Characters.indexOf($Characters[_i]), "DormRoom")>> <<else>> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($Characters.indexOf($Characters[_i]), $>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<done>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("energy-bar", $, $>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("horny-bar", $player.status.horny.value, $player.status.horny.max)>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("health-bar", $, $>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("exp-bar", $player.exp.value, $player.exp.max)>> <<run DisplayText("player-money", $ + "💲")>> <<run DisplayText("player-potency", "Sexual stamina: " + $player.stats.potency.value + "/" + $player.stats.potency.max)>> <<if $player.level.value != $player.level.max>> <<run DisplayText("player-level", "Level: " + $player.level.value)>> <<else>> <<run DisplayText("player-level", "Level: MAX")>> <</if>> <<run DisplayDate($dateTime)>> <<run DisplayTime($dateTime)>> <<run DisplayDayOfWeek($dateTime)>> <</done>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run UpdateSaveAllow()>> <<UpdateNPCVar>> <<include "UpdateStatBars">> <<SetBackground>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $player.stats.potency.value > $player.stats.potency.min>> <<run $player.status.horny.increase(2 / ($player.stats.orgasmControl.value + 8))>> <</if>> <<if $ != passage()>> <<SpendTime 2>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<switch $badEnding>> <<case "SkippedClass">> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>> <<goto "Bad_Ending_SkippedClass">> <</switch>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Campus/Campus.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Campus</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Dormitory" "DormCorridor">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "College" "CollegeHall">><</button>></div> /* <div class="btn"><<button "Library" "LibraryBuild">><</button>></div> */ <div class="btn"><<button "Mall" "Mall">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Clinic" "Clinic">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Park" "Park">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Entertainment District" "EntertainmentDistrict">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Residential area" "ResidentialArea">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Red Light Dist." "RedLightDistrict">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Clinic/Clinic.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Clinic</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Campus" "Campus">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/College/CollegeHall.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">College Hall</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Auditorium" "Auditorium">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Men's WC" "MensRestroom">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Women's WC" "WomensRestroom">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "Campus">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/College/Restroom/restroom.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Men's restroom</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "CollegeHall">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/College/Restroom/restroom.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Women's restroom</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "CollegeHall">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/College/Auditorium/Auditorium_02.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Auditorium</div> <div class="centre-text" style="font-size: 20px;">Classes start at 9 a.m. on weekdays.</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "CollegeHall">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $dateTime.hours >=9 && $dateTime.hours <=11 && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "AttendedAClass") == false && $dateTime.getDayOfWeek() != "Sunday" && $dateTime.getDayOfWeek() != "Saturday">> <div class="btn"> <<button "Attend a class" "AttendClass">><</button>></div> <<elseif $dateTime.hours < 9 && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "AttendedAClass") == false && $dateTime.getDayOfWeek() != "Sunday" && $dateTime.getDayOfWeek() != "Saturday">> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait until classes start" "Auditorium">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 8}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SetBackground>> <<set $dateTime.hours += 6>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "AttendedAClass", 1)>> <<ChatMessage 'You attended a class'>> <<set _expGain = Random(1,5)>> <<GainExp _expGain>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "Auditorium">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation "npcHome">> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/Dorm/DormRoom.png">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text"><<print "Room № " + ($ + 1)>></div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Exit" "DormCorridor">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $ == ($>> <<if $dateTime.hours >= 22 || $dateTime.hours <= 6>> <div class="btn"><<button "Sleep">><<Sleep>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $player.stats.potency.value > 0>> <div class="btn"><<button "Jerk off" "VisitorCheck">><<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>><<set $rejectJoinYou = false>><<set $jerkType = "Jerk Off">><</button>></div> <<if $player.inventory.hasItem("Dildo") == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Dildo Play" "VisitorCheck">><<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>><<set $rejectJoinYou = false>><<set $jerkType = "Dildo">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $dateTime.hours >= 6 && $dateTime.hours < 22>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait until night" "DormRoom">><<set $dateTime.hours = 21>><<set $dateTime.minutes = 0>><<set $dateTime.minutes += 60>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/Dorm/DormCorridor.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Dorm Hall</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "Campus">><</button>></div> <<DisplayRooms $Residents>> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/EntertainmentDistrict/Entertainment District.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Entertainment District</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Bar" "Bar">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Campus" "Campus">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 18>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait until evening" "RedLightDistrict">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 17}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/EntertainmentDistrict/Bar.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Bar</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "EntertainmentDistrict">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 18>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait until evening" "RedLightDistrict">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 17}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/FightClub.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Fight Club</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "RedLightDistrict">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/College/Library/Library.jpg">> <div class="centre-text">Library</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Campus" "Campus">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Mall/Mall.png">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Mall</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Gym" "FitnessClub">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Gifts" "GiftShop">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Pharmacy" "Pharmacy">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Grocery" "Grocery">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Clothing Store" "ClothingStore">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex Shop" "SexShop">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Campus" "Campus">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Mall/GiftShop.png">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Gift Shop</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Mall">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 8>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait for a seller" "GiftShop">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 7}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Mall/Pharmacy.png">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Pharmacy</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Mall">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 8>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait for a seller" "Pharmacy">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 7}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Mall/Grocery.png">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Grocery section</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Mall">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 8>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait for a seller" "Grocery">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 7}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Mall/Gym.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Fitness Club</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Mall">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 8>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait for a trainer" "FitnessClub">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 7}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Mall/ClothingStorel.png">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Clothing Store</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Mall">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 8>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait for a seller" "ClothingStore">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 7}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Mall/Sexshop.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Sex Shop</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Mall">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 8>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait for a seller" "SexShop">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 7}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Park/Park.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Park</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Restrooms" "ParkRestrooms">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Campus" "Campus">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Park/ParkRestrooms.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Park Restrooms</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Park">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Work in gloryhole" "GloryHole">><<set $playerSuck = true>><</button>></div> <<if $player.genitalia() == "Penis" && $player.stats.potency.value > $player.stats.potency.min>> <div class="btn"><<button "Use gloryhole (- $50)" "GloryHole">><<set $playerSuck = false>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $playerSuck == true>> <<if $ < 50>> <<goto "GloryHole_Totied">> <<else>> <<SpendTime 120>> <<SpendEnergy $player 50>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\GloryHole\\Male\\' + Random(0, 1, false) + '.mp4'>> <<else>> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\GloryHole\\Female\\' + Random(0, 4, false) + '.mp4'>> <</if>> <<set _income = Random(50, 500)>> <<set $ += _income>> <<set _msg = "You served several clients and earned " + "$" + _income>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "ParkRestrooms">><<unset $playerSuck $Gender>><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <<else>> <<if $ < 50>> <<ChatMessage "Not enough money.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "ParkRestrooms">><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<set $ -= 50>> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\GloryHole\\Female\\' + Random(0, 4, false) + '.mp4'>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage "You paid your money and an unknown girl started servicing your cock.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Cum" "GloryHoleCum">><<set $Gender = "Male">><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/Park/ParkRestrooms.jpg">> <<set _msg = "After a while, you cum.">> <<set _pick = 'Media\\Sex\\GloryHole\\Female\\Cum\\' + Random(0, 1, false) + '.mp4'>> <<set $player.stats.potency.decrease(1)>> <<set $player.status.horny.decrease($player.status.horny.max)>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "ParkRestrooms">><<unset $playerSuck $Gender>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage "You are too tired.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "ParkRestrooms">><<unset $playerSuck $Gender>><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<EachLoc>> <<SaveLocation>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/Basement.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<if $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "BeingFeminizedByPimp") == false>> <<goto "DailyFeminization_Pimp">> <<elseif Random(0,100) > 87>> <<goto "Events_Pimp">> <<else>> <div class="centre-text">Your room</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "BrothelCorridor_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours >= 22 || $dateTime.hours <=6>> <div class="btn"><<button "Sleep">><<Sleep>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $player.stats.potency.value > 0>> <div class="btn"><<button "Jerk off" "VisitorCheck">><<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>><<set $rejectJoinYou = false>><<set $jerkType = "Jerk Off">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait until night" "PimpRoom">><<set $dateTime.hours = 21>><<set $dateTime.minutes = 0>><<set $dateTime.minutes += 60>><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <<set _msgDebt = "Your debt: $" + $playerDebt>> <<ChatMessage _msgDebt>> </div> <</if>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/Brothel_corridor.jpg">> <<EachLoc>> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Hooker Rooms</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Your room" "PimpRoom">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Hall" "BrothelHall_Pimp">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Feminization room" "FeminizationRoom_Pimp">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Pimp's room" "PimpRoom_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/Brothel_Hall.jpg">> <<EachLoc>> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Brothel Hall</div> <div class="centre-text" style="font-size: 20px;">You can work from 8 AM to 10 PM.</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Hooker Rooms" "BrothelCorridor_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours >= 8 && $dateTime.hours < 22>> <div class="btn"><<button "Start Work" "WorkAsHooker">> <<include "HookerWordCalculateEarnings">> <</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Start Work">><</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/Feminization_room.jpg">> <<EachLoc>> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Feminization Room</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "BrothelCorridor_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/pimp_room.jpg">> <<EachLoc>> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Pimp's office</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "BrothelCorridor_Pimp">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/Red_Light_District.png">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Red Light District</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Photo Studio" "PhotoStudio">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Porn studio" "PornStudio">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Fight Club" "FightClub">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Campus" "Campus">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 18>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait until evening" "RedLightDistrict">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 17}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<EachLoc>> <<SaveLocation>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/PhotoStudio.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Photo Studio</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "RedLightDistrict">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 8>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait for the photographer" "PhotoStudio">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 7}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/PornStudio.jpeg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Porn studio</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "RedLightDistrict">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 8>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait for the director" "PornStudio">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 7}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/ResidentialArea/ResidentialArea.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Residential Area</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "BuyAppartment") == false>> <<if $ >= 10000>> <div class="btn"><<button "Buy Apartment ($10000)" "ResidentialArea">> <<set $ -= 10000>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "BuyAppartment", 1)>> <</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting"><<button "Buy Apartment ($10000)">><</button>></div> <</if>> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Apartment" "LivingRoom_Apartments">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Campus" "Campus">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/ResidentialArea/LivingRoom.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Living room</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Bedroom" "Bedroom_Apartments">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "ResidentialArea">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/ResidentialArea/Bedroom.jpg">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Bedroom</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Living room" "LivingRoom_Apartments">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<if $dateTime.hours >= 22 || $dateTime.hours <= 6>> <div class="btn"><<button "Sleep">><<Sleep>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $player.stats.potency.value > 0>> <div class="btn"><<button "Jerk off" "VisitorCheck">><<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>><<set $rejectJoinYou = false>><<set $jerkType = "Jerk Off">><</button>></div> <<if $player.inventory.hasItem("Dildo") == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Dildo Play" "VisitorCheck">><<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>><<set $rejectJoinYou = false>><<set $jerkType = "Dildo">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $dateTime.hours >= 6 && $dateTime.hours < 22>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait until night" "Bedroom_Apartments">><<set $dateTime.hours = 21>><<set $dateTime.minutes = 0>><<set $dateTime.minutes += 60>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<EachLoc>> <<SaveLocation>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/Other/Villa/Villa.jpg">> <div class="centre-text">Villa</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Villa Bedroom" "VillaBedroom">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "Campus">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<EachLoc>> <<SaveLocation>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/Other/Villa/bedroom.jpg">> <div class="centre-text">Villa Bedroom</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" "Campus">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<SaveLocation>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/City/RedLightDistrict/Red_Light_District.png">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="centre-text">Red Light District</div> <div class="grid-row-twice"> <fieldset> <legend>Navigation</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Photo Studio" "PhotoStudio">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Porn studio" "PornStudio">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Campus" "Campus">><</button>></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Activity</legend> <div class="btn-container"> <<EachActions>> <<if $dateTime.hours < 18>> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait until evening" "RedLightDistrict">> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 17}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> </fieldset> </div> <<PeopleAround>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<ChatMessage 'As you step into the studio, you see the photographer setting up his equipment. He greet you with a smile and explain the theme of the shoot he have in mind. As the shoot begins, you notice that the photographer is flirting subtly, making light sexual remarks and touching your shoulders or arms while discussing the next pose.'>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Flirt" "PhotoShoot_Event_01_02_Flirt">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue the photoshoot" "EroticPhotoSession">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<ChatMessage "You catch yourself blushing at the photographer's advance, but you return the flirtation, bantering back and forth as you try out different poses. The photographer responds by becoming more emboldened, even going so far as to touch and guide you in ways that are slightly more intimate than before. You find yourself enjoying the attention and becoming much more relaxed in front of the camera.">> <<ChatMessage "As you were posing for the photographer's camera, you noticed a bulge growing in his pants. Your heart raced as you realized what was happening - the photographer was getting turned on by you.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Suggest a blowjob" "PhotoShoot_Event_01_02_SuggestBlowjob">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Try to turn him on even more" "PhotoShoot_Event_01_02_Sex">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue the photoshoot" "PhotoShoot_Event_01_02_BeProfessional">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<ChatMessage "You licked your lips in anticipation and shifted your weight, pressing your thighs together as you felt a heat building between them.">> <<ChatMessage "But instead of feeling uncomfortable, you felt an electricity between you. Instead of ignoring the photographer's arousal, you decided to embrace it. You paused in front of the camera, allowing yourself to ponder what you were about to do. In that split second, you considered the possibilities and consequences of offering him a blowjob.">> <<ChatMessage "The thought sent shivers up your spine, and you couldn't resist the temptation any longer. Moving closer to the photographer, you bit your lip, feeling your pulse quicken as you reached for his pant zipper. You imagined what he would taste like, and the thought made you all the more eager.">> <<ChatMessage "Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked up at him again, watching his expression change from surprise to pleasure.">> <<ChatMessage "You wasted no time in taking him into your mouth, savoring the salty taste of his pre-cum as it coated your tongue. You took him deep into your throat, feeling his hands grip your hair as he thrust into your mouth. Your fingers trailed up and down his thighs, feeling his muscles twitching under your touch.">> <<SetOralPick $interactionNpc.gender() $player.gender()>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage "It didn't take long until he came, spurting hotly into your mouth. You swallowed him down, feeling the wet heat seeping down your throat. When you looked up at him again, he was smiling down at you, his eyes filled with lust and admiration.">> <<SetOralCumInPick $interactionNpc.gender() $player.gender()>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage "Grinning, you got back to your feet, brushing back your hair and taking a playful stance.">> <<Chat $player "I think we're done for the day. Unless, of course, you have another photography job for me...">> <<SpendTime 60>> <<SpendEnergy $player 25>> <<run $ += Random(300, 500)>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<ChatMessage "As you posed for the photographer's camera, you couldn't help but notice how his gaze lingered on your curves and how his breathing quickened. You felt a warm, sensual energy between you, one that promised pleasure and excitement.">> <<ChatMessage "A mischievous idea crossed your mind as you leaned against the wall, arching your back to enhance your curves. You licked your lips seductively, watching the photographer's pupils dilate in response. Your skin prickled with anticipation as you thought about how far you could push this.">> <<Chat $player 'Do you like what you see?'>> <<ChatMessage "You purred, enjoying the way the photographer's eyes darkened as he nodded.">> <<Chat $player 'Do you want to touch me?'>> <<ChatMessage 'You whispered, feeling his fingers twitch with desire.'>> <<ChatMessage 'He nodded again, and you reached for his hand, leading him across the room to a plush couch. You sat down, crossing your legs in front of him, loving the power you had over him. You could feel his gaze on your every movement, watching as you leaned forward to brush your lips against his neck.'>> <<Chat $player 'Take your clothes off'>> <<ChatMessage 'You commanded, and he obeyed eagerly, undressing to reveal a toned, muscular body.'>> <<ChatMessage 'You smiled at the sight before you, feeling yourself grow more aroused with each passing moment. You could see how turned on he was, how he was waiting for your next move.'>> <<Chat $player "You're so sexy">> <<ChatMessage 'You murmured, running your hands over his chest and down to his waist. You pressed your hips against his, feeling his hardness growing against you.'>> <<ChatMessage 'In a sudden movement, you straddled him, taking him into your mouth. Your tongue traced his length, tasting the salty precum that dripped from his tip.'>> /* Blowjob Video */ <<SetOralPick $interactionNpc.gender() $player.gender()>> <<Video _pick>> <<ChatMessage 'You thought about how good he would feel inside you, how he would stretch you open and fill you up.'>> <<Chat $player 'Fuck me'>> <<SpendTime 60>> <<SpendEnergy $player 25>> <<run $ += Random(300, 500)>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "PassiveSex">><<set $sexType = "OneSex">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<ChatMessage "While the photographer's touches and comments make you feel uncomfortable, you decide to maintain a professional attitude and focus on the task at hand. However, you can't shake the feeling of unease that comes from being nudged towards more provocative poses than you originally agreed upon. As the session progresses, the photographer keeps pushing the boundaries, until finally you find yourself unable to take it anymore.">> <<Chat $player "Look, I think we've gone as far as we needed to go. Let's just stick to the original plan and wrap this shoot up.">> <<ChatMessage "The photographer grumbles and changes back to the planned shots, but the feeling of discomfort lingers long after the shoot has ended.">> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "EroticPhotoSession">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Ask about the photo shoot" "Photographer_01_Intro">><</button>></div> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Photoshoot") == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Standard photo shoot" "RegularPhotoSession">><</button>></div> <<if $ >= 50>> <div class="btn"><<button "Erotic photo shoot" "EroticPhotoSession">><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> /* <div class="btn"><<button "Buy a photo studio ($50 000)" "BuyPhotoStudio">><</button>></div> */ </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $ < 50000>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<Chat $interactionNpc "You don't have enough money.">> <<else>> <<set $ -= 50000>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Buy a photo studio", 1)>> <<run $ = "None">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Fine, the studio is yours.">> <<ChatMessage "You are buying a photo studio. Now you can shoot models yourself.">> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $>> <<SetSaveBtn true>>> <<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage "Not enough energy (25).">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Photographer">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Today there is no more work for you, come back tomorrow.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Photographer">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Hi, are you new here? Then let me tell you about working as a model. We have jobs for women/trans individuals and men. Women and trans individuals are paid more, so some men decide to undergo feminization to earn more.">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Your weight must not exceed (45) and must not be less than (10).">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "The higher your reputation, the more lucrative jobs you can get. Initially, only standard photo shoots will be available to you, but once you become famous enough(50), you can participate in erotic photo shoots.">> <<Chat $interactionNpc "Usually, you will have no more than one photoshoot per day.">> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Photoshoot") == false>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "Photoshoot", 1)>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Photographer">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $ < 25>> <<goto "NotEnoughEnergyPhoto">> <<else>> <<if $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Photoshoot") == false>> <<set $dailyPhotoShootCount = Random(1, 3)>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "Photoshoot", 1)>> <<elseif $dailyPhotoShootCount <= 0>> <<goto "MaxPhotoShootCount">> <</if>> <<set $dailyPhotoShootCount -= 1>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male">> <<set _gender = "Male">> <<set _randPic = 0>> <<set _gain = Random(100, 200)>> <<else>> <<set _gender = "Female">> <<set _randPic = Random(0,3)>> <<set _gain = Random(200, 350)>> <</if>> <<run _pic = "Media\\Jobs\\Photo\\" + _gender + "\\" + "regular" + "\\" + _randPic + ".mp4">> <<Video _pic>> <<set _gainText = "$" + _gain>> <<ChatMessage 'You were photographed for the latest fashion magazine for an hour. You earned _gainText.'>> <<run $, 4, true))>> <<SpendTime 60>> <<SpendEnergy $player 25>> <<run $ += _gain>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Photographer">><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $ < 25>> <<goto "NotEnoughEnergyPhoto">> <<elseif Random(0,100) > 70 && $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "PhotographerEventStart") == false>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "PhotographerEventStart", 1)>> <<goto "PhotoShoot_Event_01_01_Start">> <<else>> <<if $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Photoshoot") == false>> <<set $dailyPhotoShootCount = Random(1, 3)>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "Photoshoot", 1)>> <<elseif $dailyPhotoShootCount <= 0>> <<goto "MaxPhotoShootCount">> <</if>> <<set $dailyPhotoShootCount -= 1>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male">> <<set _gender = "Male">> <<set _gain = Random(300, 500)>> <<else>> <<set _gender = "Female">> <<set _gain = Random(500, 850)>> <</if>> <<run _pic = "Media\\Jobs\\Photo\\" + _gender + "\\erotic\\0.mp4">> <<Video _pic>> <<set _gainText = "$" + _gain>> <<ChatMessage 'You are being photographed for an hour for an erotic magazine. You earned _gainText.'>> <<run $, 10, true))>> <<SpendTime 60>> <<SpendEnergy $player 25>> <<run $ += _gain>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "Photographer">><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage 'You come to a casting session. The director asks you to undress and show your body.'>> <<if $player.gender() == "Male">> <<include "PornCasting_MalePlayer">> <<else>> <<include "PornCasting_FemalePlayer">> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $player.body.penisSize.value < 15>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Your dick is too small, you should go to the clinic. (15)'>> <<else>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Excellent. Come to me when you want to work.'>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "CanWorkPornoActorAsMale") == false>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "CanWorkPornoActorAsMale", 1)>> <</if>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<ChatMessage 'You undress, and the director examines your body.'>> <<ChatMessage 'When you undress, the director asks you questions about your sexual life.'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Let\'s see what you can do'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "PassiveSex">> <<set $sexType = "Porn Shoot (PlayerCasting)">> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Excellent. Come to me when you want to work.'>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "CanWorkPornoActorAsFemale") == false>> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($, "CanWorkPornoActorAsFemale", 1)>> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <<if ($player.gender() == "Male" && $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "CanWorkPornoActorAsMale") == true) || ($player.gender() != "Male" && $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "CanWorkPornoActorAsFemale") == true)>> <div class="btn"><<button "Start shooting" "ChoosePartner">> <<if $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Looked up porn actors") == false>> <<run $player.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "Looked up porn actors", 1)>> <<set $stillPhotoShoots = Random(1,5)>> <</if>> <</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn"><<button "Casting" "PornCastingInterview_Player">><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage 'You lack energy (45).'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage 'You lack sexual stamina.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <hr> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'There are no more shootings for today, come back tomorrow.'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $stillPhotoShoots <= 0>> <<goto "NoPornShoots">> <<elseif $player.stats.potency.value < $player.stats.potency.max>> <<goto "NotEnoughtPotency_PornShoot">> <<elseif $ < 45>> <<goto "NotEnoughtEnergy_PornShoot">> <<elseif Random(0,100) > 75 && $player.gender() == "Male">> <<goto "PornShootEvent_01_Intro">> <<else>> <<set $stillPhotoShoots -= 1>> <<include "CharactersData">> <<run _actor = CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "external", lust: 100, gender: ["Male", "Female", "Trans"].random(), sexualPreference: "Bi", age: Random(18,30), }, true, false)>> <<ShowNpcIcon _actor>> <hr> <<if Random(0,100) > 50>> <<set _passageTo = "PassiveSex">> <<set _sexRole = "Active">> <<else>> <<set _passageTo = "Sex">> <<set _sexRole = "Passive">> <</if>> <<set _msg = 'Name: <br> Gender: ' + _actor.gender() + '. <br> Age: <br> Sex Role: _sexRole'>> <<ChatMessage _msg>> <<ChatMessage 'The remaining actors: $stillPhotoShoots'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Acept" _passageTo>> <<set $sexType = "Porn Shoot">> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_actor)>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <<SpendEnergy $player 45>> <</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Next" "ChoosePartner">> <<set _indexChar = $Characters.indexOf(_actor)>> <<run $Characters.splice(_indexChar, 1)>> <</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "PornShooting">> <<set _indexChar = $Characters.indexOf(_actor)>> <<run $Characters.splice(_indexChar, 1)>> <</button>></div> </div> </div> <<unset $maleNames $femaleNames $surnames>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage 'As you arrived on set for another shoot, you were met by the director who had some unexpected news'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc '$, one of our female actresses didn''t show up. I was wondering if you would be willing to replace her?'>> <<Chat $player 'A girl? I''m not sure about that'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Well, I have an idea that might make it more appealing for you,'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'We have a special pill that can turn you into a girl for the duration of the shoot. We''re short-handed, and I know you won''t let us down.'>> <<ChatMessage 'You hesitated for a moment, contemplating your options. On the one hand, you were nervous about the idea of becoming a girl. '>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Accept" "PornShootEvent_02_AceptPills">><</button>></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Convince the director that the second actor should take the pill">> <<if $player.stats.dominance.value < 70>> <<goto "PornShootEvent_02_NotEnoughDominance">> <<else>> <<goto "PornShootEvent_02_SecondActerFeminization">> <</if>> <</button>></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Refuse" "PornShooting">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage 'But on the other hand, you didn\'t want to let down your colleagues. Finally, you relented and agreed to take the pill.'>> <<ChatMessage 'With a few swallows of water, the pill was down the hatch, and the changes began. Your body started to tingle as your muscles shifted, your bones contorted, and your skin stretched. Your hair lengthened and thickened into long, golden locks. Your voice became higher and more feminine.'>> <<set $savePlayerBody = { face: $player.body.face.value, penisSize: $player.body.penisSize.value, }>> <<run $player.body.face.increase(6)>> <<run $player.body.penisSize.decrease(30)>> <<run $player.body.vaginaSize.increase(1)>> <<include "CharactersData">> <<run _testChar = CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "external", dominance: 100, lust: 100, SexRole: "Active", gender: "Male", sexualPreference: "Bi", clothesPreference: "men", age: Random(18,30), }, true, false)>> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_testChar)>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <<ChatMessage 'When the transformation was complete, the new "actress" stepped out onto set. You looked in the mirror and gasped - you couldn\'t believe what you saw. It was like looking at a perfect actress in the mirror.'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'Damn, you look so hot as a girl! Look at those curves and that pretty face...I can\'t wait to get my hands on you'>> <<ChatMessage 'He couldn\'t help but tease and taunt you, who was now a beautiful woman thanks to the special pill.'>> <<Chat $interactionNpc 'You better get ready, because I\'m going to fuck that tight little pussy of yours so hard that you won\'t be able to walk for days!'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Start" "PassiveSex">> <<unset $maleNames $femaleNames $surnames>> <<SpendEnergy $player 45>> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_testChar)>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <<set $sexType = "Porn Shoot (PlayerTransform)">> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "CharactersData">> <<ChatMessage 'After talking to the director, you managed to convince him that the second actor, who was already on set, should take the pill and play the part.'>> <<ChatMessage 'The director was initially hesitant, but eventually agreed to your suggestion. The second actor was given the pill with a few swallows of water, and the transformation began.'>> <<run _testChar = CreateCharacter({ isPlayer: false, characterWork: "external", dominance: 0, lust: 100, SexRole: "Active", gender: "Male", sexualPreference: "Bi", clothesPreference: "men", age: Random(18,30), }, true, false)>> <<ShowNpcIcon _testChar>> <hr> <<run _testChar.body.face.increase(6)>> <<run _testChar.body.penisSize.decrease(30)>> <<run _testChar.body.vaginaSize.increase(1)>> <<ChatMessage ' His body started to tingle as his muscles shifted, his bones contorted, and his skin stretched. His hair lengthened and thickened into long, blond locks. His voice became higher and more feminine until he became an actress.'>> <<ChatMessage 'When the transformation was complete, the new "actress" stepped out onto set. You watched in amazement - he looked like a perfect actress in every way imaginable!'>> <<ShowNpcIcon _testChar>> <hr> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Start" "Sex">> <<unset $maleNames $femaleNames $surnames>> <<set $sexType = "Porn Shoot">> <<SpendEnergy $player 45>> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_testChar)>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<ChatMessage 'You are trying to convince the director that the second actor should take the pill, but you don\'t seem very persuasive, and the director decides that you should take the pill after all'>> <<ChatMessage 'You lack dominance (70)'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Acept" "PornShootEvent_02_AceptPills">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Refuse" "PornShooting">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateStatBars">> <<SetBackground>> <div id="quest-ui"> <div class="quest-filters"> <button onclick="renderQuests('active')">Active</button> <button onclick="renderQuests('completed')">Completed</button> <button onclick="renderQuests('failed')">Failed</button> </div> <div id="quest-log"></div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>>">> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="centre-text">Customize NPC Generation</div> <fieldset> <legend>Generate Number</legend> <div class="parent"> <div> Students <input type="number" id="students-count" value="25" min="25" max="250" onchange="OnInputLimit('students-count')"/> Max 250</div> <div> Citizens <input type="number" id="citizens-count" value="25" min="25" max="250" onchange="OnInputLimit('citizens-count')"/> Max 250</div> </div> </fieldset> <div class="grid-row-twice" style = "grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;"> <fieldset> <legend>Gender ratio</legend> <div class="parent"> <div class="slider-group horizontal-container" data-group="1"> <input type="range" id="men-slider" class="slider" data-slider="1" data-group="1" value="33" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateSliders(1, this.value,"> <p>Men: <span class="value" data-value="1" data-group="1">33</span>%</p> </div> <div class="slider-group horizontal-container" data-group="1"> <input type="range" id="women-slider" class="slider" data-slider="2" data-group="1" value="33" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateSliders(2, this.value,"> <p>Women: <span class="value" data-value="2" data-group="1">33</span>%</p> </div> <div class="slider-group horizontal-container" data-group="1"> <input type="range" id="trans-slider" class="slider" data-slider="3" data-group="1" value="34" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateSliders(3, this.value,"> <p>Trans: <span class="value" data-value="3" data-group="1">34</span>%</p> </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Race ratio</legend> <div class="parent"> <div class="slider-group horizontal-container" data-group="2"> <input type="range" id="white-slider" class="slider" data-slider="1" data-group="2" value="33" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateSliders(1, this.value,"> <p>White: <span class="value" data-value="1" data-group="2">33</span>%</p> </div> <div class="slider-group horizontal-container" data-group="2"> <input type="range" id="black-slider" class="slider" data-slider="2" data-group="2" value="33" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateSliders(2, this.value,"> <p>Black: <span class="value" data-value="2" data-group="2">33</span>%</p> </div> <div class="slider-group horizontal-container" data-group="2"> <input type="range" id="asian-slider" class="slider" data-slider="3" data-group="2" value="34" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateSliders(3, this.value,"> <p>Asian: <span class="value" data-value="3" data-group="2">34</span>%</p> </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Sexual Preference</legend> <div class="parent"> <div class="slider-group horizontal-container" data-group="3"> <input type="range" id="straight-slider" class="slider" data-slider="1" data-group="3" value="33" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateSliders(1, this.value,"> <p>Straight: <span class="value" data-value="1" data-group="3">33</span>%</p> </div> <div class="slider-group horizontal-container" data-group="3"> <input type="range" id="bi-slider" class="slider" data-slider="2" data-group="3" value="33" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateSliders(2, this.value,"> <p>Bi: <span class="value" data-value="2" data-group="3">33</span>%</p> </div> <div class="slider-group horizontal-container" data-group="3"> <input type="range" id="homo-slider" class="slider" data-slider="3" data-group="3" value="34" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateSliders(3, this.value,"> <p>Gay/les: <span class="value" data-value="3" data-group="3">34</span>%</p> </div> </div> </fieldset> </div> <div class="grid-row-twice" style = "grid-template-columns: 1fr; display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <fieldset> <legend>Aggression settings</legend> <label> <input type="checkbox" id="default-settings" checked> Default settings </label> <div class="parent"> <div class="slider-group horizontal-container" data-group="4"> <input style="background-color: #ccc; cursor: not-allowed; opacity: 0.6;" type="range" id="aggressiveapear-slider" class="slider" data-slider="1" data-group="4" value="33" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateSliders(1, this.value,"> <p>Chance of aggressive NPCs appearing: <span class="value" data-value="1" data-group="4">33</span>%</p> </div> </div> <div class="parent"> <div class="slider-group horizontal-container" data-group="5"> <input style="background-color: #ccc; cursor: not-allowed; opacity: 0.6;" type="range" id="aggressivechance-slider" class="slider" data-slider="1" data-group="5" value="33" min="0" max="100" oninput="updateSliders(1, this.value,"> <p>Chance of attacking the player: <span class="value" data-value="1" data-group="5">33</span>%</p> </div> </div> </fieldset> </div> <div class="padding-top text-center"><span>Attention: The NPC generator does not affect your neighbor, the merchants, or quest NPCs.</span></div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Next" "PlayerCreate">> <<run $gameSettings.defaultAggression = document.getElementById("default-settings").checked>> <<run $gameSettings.aggressiveAppearNum = document.getElementById("aggressiveapear-slider").value>> <<run $gameSettings.aggressiveChance = document.getElementById("aggressivechance-slider").value>> <<run $generateNumber.students = document.getElementById("students-count").value>> <<run $generateNumber.citizens = document.getElementById("citizens-count").value>> <<run _genderValues = ["Male", "Female", "Trans"]>> <<run _genderDistribution = {Male: 0, Female: 0, Trans: 0}>> <<run _genderDistribution.Male = document.getElementById("men-slider").value>> <<run _genderDistribution.Female = document.getElementById("women-slider").value>> <<run _genderDistribution.Trans = document.getElementById("trans-slider").value>> <<run $studentGenderArray = generateArray(Math.ceil(($generateNumber.students / 2) + 1), _genderValues, _genderDistribution)>> <<run $citizensGenderArray = generateArray($generateNumber.citizens, _genderValues, _genderDistribution)>> <<run _skinValues = ["White", "Black", "Asian"]>> <<run _skinDistribution = {White: 0, Black: 0, Asian: 0}>> <<run _skinDistribution.White = document.getElementById("white-slider").value>> <<run _skinDistribution.Black = document.getElementById("black-slider").value>> <<run _skinDistribution.Asian = document.getElementById("asian-slider").value>> <<run $studetsSkinsArray = generateArray($generateNumber.students, _skinValues, _skinDistribution)>> <<run $citizensSkinArray = generateArray($generateNumber.citizens, _skinValues, _skinDistribution)>> <<run _sexualOrientationValues = ["Straight", "Bi", "Homo"]>> <<run _sexualOrientationDistribution = {Straight: 0, Homo: 0, Bi: 0}>> <<run _sexualOrientationDistribution.Straight = document.getElementById("straight-slider").value>> <<run _sexualOrientationDistribution.Bi = document.getElementById("bi-slider").value>> <<run _sexualOrientationDistribution.Homo = document.getElementById("homo-slider").value>> <<run $studentSexPrefArray = generateArray($generateNumber.students, _sexualOrientationValues, _sexualOrientationDistribution)>> <<run $citizensSexPrefArray = generateArray($generateNumber.citizens, _sexualOrientationValues, _sexualOrientationDistribution)>> <</button>></div> </div> <<done>> <<script>> const defaultSettingsCheckbox = document.getElementById("default-settings"); const aggressive_appear_slider = document.getElementById("aggressiveapear-slider"); const aggressive_chance_attack_slider = document.getElementById("aggressivechance-slider"); defaultSettingsCheckbox.addEventListener("change", () => { aggressive_appear_slider.disabled = defaultSettingsCheckbox.checked; aggressive_chance_attack_slider.disabled = defaultSettingsCheckbox.checked; if (defaultSettingsCheckbox.checked == true){ aggressive_appear_slider.setAttribute("style", "background-color: #ccc; cursor: not-allowed; opacity: 0.6;"); aggressive_chance_attack_slider.setAttribute("style", "background-color: #ccc; cursor: not-allowed; opacity: 0.6;"); }else{ aggressive_appear_slider.removeAttribute("style"); aggressive_chance_attack_slider.removeAttribute("style"); } }); <</script>> <</done>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="centre-text">Student ID</div> <fieldset> <legend>Name</legend> <div class="creator-grid"> <div class="input-container"> <div class="text-field text-field_floating-2"> <input type="text" id="firstName" name="firstName" value="First Name"> <label class="text-field__label" for="email">First Name</label> </div> </div> <div class="btn button-container"> <<button "🎲">> <<script>> if (State.variables.gender == "Male") { var randomIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * State.variables.maleNames.length ); var randomName = State.variables.maleNames[randomIndex]; $("#firstName").val(randomName); } else{ var randomIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * State.variables.femaleNames.length ); var randomName = State.variables.femaleNames[randomIndex]; $("#firstName").val(randomName); } <</script>> <</button>> </div> <div class="input-container"> <div class="text-field text-field_floating-2"> <input type="text" id="secondName" name="firstName" value="Second Name"> <label class="text-field__label" for="email">Second Name</label> </div> </div> <div class="btn button-container"> <<button "🎲">> <<script>> var randomIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * State.variables.surnames.length ); var randomName = State.variables.surnames[randomIndex]; $("#secondName").val(randomName); <</script>> <</button>> </div> </div> </fieldset> <<set _skins = ["White", "Black", "Asian"]>> <<set _genders = ["Male", "Female", "Trans"]>> <fieldset> <legend>Info</legend> <<listbox "$gender">> <<optionsfrom _genders>> <</listbox>> <<listbox "$skin">> <<optionsfrom _skins>> <</listbox>> </fieldset> <<script>> $(document).one(":passagerender", function (event) { $(event.content).find("#listbox-skin").on("change", function (event) { SetPic(); }); $(event.content).find("#listbox-gender").on("change", function (event) { SetPic(); }); }); <</script>> <fieldset> <legend>Face</legend> <<if $gender == "Male">> <<set _genderPick = "Male">> <<else>> <<set _genderPick = "Female">> <</if>> <<set _characterIcon = "Media\\Characters\\" + $skin + "\\Face\\" + _genderPick + "\\" + $playerFaceType + ".jpg">> <div class="centered-container"> <div class="btn"> <<button "<<<<<">> <<if $playerFaceType > 19>> <<set $playerFaceType = 0>> <<else>> <<set $playerFaceType++>> <</if>> <<run SetPic()>> <</button >> </div> <div> <img class="character-avatar" id="charico" @src="_characterIcon" alt="Avatar"> </div> <div class="btn"> <<button ">>>>>">> <<if $playerFaceType < 1>> <<set $playerFaceType = 9>> <<else>> <<set $playerFaceType-->> <</if>> <<run SetPic()>> <</button >> </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Content Filter</legend> <div class="child-activity-form"> Content Filter (Content is available if active): <div class="option"> <<checkbox "$gameSettings.contentFilter.PlayerFeminization" false true autocheck>> Forced Player Feminization </div> <div class="option"> <<checkbox "$gameSettings.contentFilter.NPC_Activity" false true autocheck>> NPC activity </div> </div> </fieldset> <<set _difficulties = ["Normal", "Easy"]>> <fieldset> <legend>Game settings</legend> <div class="child-activity-form"> Difficulty: <<listbox "$gameSettings.difficulty">> <<optionsfrom _difficulties>> <</listbox>> <h5>(At the easy level of difficulty, absences from university are not counted)</h5> </div> <div class="child-activity-form"> <div class="option"> <<checkbox "$gameSettings.fadeBackground" false true autocheck>> Slow background appearance </div> </div> </fieldset> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"> <<button "Continue" "StatsSettings">> <<run $AllClothes = new Wardrobe()>> <<run $AllClothes.registerClothes()>> <<set $Residents = []>> <<set $Characters = []>> <<run $player = CreateCharacter({ skin: $skin, gender: $gender, firstName: document.getElementById("firstName").value, secondName: document.getElementById("secondName").value, face: $genderPick, faceType: $playerFaceType, age: 18, isPlayer: true, residence: 0, battleSkill: 20, dominance: 20, penisSize: (($gender == "Female") ? 0 : 5), vaginaSize: (($gender == "Female") ? 30 : 0), face: (($gender == "Male") ? 0.0 : 5.0), teeth: 2, breastSize: (($gender == "Male") ? 0 : 1), buttSize: (($gender == "Male") ? 0 : 1), fat: 40, clothesPreference: (($gender == "Male") ? "men" : "women"), SexRole: "Active", money: 100, cooking: 0, cleaning: 0, medicine: 0, chemistry: 0, science: 0, lockpick: 0, sneak: 0, hacker: 0, explosives: 0, guns: 0, meleeWeapons: 0, speech: 0, repair: 0, stealing: 0, performer: 0, trade: 0, intelligence: 0, corruption: 0, strength: 0, vitality: 0, endurance: 0, dexterity: 0, painThreshold: 0, perception: 0, luck: 0, }, false)>> <<include "CharactersCreate">> /* <<run $player.getAllDrugs()>> */ <<run $dateTime = new DateTime({ year: 2023, month: 9, day: 3, hours: 7, minutes: 0, })>> <<set $showPlayerStat = 1>> <<set $currentRoom = $Residents[0]>> <<set _neibFaceType = Random(0, 9)>> <<if _neibFaceType == $playerFaceType>> <<set _neibFaceType += 1>> <<if _neibFaceType > 9>> <<set _neibFaceType = 0>> <</if>> <</if>> <<set _saveID = $Characters[0]>> <<run $Characters[0] = CharacterFactory.get({ gender: $gender, age: 18, faceType: _neibFaceType, isPlayer: false, residence: 0, }, false)>> <<set $Characters[0] = _saveID>> <<run RelocateCharacters()>> <<set $ = "DormRoom">> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>> <<unset $skin, $gender, $genderPick, $playerFaceType, _skins, _genders>> <<run $player.AddCloth()>> <<run $Characters[0].AddCloth(true)>> <<unset $maleNames $femaleNames $surnames>> <</button>> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<EachLoc>> <fieldset> <legend>Stats</legend> <div id="characterCustomization"> <h2>Free Points: <span id="freePoints">10</span></h2> <div id="attributes"> <div class="attribute"> <button class="decrease">-</button> <label>Dominance:</label> <span class="attributeValue" id="dominance" data-max="100" data-min="0" data-step="1">20</span> <button class="increase">+</button> </div> <div class="text-center"><span>Body</span></div> <<if $player.gender() != "Male">> <div class="attribute"> <button class="decrease">-</button> <label>Breast Size:</label> <span class="attributeValue" id="breast-size" data-max="6" data-min="0" data-step="1">1</span> <button class="increase">+</button> </div> <div class="attribute"> <button class="decrease">-</button> <label>Butt Size:</label> <span class="attributeValue" id="butt-size" data-max="6" data-min="0" data-step="1">1</span> <button class="increase">+</button> </div> <</if>> <<if $player.gender() != "Female">> <div class="attribute"> <button class="decrease">-</button> <label>Penis Size:</label> <span class="attributeValue" id="penis-size" data-max="30" data-min="5" data-step="1">5</span> <button class="increase">+</button> </div> <</if>> <div class="text-center"><span>Other</span></div> <div class="attribute"> <button class="decrease">-</button> <label>Money:</label> <span class="attributeValue" id="money" data-max="10000000" data-min="0" data-step="100">100</span> <button class="increase">+</button> </div> </div> </div> </fieldset> <<done>> <<script>> var freePointsElement = document.getElementById("freePoints"); let freePoints = parseInt(freePointsElement.textContent || "0"); document.querySelectorAll(".increase").forEach(button => { button.addEventListener("click", () => { var attributeValueElement = button.closest('.attribute').querySelector('.attributeValue'); var currentVal = parseInt(attributeValueElement.textContent); var maxVal = parseInt(attributeValueElement.getAttribute('data-max') || "0"); var step = parseInt(attributeValueElement.getAttribute('data-step') || "0"); if (currentVal + step <= maxVal && freePoints >= 1) { attributeValueElement.textContent = currentVal + step; freePoints -= 1; freePointsElement.textContent = freePoints; } }); }); document.querySelectorAll(".decrease").forEach(button => { button.addEventListener("click", () => { var attributeValueElement = button.closest('.attribute').querySelector('.attributeValue'); var currentVal = parseInt(attributeValueElement.textContent); var minVal = parseInt(attributeValueElement.getAttribute('data-min') || "0"); var step = parseInt(attributeValueElement.getAttribute('data-step') || "0"); if (currentVal - step >= minVal) { attributeValueElement.textContent = currentVal - step; freePoints += 1; freePointsElement.textContent = freePoints; } }); }); <</script>> <</done>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Start ➤" "backstory">> <<run _CharacterCustomization = { moneyElement: 0, fightingSkills: 0, dominance: 0, breastSize: 0, buttSize: 0, penisSize: 0, photoModel: 0, pornActor: 0, }>> <<run _CharacterCustomization.moneyElement = parseInt(document.getElementById('money').textContent, 10)>> <<run _CharacterCustomization.dominance = parseInt(document.getElementById('dominance').textContent, 10)>> <<if $player.gender() != "Male">> <<run _CharacterCustomization.breastSize = parseInt(document.getElementById('breast-size').textContent, 10)>> <<run _CharacterCustomization.buttSize = parseInt(document.getElementById('butt-size').textContent, 10)>> <</if>> <<if $player.gender() != "Female">> <<run _CharacterCustomization.penisSize = parseInt(document.getElementById('penis-size').textContent, 10)>> <</if>> <<run $ = _CharacterCustomization.moneyElement>> <<run $player.stats.dominance.value = _CharacterCustomization.dominance>> <<if $player.gender() != "Male">> <<run $player.body.breastSize.value = _CharacterCustomization.breastSize>> <<run $player.body.buttSize.value = _CharacterCustomization.buttSize>> <</if>> <<if $player.gender() != "Female">> <<run $player.body.penisSize.value = _CharacterCustomization.penisSize>> <</if>> <<run $ = 0>> <<run $ = 0>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run Config.history.maxStates = 1>> <<set $gender = "Male">> <<set $skin = "White">> <<set $genderPick = 0>> <<set $playerFaceType = 0>> <<set $characterID = 0>> <<set $skillpoints = 33>> <<include "CharactersData">> <<include "Widgets">> <<include "Fight_Widgets">> <<include "SexWidgets">> <<include "CharactersWidgets">> <<include "ActionWidgets">> <<include "Events">> <<include "AggressiveEvent">> <<include "PimpBrothelEvents_Pimp">> <<set $generateNumber = { students: 40, citizens: 40, }>> <<set $gameSettings = { version: "0.0.6 dev3", difficulty: "Easy" | "Normal", contentFilter: {PlayerFeminization: true, NPC_Activity: true}, allowSaves: false, fadeBackground: false, defaultAggression: true, aggressiveAppearNum: 0, aggressiveChance: 0, }>> <<set $playerFollowers = []>> /* Location, indexOfNpc */ <<set $Locations = { "DormRoom": [], "DormCorridor": [], "CollegeHall": [], "Auditorium": [], "WomensRestroom": [], "MensRestroom": [], "Campus": [], "Mall": [], "GiftShop": [], "Pharmacy": [], "Grocery": [], "FitnessClub": [], "Park": [], "ParkRestrooms": [], "Clinic": [], "ClothingStore": [], "RedLightDistrict": [], "SexShop": [], "PornStudio": [], "PhotoStudio": [], "Villa": [], "VillaBedroom": [], "BrothelCorridor_Pimp": [], "FeminizationRoom_Pimp": [], "PimpRoom_Pimp": [], "BrothelHall_Pimp": [], "EntertainmentDistrict": [], "Bar": [], "ResidentialArea": [], "LivingRoom_Apartments": [], "Bedroom_Apartments": [], "FightClub": [], }>> <<run createSampleQuests()>> <h1 style="text-align: center;">Patreon (v$gameSettings.version)</h1> <h1 style="text-align: center; color: red;">Disclamer!</h1> <<ChatMessage '<p>This game may contain content of an adult nature. If you are easily offended or are not yet of legal age in your country, please exit now. The game within are intended for adults only and may include scenes of sexual content, suggestive pictures, or graphic violence. Reader discretion is advised.</p>'>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"> <<button "I'm of legal age in my country 🔞 ➤" "Customize_NPC_Generation">> <<run UpdateSaveAllow()>><</button>> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run Save.onLoad.add(OnLoad)>> <<run Save.onSave.add(OnSave)>> <<if $showPlayerStat == 1>> <fieldset> <legend>Personal</legend> <<set _characterIcon = $player.getPhotoImage()>> <a><img class="leftside-avatar-pic" @src="_characterIcon" alt="Avatar"></a> <div class="leftside-char-name">$ $</div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Time</legend> <div class="time-display"> <div id="current-date"></div> <div id="current-time"></div> <div id="current-day-of-week"></div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Stats</legend> <div class="leftside-char-name" id="player-money"></div> <div class="leftside-char-name" id="player-potency"></div> <div class="leftside-char-name" id="player-level"></div> <div id="progress-bar-container" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <div class="progress-bar" id="exp-bar" style="background: #E6B800;"></div> <<set _expText = "Exp: " + $player.exp.value + "/" + $player.exp.max>> <div class="energy-label">_expText</div> </div> <div id="progress-bar-container" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <div class="progress-bar" id="energy-bar"></div> <<set _energyText = "Energy: " + Math.trunc($ + "/" + $>> <div class="energy-label">_energyText</div> </div> <div id="progress-bar-container" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <div class="progress-bar" id="health-bar" style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #c0392b, #f1c40f);"></div> <<set _healthText = "Health: " + Math.trunc($ + "/" + $>> <div class="energy-label">_healthText</div> </div> <div id="progress-bar-container" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <div class="progress-bar" id="horny-bar" style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #ff85a2, #ff5788);"></div> <<set _hornyText = "Horny: " + Math.trunc($player.status.horny.value) + "/" + $player.status.horny.max>> <div class="energy-label">_hornyText</div> </div> <<if $canShowStatsBtn == true>> <div class="btn btn--small"><<button "Stats📈" "GetCharStatsForPanel" >><<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>><<set $isPlayer = true>><</button>></div> <<if $skillpoints > 0>> <div class="btn btn--small" style="margin-top: 5px;"><<button "Skills ⬆️" "AttributesPanel">><<SetSaveBtn false>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn btn--small" style="margin-top: 5px;"><<button "Skills" "AttributesPanel">><<SetSaveBtn false>><</button>></div> <</if>> <div class="btn btn--small" style="margin-top: 5px;"><<button "Inventory🎒" "Inventory">><<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>><<set $filterType = "All">><</button>></div> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Is a pimp's whore") == false>> <div class="btn btn--small" style="margin-top: 5px;"><<button "Phone📱" "Phone">><<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>><</button>></div> <</if>> /* <div class="btn btn--small" style="margin-top: 5px;"><<button "Quests❓️" "Quests">><<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>><</button>></div> */ <</if>> </fieldset> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <a href="" target="_blank"> Patreon <img src="Media/Other/patreon.png" alt="Patreon" width="16" height="16"> </a> <<if $canShowStatsBtn == true>> [[Options]] [[FAQ]] <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <fieldset> <legend>Content Filter</legend> <div class="child-activity-form"> <div class="option"> <<checkbox "$gameSettings.contentFilter.PlayerFeminization" false true autocheck>> Forced Player Feminization </div> <div class="option"> <<checkbox "$gameSettings.contentFilter.NPC_Activity" false true autocheck>> NPC activity </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Other</legend> <div class="child-activity-form"> <div class="option"> <<checkbox "$gameSettings.fadeBackground" false true autocheck>> Slow background appearance </div> </div> </fieldset> <div class="padding-top"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/Dorm/DormRoom.png">> <<run $player.characterEvents.registerEvent($Characters[0], "knows you", 1)>> <<ChatMessage "You were raised in a modest family where prospects for a bright future seemed dim. At school, you learned of a newly formed sovereign state in international waters, known for its pioneering educational initiative. This state established a college with a global recruitment program, promising its graduates lucrative career opportunities. Driven by determination, you diligently prepared and succeeded in the competitive exams for admission to this college. To your elation, you received an acceptance letter from the institution. In an act of generosity, the college sponsored your entire journey. Upon your arrival, you were warmly welcomed by a member of the college staff along with other new students. After completing the necessary formalities like fingerprint verification and student ID confirmation, you were guided to your dormitory. There, you encountered your roommate, marking the beginning of your new academic journey.">> <<Chat $Characters[0] "Hey there, new arrival! I'm your roommate. Feel free to ask me anything about our town and college - I'm here to help you get acquainted with the place.">> <<Chat $Characters[0] "The most important thing for a newcomer to understand is that this city is governed by various factions, each controlling different sectors of urban life.">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"> <<button "Continue" "StartQuestions">><</button>> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/Dorm/DormRoom.png">> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn-container"> <div class="btn"><<button "Tell me about the factions" "Questions">><<set $questType = "factions">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Tell me about college" "Questions">><<set $questType = "college">><</button>></div> <div class="btn"><<button "Tell me about the city" "Questions">><<set $questType = "city">><</button>></div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "No questions" "AttributesPanel">> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>> <<set $isPlayer = true>> <<unset $questType>> <</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<EachLoc>> <<SetBackground "Media/Locations/Dorm/DormRoom.png">> <<switch $questType>> <<case "factions">> <<Chat $Characters[0] "This city was established thanks to investments from several influential financiers. After its construction, these investors delineated spheres of influence and formed factions within the city, each controlling their own financial inflows. While open conflicts between them are rare, occasional local skirmishes do occur.">> <<Chat $Characters[0] "The city is a hub for various influential factions, each with its unique area of operation:<br>\"The Bulls\" are notorious for their involvement in human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants.<br>\"The Bloody Angels\" are a formidable group known for contract killings and illegal arms dealings.<br>\"Snake Eyes\" oversee a clandestine network involved in drug distribution and running illicit prostitution rings.<br>\"The Golden Dragons\" concentrate their efforts on gambling enterprises and the sophisticated counterfeiting of currency.<br>\"The Sand Scorpions\" operate as a private military company, offering mercenary military units for hire.">> <<case "college">> <<Chat $Characters[0] "This college was established shortly after the city was founded. It attracts highly qualified educators from around the world, ensuring its graduates excellent career prospects. However, the strict academic discipline includes expelling students for absenteeism, leading to the necessity of leaving the city. Classes at the college regularly start at 9 AM on weekdays. If you miss over three sessions in a month, you will face expulsion. But if you join one of the factions, you might not be thrown out of the city after being expelled.">> <<Chat $Characters[0] "According to the contract signed by students, after graduating, they are required to work in the city for a minimum of 20 years. Despite its stringency, many find this condition appealing as it offers an opportunity to remain in the city. While there are rumors of certain oddities associated with both the college and the city, the primary mission of the college has always been to meet the city's need for skilled professionals.">> <<case "city">> <<Chat $Characters[0] "This city owes its establishment to the substantial investments made by a group of wealthy investors. It boasts a wide range of amenities essential for a high standard of living. Governance of the city is divided among five powerful factions, each headed by one of these investors. Among the residents, there are whispers of mysterious happenings, such as unexplained disappearances and instances of abrupt, unexplained madness. Adding to the intrigue, a recent terrorist attack at a metro station occurred just prior to your arrival, resulting in the temporary lockdown of a section of the city.">> <<Chat $Characters[0] "Although officially governed by a president, the real power in the city lies with these factions. The continuous development and rebuilding of the city have created a need for skilled professionals. This led to the establishment of a college, tasked with training high-caliber specialists to meet this demand.">> <</switch>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" "StartQuestions">><</button>></div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="page-container-attributes"> <div class="main-container-attributes"> <div class="skill-container-attributes"> <h1 class="title-attributes">Skill Upgrade</h1> <div class="free-points-attributes"> Free Points: <span id="free-points-attributes">$skillpoints</span> </div> <div class="skills-attributes"> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Your ability to cook food. The higher this skill, the better the quality of the food you prepare. This skill is also required for work in the food industry" > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Cooking</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="cooking">$</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Your ability to clean. You will spend less effort on cleaning while doing it faster. This skill is also useful for jobs in the service and cleaning industries." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Cleaning</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="cleaning">$</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill enables you to diagnose illnesses and provide medical treatment. It’s a crucial requirement for any role in the healthcare industry." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Medicine</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="medicine">$player.attributes.medicine.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill allows you to synthesize drugs and medical compounds. The higher your skill, the more complex and higher quality products you can create. Essential for careers in pharmaceuticals and chemistry." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Chemistry</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="chemistry">$player.attributes.chemistry.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Your knowledge across various scientific disciplines. Necessary for work in scientific research and related fields." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Science</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="science">$</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Your ability to pick locks. As this skill improves, you’ll be able to unlock more sophisticated locks. Each level boosts your chances of success." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Lockpick</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="lockpick">$player.attributes.lockpick.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Your ability to move undetected. The higher this skill, the harder it is for others to spot you while you're in stealth mode." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Sneak</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="sneak">$player.attributes.sneak.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Your expertise in hacking computers and electronic security systems." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Hacker</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="hacker">$player.attributes.hacker.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill measures your proficiency with explosives, increasing the damage from grenades and other explosive devices." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Explosives</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="explosives">$player.attributes.explosives.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill determines your effectiveness with firearms, enhancing the damage you deal with guns." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Guns</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="guns">$player.attributes.guns.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill governs your proficiency with melee weapons, boosting the damage you deal in close combat." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Melee Weapons</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="meleeWeapons">$player.attributes.meleeWeapons.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill enhances your ability to persuade others and engage in dialogue. It increases your success in persuasion and helps you build relationships more quickly." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Speech</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="speech">$player.attributes.speech.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Your ability to fix items and machinery. Essential for careers in maintenance and repair." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Repair</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="repair">$</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Your skill in stealing items. It improves your chances of successfully stealing objects." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Stealing</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="stealing">$player.attributes.stealing.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill reflects your talent in performing arts (Dancing, Playing Musical Instruments, Singing)." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Performer</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="performer">$player.attributes.performer.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill enhances your bargaining abilities, reducing the cost of items from merchants and allowing you to sell goods at better prices." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Trade</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="trade">$</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Your overall intellectual capacity. It increases the amount of experience points you gain." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Intelligence</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="intelligence">$player.attributes.intelligence.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill indicates your moral flexibility. It enables you to engage in certain immoral or provocative actions." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Corruption</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="corruption">$player.attributes.corruption.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill measures your physical power, increasing the damage you deal in unarmed combat." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Strength</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="strength">$player.attributes.strength.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Increases your max health point." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Vitality</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="vitality">$player.attributes.vitality.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Boosts your stamina, allowing you to perform physical activities for longer periods without fatigue." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Endurance</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="endurance">$player.attributes.endurance.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Determines your agility, improving your chances of dodging attacks." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Dexterity</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="dexterity">$player.attributes.dexterity.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill reduces the amount of damage you take, allowing you to withstand more pain." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Pain Threshold</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="painThreshold">$player.attributes.painThreshold.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="This skill heightens your awareness, allowing you to notice details that others might miss." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Perception</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="perception">$player.attributes.perception.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> <div class="skill-attributes" data-description="Your overall luck level, which influences many aspects of the game." > <span class="skill-name-attributes">Luck</span> <div class="decrease-attributes hidden-attributes">-</div> <span class="skill-level-attributes" id="luck">$player.attributes.luck.value</span> <div class="increase-attributes">+</div> </div> </div> <div class="confirm-button-attributes"><<button "Confirm" $>><<include "ConfirmAttributes">><<include "ApplyingAttributes">><<SetSaveBtn true>><</button>></div> </div> <div class="info-panel-attributes"> <h2>Skill Information</h2> <p id="skill-description-attributes"> Select a skill to see its description. </p> </div> </div> </div> <<done>> <<run $attributesPanel = new AttributesPanel()>> <</done>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<run $ = parseInt(document.getElementById('cooking').textContent, 10)>> <<run $ = parseInt(document.getElementById('cleaning').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.medicine.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('medicine').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.chemistry.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('chemistry').textContent, 10)>> <<run $ = parseInt(document.getElementById('science').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.lockpick.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('lockpick').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.sneak.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('sneak').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.hacker.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('hacker').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.explosives.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('explosives').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.guns.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('guns').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.meleeWeapons.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('meleeWeapons').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.speech.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('speech').textContent, 10)>> <<run $ = parseInt(document.getElementById('repair').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.stealing.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('stealing').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.performer.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('performer').textContent, 10)>> <<run $ = parseInt(document.getElementById('trade').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.intelligence.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('intelligence').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.corruption.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('corruption').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.strength.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('strength').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.vitality.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('vitality').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.endurance.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('endurance').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.dexterity.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('dexterity').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.painThreshold.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('painThreshold').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.perception.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('perception').textContent, 10)>> <<run $player.attributes.luck.value = parseInt(document.getElementById('luck').textContent, 10)>> <<run $skillpoints = parseInt(document.getElementById('free-points-attributes').textContent, 10)>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set $ = 100 + ($player.attributes.vitality.value * 10)>> <<set $ = 100 + ($player.attributes.endurance.value * 10)>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $isPlayer == true>> <<ShowNpcIcon $player>> <<include "PlayerAppearance">> <hr> <<set _char = $player>> <<else>> <<ShowNpcIcon $interactionNpc>> <<set _canTakeClothOff = false>> <<include "Appearance">> <hr> <<set _char = $interactionNpc>> <</if>> <<run _dominane = _char.stats.dominance>> <<run _lust = _char.stats.lust>> <<run _face = _char.body.face>> <<run _breast = _char.body.breastSize>> <<run _ass = _char.body.buttSize>> <<run _fat = _char.body.fat>> <<run _photoModelRep = $>> <<run _PornActerRep = $>> <<if $isPlayer == false>> <fieldset> <legend>Relationships</legend> <div class="progress-bars-container-narrow"> <<ShowRelationsBar $player $interactionNpc "Both">> </div> </fieldset> <</if>> <fieldset> <legend>Stats</legend> <div class="progress-bars-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-title">Dominance</div> <div class="progress-bar-narrow" id="progress-dominance"> <div class="progress" id="dominance-id"></div> </div> <div class="progress-value" id="dominance-id-text"></div> </div> <div class="progress-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-title">Lust</div> <div class="progress-bar-narrow" id="progress-lust"> <div class="progress" id="lust-id"></div> </div> <div class="progress-value" id="lust-id-text"></div> </div> </div> <<if $isPlayer == true>> <<set _skipTest = "Skipping classes: " + $player.characterEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, "SkippedClass", 0)>> <p style="text-align: center;">_skipTest</p> <</if>> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Body</legend> <div class="progress-bars-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-title">Face femininity</div> <div class="progress-bar-narrow" id="progress-feminity"> <div class="progress" id="face-id"></div> </div> <div class="progress-value" id="face-id-text"></div> </div> <div class="progress-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-title">Breast size</div> <div class="progress-bar-narrow" id="progress-feminity"> <div class="progress" id="breast-id"></div> </div> <div class="progress-value" id="breast-id-text"></div> </div> <div class="progress-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-title">Ass size</div> <div class="progress-bar-narrow" id="progress-feminity"> <div class="progress" id="ass-id"></div> </div> <div class="progress-value" id="ass-id-text"></div> </div> <div class="progress-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-title">Weight</div> <div class="progress-bar-narrow" id="progress-feminity"> <div class="progress" id="fat-id"></div> </div> <div class="progress-value" id="fat-id-text"></div> </div> </div> </fieldset> <<if $isPlayer == true>> <fieldset> <legend>Reputation</legend> <div class="progress-bars-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-title">Photo model</div> <div class="progress-bar-narrow" id="progress-PhotoModelRep"> <div class="progress" id="PhotoModelRep-id"></div> </div> <div class="progress-value" id="PhotoModelRep-id-text"></div> </div> <div class="progress-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-title">Porn actor</div> <div class="progress-bar-narrow" id="progress-PornActorRep"> <div class="progress" id="PornActorRep-id"></div> </div> <div class="progress-value" id="PornActorRep-id-text"></div> </div> </div> </fieldset> <</if>> <<if $isPlayer == true>> <div class="btn" style="margin: 10px;"><<button "Cheats" "CharacterStats_Debug">> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<set $isPlayer = true>> <</button>> </div> <<else>> <div class="btn" style="margin: 10px;"><<button "Cheats" "CharacterStats_Debug">> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<set $isPlayer = false>> <</button>> </div> <</if>> <<if $fromPhone == true>> <div class="btn" style="margin: 10px;"><<button "Back" "Phone">><<unset $fromPhone>><</button>></div> <<elseif $fromInteractions == true>> <div class="btn" style="margin: 10px;"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><<unset $fromInteractions $isPlayer>><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn" style="margin: 10px;"><<button "Back" $>><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $isPlayer == true>> <div class="padding-up"> <<linkreplace "All Characters">> <<set _chars = []>> <<for _i = 0; _i < $Characters.length; _i++>> <<run _chars.push(_i)>> <</for>> <<DisplayCharacters _chars>> <</linkreplace>> </div> <</if>> <<done>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("dominance-id", _dominane.value, _dominane.max)>> <<run DisplayText("dominance-id-text", Math.trunc(_dominane.value) + "/" + _dominane.max)>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("lust-id", _lust.value, _lust.max)>> <<run DisplayText("lust-id-text", Math.trunc(_lust.value) + "/" + _lust.max)>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("face-id", _face.value, _face.max)>> <<run DisplayText("face-id-text", Math.trunc(_face.value) + "/" + _face.max)>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("breast-id", _breast.value, _breast.max)>> <<run DisplayText("breast-id-text", Math.trunc(_breast.value) + "/" + _breast.max)>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("ass-id", _ass.value, _ass.max)>> <<run DisplayText("ass-id-text", Math.trunc(_ass.value) + "/" + _ass.max)>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("fat-id", _fat.value, _fat.max)>> <<run DisplayText("fat-id-text", Math.trunc(_fat.value) + "/" + _fat.max)>> <<if $isPlayer == true>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("PhotoModelRep-id", _photoModelRep.value, _photoModelRep.max)>> <<run DisplayText("PhotoModelRep-id-text", Math.trunc(_photoModelRep.value) + "/" + _photoModelRep.max)>> <<run UpdateProgressBar("PornActorRep-id", _PornActerRep.value, _PornActerRep.max)>> <<run DisplayText("PornActorRep-id-text", Math.trunc(_PornActerRep.value) + "/" + _PornActerRep.max)>> <</if>> <</done>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="chat-container"> <p>$ $ $ <<print $player.gender()>>. With a <<if $player.clothes.hasClothingType(1) == false && $player.clothes.hasClothingType(2) == false>> __<<link $player.getBreastText()>> <<script>> Dialog.setup(SugarCube.State.variables.player.getBreastText());;; <</script>> <</link>>__ <<else>> <span style="color: #fff;"><<print $player.getBreastText()>></span> under clothing <</if>> and <<if $player.clothes.hasClothingType(0) == false && $player.clothes.hasClothingType(3) == false>> __<<link $player.getButtText()>> <<script>> Dialog.setup(SugarCube.State.variables.player.getButtText());;; <</script>> <</link>>__ <<else>> <span style="color: #fff;"><<print $player.getButtText()>></span> under clothing. <</if>> <<if $player.clothes.clothingItems.size > 0>> <<set _isHasCloth = false>> <br><<print $player.pronoun()>> is wearing: <<for _i = 0; _i <= 8; _i++>> <<capture _i>> <<if $player.clothes.hasClothingType(_i)>> <<if (_i == 0 && $player.clothes.hasClothingType(3)) || (_i == 1 && $player.clothes.hasClothingType(2))>> <<continue>> <</if>> <<if _isHasCloth == true>> , <</if>> <<set _isHasCloth = true>> __<<link $player.clothes.getFirstClothingItemByType(_i).name>> <<run Dialog.setup($player.clothes.getFirstClothingItemByType(_i).name)>> <<run$player.clothes.getFirstClothingItemByType(_i).getImg())>> <<run;>> <</link>>__ <<capture _i>> __<<link " (take off)" "DrawCharacterStats">> <<run $player.takeOffClothing($player.clothes.getFirstClothingItemByType(_i))>> <</link>>__ <</capture>> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</if>> <<if $player.clothes.hasClothingType(0) == false && $player.clothes.hasClothingType(3) == false>> <<if $player.genitalia() == "Penis">> . You have a <<print Math.trunc($player.body.penisSize.value)>>-centimeter penis. <<else>> . You have a vagina. <</if>> <</if>> </p> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $fromPhone == true>> <<DisplayCharStats $interactionNpc>> <<set $isPlayer = false>> <div class="btn" style="margin: 10px;"><<button "Cheats" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn" style="margin: 10px;"><<button "Back" "Phone">><<unset $fromPhone>><</button>></div> <<elseif $fromInteractions == true>> <<DisplayCharStats $interactionNpc>> <<set $isPlayer = false>> <div class="btn" style="margin: 10px;"><<button "Cheats" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn" style="margin: 10px;"><<button "Back" "CharacterInteractions">><<unset $fromInteractions $isPlayer>><</button>></div> <<else>> <<DisplayCharStats $player>> <<set $isPlayer = true>> <div class="btn" style="margin: 10px;"><<button "Cheats" "CharacterStats_Debug">><</button>></div> <div class="btn" style="margin: 10px;"><<button "Back" $>><<unset $interactionNpc $indexNPC>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><</button>></div> <</if>> <<if $isPlayer == true>> <div class="padding-up"> <<linkreplace "All Characters">> <<set _chars = []>> <<for _i = 0; _i < $Characters.length; _i++>> <<run _chars.push(_i)>> <</for>> <<DisplayCharacters _chars>> <</linkreplace>> </div> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = false>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = false>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="faq-container"> <div class="faq"> <div class="faq-question">Question: Are there any restrictions?</div> <div class="faq-answer">Answer: Yes, you are required to attend college on weekdays. Missing more than three classes will result in expulsion.</div> </div> <div class="faq"> <div class="faq-question">Question: How can I earn money in this game?</div> <div class="faq-answer">Answer: You can work at the grocer's store. Speak with the shopkeeper and ask for a job.</div> </div> <div class="faq"> <div class="faq-question">Question: How can I make an NPC do something?</div> <div class="faq-answer">Answer: Reduce their dominance level by instilling submission, insulting them, or defeating them in a fight.</div> </div> <div class="faq"> <div class="faq-question">Question: Why do I always lose in fights?</div> <div class="faq-answer">Answer: Visit a fitness center and train with a fitness coach and a martial arts instructor.</div> </div> <div class="faq"> <div class="faq-question">Question: Is it possible to join factions in this version of the game?</div> <div class="faq-answer">Answer: No, it's not possible in this version of the game.</div> </div> <div class="faq"> <div class="faq-question">Question: Where can I purchase various items?</div> <div class="faq-answer">Answer: All items are sold by vendors at the shopping center.</div> </div> </div> <<done>> <<run faqToggle()>> <</done>> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<include "CheckBattleState">> <<timed 0.2s>> <div class="fight-container"> <div class="column player"> <<BattleCharacterCollumn $player>> </div> <<include "BattleLogPanel">> <div class="column enemy"> <<BattleCharacterCollumn $interactionNpc>> </div> </div> <<done>> <<run updateFightBars($player)>> <<run updateFightBars($interactionNpc)>> <<run attachTooltips()>> <</done>> <</timed>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <div class="battle-log"> <div class="log-content" id="logContent"> <p id="logtext"></p> </div> <div class="battle-controls" id="battle-control"> <<include "MovesControllButtons">> </div> <div class="moves-container" id="display-moves"> <<DisplayMoves "Attack">> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<run _moves = $battleSystem.getMovesByClass("Attack", $interactionNpc)>> <<run _move = _moves[Math.floor(Math.random() * _moves.length)]>> <<run _move.execute($interactionNpc, $player)>> <<goto "StartFight">> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $ == $>> <<set $playerLose = true>> <<FinishFight>> <<elseif $ == $>> <<set $playerLose = false>> <<FinishFight>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <<if $playerLose == true>> <<set $fightResult = "Lose">> <<else>> <<set $fightResult = "Win">> <<run _gainExp = Random(2,10)>> <<GainExp _gainExp>> <</if>> <<if $playerLose == true>> <<set $player.stats.dominance.decrease(Random(3, 5, true))>> <<set $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.increase(Random(1, 3, true))>> /* <<set $interactionNpc.skills.battleSkill.increase(Random(1, 3, true))>> */ <<SpendEnergy $player 1000>> <<else>> <<run $player.getRelationship($, 10, true))>> <<set $interactionNpc.stats.dominance.decrease(Random(3, 5, true))>> <<set $player.stats.dominance.increase(Random(1, 3, true))>> /* <<set $player.skills.battleSkill.increase(Random(1, 3, true))>> */ <<if $isTournament != true>> <<run RandomRelocateCharacter($indexNPC)>> <</if>> <</if>> <<unset $playerTurn $battleChatMessage $attacker $defender $battleSetControlls $battleSystem $currentMove _moves $exitSexScene $sexPose $playerTryToAttempt $playerIsDefense $enemyRestoreBattle>> <<if $ == "Pimp">> <<set $LoseBattle = $playerLose>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "EndOfBattle_Pimp">><<unset $interactionNpc $fightPhrasesNpcWon $fightPhrasesPlayerWon>> <</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $"Aggressive") && $playerLose == true >> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" "AggrisiveWin">><<set $surrenderFight = false>><</button>></div> </div> <<elseif $isTournament == true>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<unset $isTournament>> <<if $finishLock != undefined>> <<set _lock = $finishLock>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $finishLock>> <<unset $finishLock $interactionNpc $fightPhrasesNpcWon $fightPhrasesPlayerWon>><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $fightPhrasesNpcWon $fightPhrasesPlayerWon>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <</if>> <<elseif $playerLose == false>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<if $player.inventory.hasItem("Estrogen") == true>> <div class="btn"><<button "Make him take estrogen" $>> <<run $interactionNpc.body.face.increase(Random(0.05, 0.5, true))>> <<run $interactionNpc.body.breastSize.increase(Random(0.05, 0.5, true))>> <<run $interactionNpc.body.buttSize.increase(Random(0.05, 0.5, true))>> <<run $player.inventory.removeItem("Estrogen", 1)>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $fightPhrasesNpcWon $fightPhrasesPlayerWon>> <</button>></div> <</if>> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Sex" "Sex">><<set $sexType = "Rape">><</button>></div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $fightPhrasesNpcWon $fightPhrasesPlayerWon>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> </div> <<else>> <div style="margin-top: 10px;"> <<if $finishLock != undefined>> <<set _lock = $finishLock>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Continue" $finishLock>> <<unset $finishLock $interactionNpc $fightPhrasesNpcWon $fightPhrasesPlayerWon>><</button>></div> </div> <<else>> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc $fightPhrasesNpcWon $fightPhrasesPlayerWon>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>>">> <</if>> </div> <</if>> <<unset $playerLose>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<widget "StartFight">> <<HideLeftPanel true>> <<set $playerTurn = true>> <<set $battleChatMessage = "">> <<set $attacker = _args[0]>> <<set $defender = _args[1]>> <<set $finishLock = _args[2]>> <<set $battleSetControlls = _args[3]>> <<set $playerIsDefense = false>> <<set $playerTryToAttempt = false>> <<set $exitSexScene = false>> <<set $enemyRestoreBattle = false>> <<set $sexPose = "">> <<run UIBar.stow()>> <<run $battleSystem = new BattleSystem()>> <<run $currentMove = "Attack">> <<goto "StartFight">> <</widget>> <<widget "FinishFight">> <<HideLeftPanel false>> <<run $ = $>> <<run $ = $>> <<if $ == $>> <<run $>> <</if>> <<run UIBar.unstow()>> <<RemoveBattleTooltips>> <<replace "#display-moves">><</replace>> <<replace "#battle-control">><</replace>> <<goto "EndOfBattle">> <</widget>> <<widget "RemoveBattleTooltips">> <<script>> var element = document.getElementById("global-tooltip"); if (element) { element.remove(); } <</script>> <</widget>> <<widget "BattleControllButton">> <<if $currentMove == _args[0]>> <div class="battle-control selected battle-control-selected"><<button _args[0]>><</button>></div> <<else>> <<if _args[1] == false>> <div class="battle-control"><<button _args[0]>> <<set $currentMove = _args[0]>> <<replace "#display-moves">><<DisplayMoves $currentMove>><</replace>> <<replace "#battle-control">><<include "MovesControllButtons">><</replace>> <<run attachTooltips()>> <</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="battle-control non-interacting"><<button _args[0]>><</button>></div> <</if>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "BattleCharacterCollumn">> <img @src="_args[0].getPhotoImage()" alt="Photo" class="battle-icon"/> <h3><<print '_args[0].info.firstName _args[0].info.secondName'>></h3> <p style="text-align:center;"><<print geBattletCharacterPosition(_args[0])>><p> <div class="bars"> <<if _args[0].info.isPlayer>> <<set _character = "player">> <<else>> <<set _character = "enemy">> <</if>> <<BattleBar _character "health">> <<BattleBar _character "energy">> <<BattleBar _character "lust">> </div> <div class="stats"> <p>Vitality: <span><<print _args[0].attributes.vitality.value>></span></p> <p>Strength: <span><<print _args[0].attributes.strength.value>></span></p> <p>Pain threshold: <span><<print _args[0].attributes.painThreshold.value>></span></p> <p>Dexterity: <span><<print _args[0].attributes.dexterity.value>></span></p> </div> <</widget>> <<widget "BattleBar">> <<set _barHtml = '<div class="fill ' + _args[1] + '" id="' + _args[0] + '-' + _args[1] + '"></div>'>> <div class="bar"> _barHtml </div> <</widget>> <<widget "DisplayMoves">> <<RemoveBattleTooltips>> <<run _moves = $battleSystem.getMovesByClass(_args[0], $player)>> <<if _moves.length > 0>> <<for _move range _moves>> /*<<run _damageDone = GetDamageValue(_move, $player, $interactionNpc)>>*/ <<run _damageDone = _move.damage>> <<if $currentMove == "Actions">> <<set _btnName = '<div class="fight-move" data-tooltip="' + _move.description + '"><div class="move-name"></div><hr><div class="move-cost">Energy Cost: _move.energyCost</div></div>'>> <<elseif $currentMove == "Seduce" || $currentMove == "SexActive" || $currentMove == "SexPassive">> <<set _btnName = '<div class="fight-move" data-tooltip="' + _move.description + '"><div class="move-name"></div><hr><div class="move-cost">Energy Cost: _move.energyCost</div></div>'>> <<elseif $currentMove == "Items">> <<if == "Small QuickHeal" || == "Medium QuickHeal" || == "Big QuickHeal" || == "Energy drink">> <<set _btnName = '<div class="fight-move" data-tooltip="' + _move.description + '"><div class="move-name"></div><hr><div class="move-damage">Heals: _damageDone</div></div>'>> <</if>> <<else>> <<set _btnName = '<div class="fight-move" data-tooltip="' + _move.description + '"><div class="move-name"></div><hr><div class="move-damage">Damage: _damageDone</div><div class="move-cost">Energy Cost: _move.energyCost</div></div>'>> <</if>> <<capture _move _btnName>> <<include "CheckMoveRequirements">> <<if _isMeet == false>> <div class="btn-fight non-interacting"><<button _btnName >><</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn-fight"><<button _btnName >> <<set $exitSexScene = false>> <<run _enemyTryAttempt = (Random(0,1) == 1)>> <<run _move.execute($player, $interactionNpc, _enemyTryAttempt)>> <<include "CheckBattleState">> <<if $playerIsDefense && $currentMove != "SexActive" && $currentMove != "SexPassive" && $exitSexScene == false>> <<include "CalculateEnemyMove">> <<append "#logtext" t8n>>$battleChatMessage<</append>> <<set $battleChatMessage = "">> <<run updateFightBars($player)>> <<run updateFightBars($interactionNpc)>> <<include "CheckBattleState">> <<replace "#display-moves">><<DisplayMoves $currentMove>><</replace>> <<run attachTooltips()>> <<if $currentMove != "SexActive" && $currentMove != "SexPassive">> <<replace "#battle-control">><<include "MovesControllButtons">><</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#battle-control">><</replace>> <</if>> <<else>> <<append "#logtext" t8n>>$battleChatMessage<</append>> <<set $battleChatMessage = "">> <<run updateFightBars($player)>> <<run updateFightBars($interactionNpc)>> <<replace "#battle-control">><</replace>> <<include "CheckBattleState">> <<if $currentMove != "SexActive" && $currentMove != "SexPassive" && $exitSexScene>> <<replace "#battle-control">><<include "MovesControllButtons">><</replace>> <</if>> <<if $currentMove != "SexActive" && $currentMove != "SexPassive" && $exitSexScene == false>> <<replace "#display-moves">><<DisplayMoves "Defense">><</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#display-moves">><<DisplayMoves $currentMove>><</replace>> <</if>> <<run attachTooltips()>> <</if>> <<script>> var logContent = document.getElementById('logContent'); logContent.scrollTop = logContent.scrollHeight; const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { logContent.scrollTop = logContent.scrollHeight; }); observer.observe(logContent, { childList: true }); <</script>> <<if $currentMove != "SexActive" && $currentMove != "SexPassive" && $exitSexScene == false>> <<set $playerIsDefense = !$playerIsDefense>> <</if>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <</capture>> <</for>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "CheckSexOrientation">> <<set _mainChar = _args[0]>> <<set _secondChar = _args[1]>> <<if == "Bi">> <<set _result = true>> <<elseif == "Manly" && _secondChar.gender() == "Male">> <<set _result = true>> <<elseif == "Feminine" && _secondChar.gender() == "Female">> <<set _result = true>> <<else>> <<set _result = false>> <</if>> <</widget>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<done>> <<script>> var divs = document.getElementsByClassName('moves-container'); for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) { divs[i].style.display = 'none'; } <</script>> <<switch $currentMove >> <<case "Attack">> <<set $moveId = "attack-moves">> <<case "Seduce">> <<set $moveId = "seduce-moves">> <<case "Items">> <<set $moveId = "items-moves">> <<case "Actions">> <<set $moveId = "actions-moves">> <</switch>> <<run document.getElementById($moveId).style.display = 'flex'>> <</done>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $battleSetControlls == undefined>> <<BattleControllButton "Attack">> <<BattleControllButton "Seduce">> <<BattleControllButton "Items">> <<BattleControllButton "Actions">> <<else>> <<if $battleSetControlls.attack == true>> <<BattleControllButton "Attack" false>> <<else>> <<BattleControllButton "Attack" true>> <</if>> <<if $battleSetControlls.seduce == true>> <<BattleControllButton "Seduce" false>> <<else>> <<BattleControllButton "Seduce" true>> <</if>> <<if $battleSetControlls.items == true>> <<BattleControllButton "Items" false>> <<else>> <<BattleControllButton "Items" true>> <</if>> <<if $battleSetControlls.actions == true>> <<BattleControllButton "Actions" false>> <<else>> <<BattleControllButton "Actions" true>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $ < _move.energyCost>> <<set _isMeet = false>> <<else>> <<set _isMeet = true>> <</if>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<if $ >= 80>> <<set $enemyRestoreBattle = false>> <</if>> <<CheckSexOrientation $interactionNpc $player>> <<run _enemyMovetypeRand = Random(0, 100)>> <<set _itemHealMove = $battleSystem.getCharHealMove($interactionNpc)>> <<set _itemEnergyMove = $battleSystem.getCharEnergyMove($interactionNpc)>> <<if $ < 50 && _itemHealMove != undefined>> <<set _moveEnemy = _itemHealMove>> <<elseif $ < 50 && _itemEnergyMove != undefined>> <<set _moveEnemy = _itemEnergyMove>> <<elseif $enemyRestoreBattle || ($ < 20 && _itemEnergyMove == undefined)>> <<set _moveEnemy = $battleSystem.getCharWaitMove()>> <<set $enemyRestoreBattle = true>> <<elseif _enemyMovetypeRand >= 60 && $battleSetControlls.seduce == true && _result == true>> <<run _movesEnemy = $battleSystem.getMovesByClass("Seduce", $interactionNpc)>> <<run _moveEnemy = _movesEnemy[Math.floor(Math.random() * _movesEnemy.length)]>> <<else>> <<run _movesEnemy = $battleSystem.getMovesByClass("Attack", $interactionNpc)>> <<run _moveEnemy = _movesEnemy[Math.floor(Math.random() * _movesEnemy.length)]>> <</if>> <<run _moveEnemy.execute($interactionNpc, $player, $playerTryToAttempt)>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateStatBars">> <<SetBackground>> <<set _curLoc = passage()>> <<include "Filter">> <<if $player.inventory.items.size > 0>> <div class="item-shop-container"> <<for _item range $player.inventory.items>> <<if $filterType != "All">> <<if _item.type != _item.getItemTypeByString($filterType)>> <<continue>> <</if>> <</if>> <<capture _item>> <div class="shop-item"> __<<link '<h3 class="item-title"><<print>></h3>'>> <<run Dialog.setup(>> <<run>> <<run;>> <</link>>__ <hr> <p class="item-quantity">Quantity: <<print _item.quantity>></p> <p class="item-price">Price: <<print _item.price>>$</p> <p class="item-price">Weight: <<print _item.weight>></p> <div class="btn-row"> <div style="flex-grow: 1; flex-basis: 0; margin: 0 5px;" class="btn"> <<if _item.type == _item.getItemTypeByString("Clothing")>> <<button "Put on" "Inventory">> <<run $player.useItem(_item, $player)>> <<run $player.inventory.removeItem(, 1)>> <</button>> <<elseif _item.type != _item.getItemTypeByString("Gift") && _item.type != _item.getItemTypeByString("SexToy")>> <<button "Use" "Inventory">> <<run $player.useItem(_item, $player)>> <<run $player.inventory.removeItem(, 1)>> <</button>> <</if>> </div> <div style="flex-grow: 1; flex-basis: 0; margin: 0 5px;" class="btn"> <<button "Throw it" "Inventory">> <<run $player.inventory.removeItem(, 1)>> <</button>> </div> </div> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <<BackButton "<<unset $filterType>> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>>">> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateAll">> <div class="phone"> <div class="header"> <div class="back-button btn"><<button "Back" $>><<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>><<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>><</button>></div> <div class="header-title">Contacts</div> </div> <div class="contacts"> <<for _i = 0; _i < $Characters.length; _i++>> <<set _character = $Characters[_i]>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered(, "Have a phone number") == false>> <<continue>> <</if>> <<capture _character>> <div class="contact"> <div class="contact-info"> <<set _characterIcon = _character.getPhotoImage()>> <<set _icon = '<img class=\'avatar-list\' style="width: 40px; height: 40px;" @src="_characterIcon" alt="Avatar">'>> <div class="contact-image">_icon</div> <<set _charName = + " " +>> <div class="contact-name">_charName</div> </div> <div class="contact-buttons"> <<set _infoPic = '<img style="width: 25px; height: auto;" src="Media/Other/information.png" alt="I">'>> <<set _callPic = '<img style="width: 25px; height: auto;" src="Media/Other/call.png" alt="C">'>> <div class="square-button"><<button _infoPic "DrawCharacterStats">> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_character)>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <<set $fromPhone = true>> <<set $isPlayer = false>> <</button>></div> <div class="square-button"><<button _callPic "CallToCharacter">> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_character)>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <</button>></div> </div> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<include "UpdateStatBars">> <<SetBackground>> <<UpdateNPCVar>> <<if $interactionNpc.inventory.items.size > 0>> <div class="item-shop-container"> <<for _item range $interactionNpc.inventory.items>> <<if _item.type != _item.getItemTypeByString($itemType)>> <<continue>> <</if>> <<if $player.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered($, "SuckForDiscount") == false>> <<set _finalCost = _item.price>> <<else>> <<set _discount = (_item.price * 20) / 100>> <<set _finalCost = _item.price - _discount>> <</if>> <<capture _item _finalCost>> <div class="shop-item"> __<<link '<h3 class="item-title"><<print>></h3>'>> <<run Dialog.setup(>> <<run>> <<run;>> <</link>>__ <hr> <p class="item-quantity">Quantity: <<print _item.quantity>></p> <p class="item-price">Price: <<print _finalCost>>$</p> <p class="item-price">Weight: <<print _item.weight>></p> <div class="btn"> <<button "🛒 Buy" "Shop">> <<if $ < _item.price>> <<run alert("Not enough money")>> <<else>> <<set $ -= _finalCost>> <<set $ += _finalCost>> <<run $player.inventory.addItem(_item.copy(1))>> <<run $interactionNpc.inventory.removeItem(, 1)>> <</if>> <</button>> </div> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <</if>> <div class="padding-top"> <<BackButton "<<set $canShowStatsBtn = true>> <<unset $interactionNpc>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = true>> <<unset $itemType>>">> </div> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<widget "Sleep">> <<set $ = $>> <<set $ = $>> <<if $dateTime.hours <= 6>> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 6}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <<else>> <<SpendDay>> <</if>> <<set $playerFollowers = []>> <<goto $>> <</widget>> <<widget "Relax">> <<if $ < $>> <<run $, 5))>> <<set $dateTime.minutes += 5>> <<goto $>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "Wait">> <<run $, 5, true))>> <<set $dateTime.minutes += 15>> <<goto $>> <</widget>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<widget "UpdateNPCVar">> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <</widget>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> /*Anal */ <<widget "SetAnalPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 100)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 22)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 50)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 4)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 39)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 4)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 5)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 45)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 22)>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetAnalCumInPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 13, "Cum/In/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 4, "Cum/In/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 16, "Cum/In/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 4, "Cum/In/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 1, "Cum/In/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "Cum/In/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetAnalCumOutPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 11, "Cum/Out/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 4, "Cum/Out/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 9, "Cum/Out/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "Cum/Out/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 1, "Cum/Out/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "Cum/Out/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetAnalPartnerCumPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 9, "partner_cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 4, "partner_cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 7, "partner_cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 3, "partner_cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 1, "partner_cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Anal", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "partner_cum/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> /*Oral */ <<widget "SetOralPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 45)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 21)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 19)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 13)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 12)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _domGender, 13)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 9)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 19)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 12)>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetOralCumInPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 6, "Cum/In/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 3, "Cum/In/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 29, "Cum/In/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 3, "Cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, "Female", 3, "Cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 4, "Cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 1, "Cum/In/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "Cum/In/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "Cum/In/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetOralCumOutPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 8, "Cum/Out/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 6, "Cum/Out/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 18, "Cum/Out/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 3, "Cum/Out/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "Cum/Out/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 2, "Cum/Out/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetFacefuckPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, "Female", 9, "Facefuck/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 5, "Facefuck/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 4, "Facefuck/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 1, "Strap/Facefuck/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 1, "Strap/Facefuck/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, "Female", 1, "Strap/Facefuck/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 3, "Facefuck/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "Facefuck/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, "Female", 3, "Facefuck/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetStrapFacePick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 11, "Strap/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Male">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, _subGender, 4, "Strap/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Oral", _domGender, "Female", 11, "Strap/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> /*Vaginal */ <<widget "SetVagPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 51)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 29)>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 29)>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetVagCumInPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 4, "Cum/In/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 1, "Cum/In/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetVagCumOutPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 8, "Cum/Out/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "Cum/Out/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetVagPartnerCumPick">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 1, "partner_cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "partner_cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "partner_cum/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> /* Titfuck */ <<widget "SetTitfuckPic">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _subGender == "Shemale" || _subGender == "Male">> <<set _subGender = "Female">> <</if>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Titfuck", _domGender, _subGender, 5)>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetTitfucCumkPic">> <<set _domGender = _args[0]>> <<set _subGender = _args[1]>> <<if _subGender == "Shemale" || _subGender == "Male">> <<set _subGender = "Female">> <</if>> <<if _domGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Titfuck", _domGender, _subGender, 3, "Cum/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> /*Other */ <<widget "Interaction">> <<set _dom = _args[0]>> <<set _sub = _args[1]>> <<set _domGender = _dom.gender()>> <<set _subGender = _sub.gender()>> <<if _domGender == "Shemale">> <<set _domGender = "Female">> <</if>> <<if _subGender == "Shemale">> <<set _subGender = "Female">> <</if>> <<if $interaction == "Kiss" && (_domGender != "Male" && _subGender == "Male")>> <<set _subGender = "Female">> <<set _domGender = "Male">> <</if>> <<run _pic = "Media\\Interactions\\" + $interaction + "\\" + _subGender + "\\" + _domGender + "\\0.webm">> <<if (($interaction == "Touch Ass" || $interaction == "Touch boobs") && _subGender == "Male") == false>> <<Video _pic>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetGloryHolePic">> <<set _charGender = _args[0]>> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("GloryHole", _charGender, 1)>> <<if _charGender == "Male" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 1, "partner_cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Shemale" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "partner_cum/")>> <<elseif _domGender == "Female" && _subGender == "Female">> <<set _pick = GetSexPick("Vag", _domGender, _subGender, 0, "partner_cum/")>> <</if>> <</widget>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<widget "Chat">> <<set _char = _args[0]>> <<set _jobTitle = ( == "None" ? "Citizen" :>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered(, "knows you") == false && != "external" && == false>> <<set _gender = _char.gender()>> <<switch _gender>> <<case "Female">> <<if _char.getAgeText() == "Young">> <<set _gender = "girl">> <<else>> <<set _gender = "woman">> <</if>> <<case "Male">> <<set _gender = "man">> <<case "Shemale">> <<if _char.getAgeText() == "Young">> <<set _gender = "shemale">> <<else>> <<set _gender = "shemale">> <</if>> <</switch>> <<set _charName = _char.getFatText() + " " + ( + " " + _gender + " (" + _jobTitle + ")">> <<elseif == true>> <<set _charName = 'You'>> <<elseif == "external">> <<set _charName = ''>> <<else>> <<set _charName = ' (_jobTitle)'>> <</if>> <<set _icon = _char.getPhotoImage()>> <<set _text = _args[1]>> <div class="chat-container"> <div class="chat-message"> <img class="avatar" @src="_icon" alt="Avatar"> <div class="message-content"> <span class="name">_charName</span> <p class="text">_text</p> </div> </div> </div> <</widget>> <<widget "Chat-Phone">> <<set _char = _args[0]>> <<set _text = _args[1]>> <<set _isPhoneText = _args[2]>> <<set _icon = _char.getPhotoImage()>> <<if == true>> <<set _msgType = "message sent">> <<else>> <<set _msgType = "message received">> <</if>> <div class="chat-messages"> <div @class="_msgType"> <div class="message-info"> <img @src="_icon" alt="Icon" class="icon"/> <<if == true>> <span class="name">You</span> <<else>> <span class="name"><<print ''>></span> <</if>> </div> <span class="message-content">_text</span> <<if _isPhoneText == true>> <span class="message-time">10:31 AM</span> <</if>> </div> </div> <</widget>> <<widget "ChatMessage">> <div class="chat-container"> <p class="text">$args[0]</p> </div> <</widget>> <<widget "ChatMessage-Phone">> <div class="message info"> <span class="message-content">_args[0]</span> </div> <</widget>> <<widget "DisplayCharacters">> <<set _displayCharacters = $args[0]>> <div style="padding-top: 15px;" class="characters-grid"> <<for _i = 0; _i < _displayCharacters.length; _i++>> <<set _characterId = _displayCharacters[_i]>> <<set _character = $Characters[_characterId]>> <<if passage() == "DormRoom" && != $ && $playerFollowers.includes( == false>> <<continue>> <</if>> <<set _friendship = $player.getRelationship(>> <<set _love = $player.getRelationship(>> <<if _love > 75 && _love < 90>> <<set _charColor = "#F8BBD0">> <<elseif _love >= 90>> <<set _charColor = "#EC407A">> <<elseif _friendship <= -100>> <<set _charColor = "#FF0000">> <<elseif _friendship > -100 && _friendship < -75>> <<set _charColor = "#FF3333">> <<elseif _friendship >= -75 && _friendship < -50>> <<set _charColor = "#FF6666">> <<elseif _friendship >= -50 && _friendship < -25>> <<set _charColor = "#FF9966">> <<elseif _friendship >= -25 && _friendship < 0>> <<set _charColor = "#FFCC66">> <<elseif _friendship >= 0 && _friendship < 25>> <<set _charColor = "#FFFFFF">> <<elseif _friendship >= 25 && _friendship < 50>> <<set _charColor = "#99FF66">> <<elseif _friendship >= 50 && _friendship < 75>> <<set _charColor = "#66FF66">> <<elseif _friendship >= 75 && _friendship < 100>> <<set _charColor = "#33FF33">> <<elseif _friendship >= 100>> <<set _charColor = "#00FF00">> <</if>> <<capture _character>> <<set _knowsYou = $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered(, "knows you")>> <<if _character.characterEvents.isEventRegistered(, "Is Head Girl") == true>> <<set _jobTitle = "Head Girl">> <<else>> <<set _jobTitle = ( == "None" ? "Citizen" :>> <</if>> <<set _characterIcon = _character.getPhotoImage()>> <<if $playerFollowers.includes(>> <<set _followStatus = " <br>(Follow you)">> <<else>> <<set _followStatus = " ">> <</if>> <<if _knowsYou == true>> <<set _name = + " " + + " (" + _jobTitle + ")" + _followStatus >> <<else>> <<set _gender = _character.gender()>> <<switch _gender>> <<case "Female">> <<if _character.getAgeText() == "Young">> <<set _gender = "girl">> <<else>> <<set _gender = "woman">> <</if>> <<case "Male">> <<set _gender = "man">> <<case "Shemale">> <<if _character.getAgeText() == "Young">> <<set _gender = "shemale">> <<else>> <<set _gender = "shemale">> <</if>> <</switch>> <<set _name = _character.getFatText() + " " + ( + " " + _gender + " (" + _jobTitle + ")">> <</if>> <<set _fullName = "<img style='border-color: " + _charColor + "' class='avatar-list' @src='_characterIcon' alt='Avatar'><p style='color: " + _charColor + "'>_name</p>">> <div class="btn btn--tw-link"> <<button _fullName "Checkknowns">> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_character)>> <<set $interactionNpc = $Characters[$indexNPC]>> <<if $interactionNpc.clothes.isNude(($interactionNpc.gender() == "Male")) == true>> <<run $interactionNpc.wearMaximumClothing()>> <<run $interactionNpc.AddCloth(false, true)>> <</if>> <</button>> </div> <</capture>> <</for>> </div> <</widget>> <<widget "SaveLocation">> <<run $ = passage()>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetBackground">> <<if $gameSettings.fadeBackground == undefined>> <<set $gameSettings.fadeBackground = false>> <</if>> <<if $args[0]>> <<set $backgroundCache = $args[0]>> <<if $gameSettings.fadeBackground == false>> <div class="background-container-without-fade"> <img @src="_args[0]" alt="Background"> </div> <<else>> <div class="background-container"> <img @src="_args[0]" alt="Background"> </div> <</if>> <<elseif typeof $backgroundCache != "undefined">> <<if $gameSettings.fadeBackground == false>> <div class="background-container-without-fade"> <img @src="$backgroundCache" alt="Background"> </div> <<else>> <div class="background-container"> <img @src="$backgroundCache" alt="Background"> </div> <</if>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "ShowNpcIcon">> <<set _npcInterract = $args[0]>> <<set _characterIcon = _npcInterract.getPhotoImage()>> <img class="chat-image" @src="_characterIcon" alt="Avatar"> <</widget>> <<widget "SpendEnergy">> <<set _char = $args[0]>> <<set _energySpend = $args[1]>> <<set _resultSpendEnergy = Math.clamp((_energySpend - _char.stats.endurance.value), _char.stats.endurance.min,_char.stats.endurance.max)>> <<run>> <</widget>> <<widget "BackButton">> <div class="btn"><<button "Leave" $>> <<if $args[0]>> $args[0] <</if>> <</button>></div> <</widget>> <<widget "EachLoc">> <<run UpdateSaveAllow()>> <<include "TimeStats">> <<include "UpdateStatBars">> <<include "UpdateEndings">> <<include "RelocateFollowers">> <<if ($gameSettings.defaultAggression == true && rollChance(20)) || ($gameSettings.defaultAggression == false && rollChance($gameSettings.aggressiveChance))>> <<AggressiveEvent>> <<elseif Random(0,100) > 87 && $gameSettings.contentFilter.NPC_Activity == true>> <<if $player.characterEvents.isEventRegistered($, "Is a pimp's whore")>> <<PimpBrothelEvents>> <<else>> <<LocationEvents>> <</if>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "EachActions">> <div class="btn"><<button "Wait">><<Wait>><</button>></div> <</widget>> <<widget "DisplayRooms">> <<set _rooms = $args[0]>> <<for _room range _rooms>> <<set _fullName = "Room: " + ( + 1)>> <<capture _room>> <div class="btn"><<button _fullName "DormRoom">><<set $currentRoom = _room>><</button>></div> <</capture>> <</for>> <</widget>> <<widget "SpendTime">> <<set $dateTime.minutes += $args[0]>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetTime">> <<set $dateTime.minutes = $args[0].minutes>> <<set $dateTime.hours = $args[0].hours>> <</widget>> <<widget "SpendDay">> <<set $ += 1>> <<set _tempTime = {minutes: 0, hours: 6}>> <<SetTime _tempTime>> <<SpendTime 60>> <</widget>> <<widget "PeopleAround">> <div class="padding-up"> <<set _loca = $Locations[passage()]>> <<DisplayCharacters _loca>> </div> <</widget>> <<widget "TalkAbout">> <<set _char1 = $args[0]>> <<set _char2 = $args[1]>> <<set _varName = $args[2]>> <<set _eventName = $args[3]>> <<set _btnName = "About " + _varName>> <<set _pref = $[_varName].value>> <<set _know = $[_varName]>> <<set _buttonStyle = ''>> <<if _know == true>> <<switch _pref>> <<case 1>> <<set _buttonStyle = 'box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 10px #D0605E; border-radius: 15px;'>> <<case 2>> <<set _buttonStyle = 'box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 10px #D1A55F; border-radius: 15px;'>> <<case 3>> <<set _buttonStyle = 'box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 10px #A7C957; border-radius: 15px;'>> <<case 4>> <<set _buttonStyle = 'box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 10px #6DBE45; border-radius: 15px;'>> <</switch>> <</if>> <<capture _eventName _varName _char1 _char2 _buttonStyle>> <<if _char1.dailyEvents.isEventRegistered(, _eventName) == false>> <div class="btn" @style='_buttonStyle'><<button _btnName "TalkAbout">> <<set $askAbout = _varName>> <<run _char1.dailyEvents.registerEvent(, _eventName, 1)>> <<run $[_varName] = true>> <</button>></div> <<else>> <div class="btn non-interacting" @style='_buttonStyle'><<button _btnName "TalkAbout">> <<set $askAbout = _varName>> <</button>></div> <</if>> <</capture>> <</widget>> <<widget "Video">> <div id="video-container"> <video controls autoplay loop muted> <source @src="_args[0]" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <</widget>> <<widget "ShowRelationsBar">> <<set _char1 = _args[0]>> <<set _char2 = _args[1]>> <<set _show = _args[2]>> /*Friend Love Fear Both */ <<set _friendship = _char1.getRelationship(>> <<set _love = _char1.getRelationship(>> <<set _fear = _char1.getRelationship(>> <div class="progress-bars-container-narrow"> <<if _show == "Friend" || _show == "Both">> <div class="progress-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-title">Friendship</div> <div class="progress-bar-narrow" id="progress1"> <div class="progress" id="friendship-id"></div> </div> <div class="progress-value" id="friendship-id-text">10/100</div> </div> <</if>> <<if _show == "Love" || _show == "Both">> <div class="progress-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-title">Love</div> <div class="progress-bar-narrow" id="progress2"> <div class="progress" id="love-id"></div> </div> <div class="progress-value" id="love-id-text">50/100</div> </div> <</if>> <<if _show == "Fear" || _show == "Both">> <div class="progress-container-narrow"> <div class="progress-title" id="fear-bar">Fear</div> <div class="progress-bar-narrow" id="progress3"> <div class="progress" id="fear-id"></div> </div> <div class="progress-value" id="fear-id-text">0/100</div> </div> <</if>> </div> <<done>> <<if _show == "Friend" || _show == "Both">> <<run UpdateProgressBar("friendship-id", _friendship.value, _friendship.max)>> <<run DisplayText("friendship-id-text", Math.trunc(_friendship.value) + "/" + _friendship.max)>> <</if>> <<if _show == "Love" || _show == "Both">> <<run UpdateProgressBar("love-id", _love.value, _love.max)>> <<run DisplayText("love-id-text", Math.trunc(_love.value) + "/" + _love.max)>> <</if>> <<if _show == "Fear" || _show == "Both">> <<run UpdateProgressBar("fear-id", _fear.value, _fear.max)>> <<run DisplayText("fear-id-text", Math.trunc(_fear.value) + "/" + _fear.max)>> <</if>> <</done>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetSaveBtn">> <<set $canShowStatsBtn = _args[0]>> <<set $gameSettings.allowSaves = _args[0]>> <</widget>> <<widget "HideLeftPanel">> <<set $shouldHideBar = _args[0]>> <<script>> $(document).one(":passagerender", function() { if (State.variables.shouldHideBar) { $('#ui-bar').hide(); } else{ $('#ui-bar').show(); } }); <</script>> <</widget>> <<widget "ResetInterractionNpc">> <<set _newChar = _args[0]>> <<set $interactionNpc = _newChar>> <<set $indexNPC = $Characters.indexOf(_newChar)>> <</widget>> <<widget "IncreaseFriendship">> <<set _char1 = $args[0]>> <<set _char2 = $args[1]>> <<set _value = $args[2]>> <<if _value > 0>> <<set _value += _char1.attributes.speech.value>> <</if>> <<set _relations = {friendship: _value}>> <<set _char2.setRelationship(, _relations)>> <<set _char1.setRelationship(, _relations)>> <<run _textValue = Math.abs(_value)>> <<if _value > 0>> <<ChatMessage 'Friendship increased by _textValue'>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'Friendship has been reduced by _textValue'>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "IncreaseLove">> <<set _char1 = $args[0]>> <<set _char2 = $args[1]>> <<set _value = $args[2]>> <<set _relations = {love: _value}>> <<set _char2.setRelationship(, _relations)>> <<set _char1.setRelationship(, _relations)>> <<run _textValue = Math.abs(_value)>> <<if _value > 0>> <<ChatMessage 'Love increased by _textValue'>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'Love has been reduced by _textValue'>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "IncreaseFear">> <<set _char1 = $args[0]>> <<set _char2 = $args[1]>> <<set _value = $args[2]>> <<set _relations = {fear: _value}>> <<set _char2.setRelationship(, _value)>> <<set _char1.setRelationship(, _value)>> <<run _textValue = Math.abs(_value)>> <<if _value > 0>> <<ChatMessage 'Fear increased by _textValue'>> <<else>> <<ChatMessage 'Fear has been reduced by _textValue'>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "GainExp">> <<if $player.level.value != $player.level.max>> <<set _expGain = _args[0]>> <<if $player.stats.intelligence.value > 0>> <<set _expGain += ($player.stats.intelligence.value + 1)>> <</if>> <<run $player.exp.increase(_expGain)>> <<ChatMessage 'You gain _expGain exp.'>> <<if $player.exp.value == $player.exp.max>> <<if $player.level.value != $player.level.max>> <<run $player.exp.value = 0>> <</if>> <<if $player.exp.max < 200>> <<run $player.exp._max += 5>> <</if>> <<run $player.level.increase(1)>> <<set $skillpoints += 1>> <<ChatMessage 'New level! You gain 1 skill point.'>> <</if>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetRelations">> <<set _char1 = $args[0]>> <<set _char2 = $args[1]>> <<set _relations = $args[2]>> <<if _relations.friendship > 0 && _relations.friendship > 0>> <<run _relations.friendship += (_char1.attractive() / 10)>> <</if>> <<if > 0 && > 0>> <<run += (_char1.attractive() / 10)>> <</if>> <<set _char2.setRelationship(, _relations)>> <<set _char1.setRelationship(, _relations)>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetMood">> <<set _char = $args[0]>> <<set _value = $args[1]>> <<if _value >= 0>> <<run _char.behaviour.mood.increase(_value)>> <<ChatMessage '\'s mood was improved by _value.'>> <<else>> <<run _value = Math.abs(_value)>> <<run _char.behaviour.mood.decrease(_value)>> <<ChatMessage '\'s mood has been reduced by _value.'>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "SetLust">> <<set _char = $args[0]>> <<set _value = $args[1]>> <<if _value >= 0>> <<run _char.stats.lust.increase(_value)>> <<ChatMessage '\'s lust was improved by _value.'>> <<else>> <<run _value = Math.abs(_value)>> <<run _char.stats.lust.decrease(_value)>> <<ChatMessage '\'s lust has been reduced by _value.'>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "ChanceButton">> /* $args[0] - button name $args[1] - passage mark $args[2] - actor $args[3] - reciver $args[4] - need value $args[5] - fatigue mark $args[6] - change values */ <<set _chanceButtonName = $args[0]>> <<set _passageMark = $args[1]>> <<set _chanceActor = $args[2]>> <<set _chanceReciver = $args[3]>> <<set _chanceNeedValue = $args[4]>> <<set _fatigueMark = $args[5]>> <<set _changeValues = $args[6]>> <<run _jsonString = _chanceNeedValue.replace(/(\w+):/g, '"$1":')>> <<run _chanceNeedValue = JSON.parse(_jsonString)>> <<set _checkSexPref = _chanceNeedValue.CheckSexPref>> <<set _chance = GetSuccessChance(_chanceActor, _chanceReciver, _chanceNeedValue, _fatigueMark)>> <<include "CheckActivityPercent">> <<if _checkSexPref == true>> <<if _chanceReciver.checkSexPref(_chanceActor) == false>> <<run _chance = Math.round(subtractPercentage(_chance, 90))>> <</if>> <</if>> <<capture _chance _passageMark _changeValues>> <div class="btn"><<button '_chanceButtonName [_chance\%]' _passageMark>><<set $chance = _chance>> _changeValues<</button>></div> <</capture>> <</widget>> <<widget "CheckChance">> <<set _SuccessPassage = _args[0]>> <<set _FailedPassage = _args[1]>> <<set _DoubleFailedPassage = _args[2]>> <<set _BackPassage = _args[3]>> <<set _eventName = _args[4]>> <<set _additionalData = _args[5]>> <<set _rejectEventName = "Reject " + _eventName>> <<capture _eventName _rejectEventName>> <<run _jsonString = _additionalData.replace(/(\w+):/g, '"$1":')>> <<run _additionalData = JSON.parse(_jsonString)>> <<if $chance >= Random(0,100) && $chance != 0>> <<include _SuccessPassage>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.unregisterEvent($, _rejectEventName)>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, _eventName, 1)>> <<else>> <<if $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.getOrRegisterEvent($, _rejectEventName, 0) >= 1>> <<include _DoubleFailedPassage>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, "Resentment", 1)>> <<if _additionalData.createTwiceBackButton == true>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" _BackPassage>><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <<else>> <<include _FailedPassage>> <<if _additionalData.createBackButton == true>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="btn"><<button "Back" _BackPassage>><</button>></div> </div> <</if>> <</if>> <<run $interactionNpc.dailyEvents.registerEvent($, _rejectEventName, 1)>> <</if>> <</capture>> <<unset $chance>> <</widget>> <<widget "DisplayCharStats">> <<set _char = _args[0]>> <<run _face = _char.body.face>> <<run _breast = _char.body.breastSize>> <<run _ass = _char.body.buttSize>> <<run _fat = _char.body.fat>> /*Stats */ <<run _attributes = _char.attributes>> <<run _cooking =>> <<run _cleaning =>> <<run _medicine = _attributes.medicine>> <<run _chemistry = _attributes.chemistry>> <<run _science =>> <<run _lockpick = _attributes.lockpick>> <<run _sneak = _attributes.sneak>> <<run _hacker = _attributes.hacker>> <<run _explosives = _attributes.explosives>> <<run _guns = _attributes.guns>> <<run _meleeWeapons = _attributes.meleeWeapons>> <<run _speech = _attributes.speech>> <<run _repair =>> <<run _stealing = _attributes.stealing>> <<run _performer = _attributes.performer>> <<run _trade =>> <<run _intelligence = _attributes.intelligence>> <<run _corruption = _attributes.corruption>> <<run _strength = _attributes.strength>> <<run _vitality = _attributes.vitality>> <<run _endurance = _attributes.endurance>> <<run _dexterity = _attributes.dexterity>> <<run _painThreshold = _attributes.painThreshold>> <<run _perception = _attributes.perception>> <<run _luck = _attributes.luck>> /* Reputation */ <<run _photoModel =>> <<run _pornActor =>> /* Body */ <<run _fat = _char.body.fat>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="container-stat-visual"> <p style="text-align: center;">Body</p> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Femininity</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual"><<print Math.trunc(_face.value)>>/_face.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Breast</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual"><<print Math.trunc(_breast.value)>>/_breast.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Butt</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual"><<print Math.trunc(_ass.value)>>/_ass.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Weight</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual"><<print Math.trunc(_fat.value)>>/_fat.max</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="container-stat-visual"> <p style="text-align: center;">Stats</p> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Cooking</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_cooking.value/_cooking.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Cleaning</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_cleaning.value/_cleaning.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Medicine</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_medicine.value/_medicine.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Chemistry</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_chemistry.value/_chemistry.max</div> </div> </div> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Science</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_science.value/_science.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Lockpick</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_lockpick.value/_lockpick.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Sneak</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_sneak.value/_sneak.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Hacker</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_hacker.value/_hacker.max</div> </div> </div> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Explosives</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_explosives.value/_explosives.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Guns</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_guns.value/_guns.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Melee Weapons</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_meleeWeapons.value/_meleeWeapons.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Speech</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_speech.value/_speech.max</div> </div> </div> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Repair</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_repair.value/_repair.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Stealing</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_stealing.value/_stealing.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Performer</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_performer.value/_performer.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Trade</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_trade.value/_trade.max</div> </div> </div> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Intelligence</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_intelligence.value/_intelligence.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Corruption</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_corruption.value/_corruption.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Strength</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_strength.value/_strength.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Vitality</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_vitality.value/_vitality.max</div> </div> </div> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Endurance</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_endurance.value/_endurance.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Dexterity</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_dexterity.value/_dexterity.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Pain Threshold</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_painThreshold.value/_painThreshold.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Perception</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_perception.value/_perception.max</div> </div> </div> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Luck</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual">_luck.value/_luck.max</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <<if == true>> <div class="padding-top"> <div class="container-stat-visual"> <p style="text-align: center;">Reputation</p> <div class="row-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Photo Model</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual"><<print Math.trunc(_photoModel.value)>>/_photoModel.max</div> </div> <div class="stat-card-stat-visual"> <div class="stat-title-stat-visual">Porn Actor</div> <div class="stat-visual-stat-visual"><<print Math.trunc(_pornActor.value)>>/_pornActor.max</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "ShowSurgery">> <<set $surgeryChar = _args[0]>> <<set $characterFaceType = new LimitedInt($surgeryChar.body.faceType.value, $surgeryChar.body.faceType.max, $surgeryChar.body.faceType.min)>> <<goto "PlasticSurgery_Job">> <</widget>> <</nobr>>
<<nobr>> <<switch _chanceButtonName>> <<case "Hug">> <<if _chanceReciver.behaviour.preferences.hug == "negative">> <<run _chance = Math.round(subtractPercentage(_chance, 20))>> <<elseif _chanceReciver.behaviour.preferences.hug == "positive">> <<run _chance = Math.round(increasePercentage(_chance, 20))>> <</if>> <<case "Flirt">> <<if _chanceReciver.behaviour.preferences.flirt == "negative">> <<run _chance = Math.round(subtractPercentage(_chance, 20))>> <<elseif _chanceReciver.behaviour.preferences.flirt == "positive">> <<run _chance = Math.round(increasePercentage(_chance, 20))>> <</if>> <<case "Dirty talk">> <<if _chanceReciver.behaviour.preferences.dirtyTalk == "negative">> <<run _chance = Math.round(subtractPercentage(_chance, 20))>> <<elseif _chanceReciver.behaviour.preferences.dirtyTalk == "positive">> <<run _chance = Math.round(increasePercentage(_chance, 20))>> <</if>> <</switch>> <</nobr>>